[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
Simple example, theoretical flat calculations:
Let's say our FG has 100dps and we have 4 Primordial Harmonies. We can even ignore other flat golems, since without links they don't matter offensively. 1)Mixed 9 (5+1+1+1+1) golem army gives 500dps + (15~20*5)*4 around 400% increased damage = 2500 + golem bonuses like life regen and phys dmg reduction (Sin powers, Basalt Flask and Chaos Golem already make a good defense) 2)Pure FG army (9FG 900 dps with harmonies 80% increased) and no other bonuses = 1620 3)Mixed balanced FG army 7+1+1 700(and 240% increased)=2380 no defense bonuses Yeah, it seems like option 1 is not much better than 3, except slight defensive boost. Última edição por Gosen#5296 em 7 de set de 2018 10:07:10
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Hi mika, want to try a golemancer build and I have a few questions for you
1) I know it's already answered in the FAQ section, but I can't seem to choose between elementalist and necro, which has better boss kill and map clear? sorry if this is asked too much 2) Is it possible to use pure phase run instead of shield charge considering there is no animation for it now? I was thinking phase run-inc duration-enhance 3) I saw that in the video you used totems instead of self casting the lightning ball, possible to give a clarification on that :) 4) Use combustion instead of controlled destruction if im going necro? Thanks a lot Última edição por gong318#4850 em 7 de set de 2018 11:27:49
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whats ur opinion on going chaos inoculation
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Almost there now with the starter Golemancer. Just need to buy the last two harmonies to fill up the couple of spare jewel sockets.
Ended up ditching the quad purity idea in the end. Getting so-so Ventor's with ok resists was about the same price as 10% quant & fairly terrible resists. This way I actually get to run discipline & blasph temp chains + enfeeble. Seemed a better direction to go seeing as if you die in the delve you don't get any of the loot anyway!!! Already seeing some nutty spectre gear like 200 ES + 1 spectre boots so I may consider changing to necro if I can stomach doing the trials and lab itself! That's only really if the the main setup I will be transitioning to has issues clearing stuff like red elder (which I've not really done yet - ever) and some red maps (which I've also never really done)!! Enjoying playing golems again though. Just need GGG to put the golem MTX's on special offer!! |
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I just switch from 5L 5 spectre Solar Guards (SG) to 4L 3 TV and 6L (2r2g2b) 4 FG. I can't tell about the DPS but the clear speed is kinda slower because FG's skill. So my advise for people who playing necro is keep play 5 SG until you feel lack of DPS or want to do end game boss, because switch to FG at this moment cost a lot but does not increase effective.
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" " " Hi :) Mixing is really up to own taste. As "Gosen" put it, boost from FG + ice + Lighting to more Golems is not amazing but can give slight defensive boosts at the cost of losing Gems sockets. "Anakhon" I atually meant that you are losing DPS in tight spaces. Very often on maze like layout 1-2 Golems are stuck in different room and are no shooting with rest of Golems. 1/4 FGs stuck in another room when shooting mobs in multiple directions is 25% DPS loss as 1/8 FGs stuck in another room is only 12,5% DPS if put in very crude way. This is not OFC totally the case but is the reason why I usually recommend running more FGs as the movement AI is still quite limited even with Might. " Thanks for support ^^ Flame Golems and Solar Guards are about equal in clear speed and strength until endgame maps. Basically you can mix FGs and SGs in any ratio you feel is effective or go for the new amulet and use only FGs. IF you go for new amulet, you can put all FGs in your 6 link helmet, which slightly boosts your DPS as you have only 6 link minions then. You can also switch armor + boots to pure EHP (HP + ES) gear with no links after this. Other way is to insert 1x "Unending Hunger" right side if Witch start. This will give specters huge damage boost as pack density is amazing in delves. Specs don't have any cooldowns like Golems, so they can boost themselves as far as they can. One way is to switch shield to Victarios Charity and use Necro Aegis. This especially boosts Specs, but will lower your own dafense. Your gear looks pretty good for the level. I would try to get Enhance for you curses asap to increase defense and select if you want to go with Specs as main skill and boost them or go Golems only for now. " Hi :) 1) Necro is in general bit safer & stronger as you get more boss DPS from TVs and have chance to block attacks. Necro is great as first Golemancer char as it has best Ascendancy nodes. However when Primordial jewels are expensive its harder to start. Elementalist is more easier at mapping. All status immunity makes using flasks optional and you can now use 7x Flame GOlems even without Anima Stone if going for new amulet. Elementalist requires bit more gearing and knowledge of bosses as you wont be blocking any attacks, but is very easy char to play once you reach high Temp Chains to keep mobs at bay. 2) Good point. Just tested Phase Run in standard and it works "ok". it still has annoying 0.5 sec cooldown if not taking more skill duration nodes but lasts about 3.5 sec with inc dur support and normal Necro nodes. For third support you can use Enhance if your rich. Each level in enhance gives Phase Run 4% more movement speed. Normal lvl 4 gave me about 12% extra movement which is huge. 3) I usually use totems when I absolutely have to move and cant stop casting. They are nice as you can put them and not worry about it fow a while as it casts EE on boss. However they have bad habit on dying before first cast. They have placement time, slower cast time and then spell cast. Many times boss destroys new totem before it can even cast spell once to apply EE. 4) Combustion is better when using both Golems + Specs. TV Specs will apply -24% fire res dabuff and with combustion FGs will add their own -20% from Combustion. This is huge reduction in res even if EE is not active and mob is outside of Ele Weak range. " Hi :) I think CI is not worth taking anymore. Chaos damage is very rare in endgame atm (was common in Incursion) at least so far. You can cap chaos res even with rare items now and 2-2,5k HP buffer keeps you alive against all chaos damage. " Hey :) Good to hear the build is shaping nicely. New boots with +1 Spec are extremely nice and not even very expensive. Boost from Bones or Ullr is amazing. I can highly recommend Flame Golem waifu mtx. Especially with new amulet they are very small are cute ;) " Hi :) yep, it's slight drop to total clear-speed when splitting FGs / Specs. TV's are great at boss killing but don't really have clear-speed. They can be extremely useful in high level map boss fights when fight as to end as soon as possible, but it's lot faster to level <t13 maps with only FGs or FGs + SGs. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 8 de set de 2018 03:29:58
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what is the best gem setup(6L) for the pure golem(with the neck) build?
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Absolutely love the build and the guild, thanks!
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Hi, im planning to go occultist, with 1 clayshaper and primordial chain.
Main aim of the build will be to clear high tier maps safely. 7 flame golems, blasphemy temporal chains and enfeeble. If you want to check my golem char, it is my only character in Delve Will the vertex + 2 curses in them be the best in slot for helmet? Which boots do you recommend to use? Golems move very fast with chain, what rings should i use now? Which flasks should i use? Última edição por AT_Blitzy#3513 em 9 de set de 2018 13:55:32
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Now I need the approximate dps value of 4l Spectre power.
Proportions are still base 100 dps for FG. I want to compare Primordial Chain (5+1+1+1+1) against Spectre mix (4+1+1 +3 spectres). Considering we have 4 Harmonies. Now... With Primordial Chain our base FG has 65 (-35% less dps), but we have 5 different golems (Harmony boost) and 5 FG. Approximately it gives us 1600 dps. With Spectres (which value is crucial to compare) out FG starts with 100, but we only have 4+1+1 and the final value would be around 1300. Still we have to add Spectres and that's my problem... How can we compare Spectre strength with FG? I'm pretty sure that Spectres from red map has bigger potential, but they're not affected by our jewels and while Elementalist the lack of 100% increased damage is a huge loss (but in the other hand if we're not Elemntalist getting into 6 golems is impossible anyway without the Chain). Even if our 4L Spectre has similar power to 5L-6L FG, that makes things equal (+our golems have more life, which seemed to be a problem for me on more rippy maps, when my golems start to die). You say that TV are good for bosses, but to be honest I didn't feel that my golem army lacked dps against bosses. If Spectre from high tier maps are much better than golems (which as I say from the start - is completely unknown for me), than it's better to have specters, especially if we're Necromancer, otherwise we don't need them. Última edição por Gosen#5296 em 9 de set de 2018 05:31:54
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