[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
IGN: rapedby_fps inv boss
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" Hello :) For everything that scales with levels, like Golems and most minion (just the minion) Gems level is better. For everything that scales with Enhance and quality, like Temporal Chains and Blasphemy, quality is better. Rule is that if most base effect comes from gem level, try to raise levels first. For Flame Golems extra level gives both base DPS and HP, so it will be better than just extra quality. Bottom side of Flame Golem wiki page you can see true table about what extra levels give to FG. GCP can't unfortunately be used on corrupt gem. " Hey :) It's fun to follow how your build develops ^^ There's always new stuff to learn even from non-optimal builds, and most of my alternative skill gem / gear tricks come from my own tests. Most of them have been pretty janky, but I always learn something from them. Your right that in Delves you should be able to summon new Specs right away, so that makes them better even without minion res gem. Feel free to join guild any time you want. Even I run other builds once in a while, but most important thing is the love for Golems ;) Thanks for support! I will keep working with Golems for many leagues to come :) " " Hi :) Just sent you both invitations, welcome to the guild! ^^ UPDATE Guild got very generous donation from one of the guild members! \o/ Now we have 120 members, and 9/120 slots free. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 22 de set de 2018 03:07:10
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Guys, can you tell me breakpoints for golem's skill cooldown? I've seeen them somewhere, but can't remember where/
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Hi Mika, for endgame with 3 TVs and 4 FGs.. would it be better to use flammability aura? (Apologise if this has been discussed, cos there are too many pages to browse through.)
Seems like the benefits are better in terms of -fire resistances and also increases chance for ignite, which overall boost damage vs elemental weakness. Maybe can put this in the faq section? |
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" Quality on Ele Weakness also boosts elemental penetration so a 20/20 Ele Weakness penetrates 44% of all elemental resistances. Flammability penetrates the same 44% at level 20 and quality just adds some extra ignite duration. I would imagine for group play having elemental weakness is more beneficial to the party as a whole. Assuming you are running combustion anyway your flame golems should already have a good chance of igniting. If you are not running groups then you don't really give up anything since all the damage we will be doing is fire damage of one sort and some extra chance to ignite can't hurt - however given the number of attacks 4 flame golems make I'm not sure the extra chance is really needed. So yeah, feel free to run flammability if you prefer or if it's much cheaper to buy a leveled one with quality. In the past when I stacked 4 curses I would have both flammability and ele weakness on hit. Given the less effect of curses on bosses having them cursed with both actually saw quite a lot of penetration with EE on top. Última edição por DrHarvey12#0114 em 24 de set de 2018 10:41:44
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Thanks DrHarvey12 for the reply, yeah i’ll give flammability a go to see how it turned out,
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" Hello :) I don't unfortunately have the data at least for the new "fixed" version of Harmonies. 4-5 Harmonies should be enough to let Golems cast without delays, but if you want to tweak number of Harmonies / Eminences, it goes to very specific calculations. " " " Hey :) Np, the guide and thread are pretty long ^^ Harvey is right, Elemental Weakness scales well with quality and that way with Enhance. Level 20/20 Flammability gives -44% fire res. Level 20/20 Elemental Weakness with lvl 4 Enhance and +1 level item gives -39% (level) + -5% (base quality) + -8% (lvl 5 Ehnance) = -52% all res total. Of course not everyone will be running with lvl 5 Enhances, but it scales as far as you can throw money at it. In +1 corrupted "Magna Eclipsis" Ele Weak 21/20 with lvl 4 Enhance would give -58% all ele res. Combustion takes care of igniting Enemies for -20% ele res debuff and to activate Immolation in helmet, if using Solar Guards. However some players like to run Flamma over Ele Weak or both Flamma + Ele Weak, so choice is up to own taste. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 24 de set de 2018 14:03:53
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" Oops - I completely forgot that aspect of running it with enhance. So Ele Weakness is always better in that case!! Anyway, I have bought up the last few pieces I need to transition over to Spectres. Well, still need a few more support gems I haven't leveled and to get my flasks sorted but hopefully will have that done tomorrow. It's kinda crazy that after losing all the ES from my helm plus having to try and get a shield with mana reduction to socketed gems, I'm not too sure yet if I will actually be much tankier than my MF version! Hopefully I will have a lot more damage though which is a defense in and of itself! Mika, I've got one of the Lich Bosses in my mine so having just hit lvl 93 (which was my target level goal for the league I think) I figured I can give him a go - not died in quite a while now which is not really normal for me! Figured he wouldn't be too hard at mine lvl 150 ish - around T9 or so. I mean T9 bosses melt so............ I Got absolutely destroyed!!!! His channeled ability took me from full 10k to zero in less than 2 seconds. Thought I might have missed something obvious so tried it again. Absolutely destroyed by his channeled ability again. So when you are feeling up to it Mika I could use your boss killing skills!! XD I'll try to post my gear tomorrow if that is when I transition. Be nice to see how this variant plays. Hope you are well and having a good week :) Última edição por DrHarvey12#0114 em 24 de set de 2018 14:32:54
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Gyus, i need a recommendation. Have 15-20 ex, what upgrade first in my gear?
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" Your gear already looks really nice to me. I'm sure Mika will advise on the best way to spend your currency. I would maybe look into stuff like a 21/20 flame golem, level 4 empower and a level 4 enhance to put in your vertex and boost your blasphemies socketed in there. But again - see what Mika says before you buy anything! Hey Mika, Finally made the change to spectres. This is my gear so far:
Flasks are self found / crafted so a little meh! I kinda ran out of money when it came to jewelry so those were just cheap and that fixed my resists! Happy that it IS more EHP them the MF version. MF version had 9.7k EHP - 3k Life & 6.7k ES. 75% ele resists & -10 chaos. This Spectre version has 11.2k EHP. 2k Life & 9.2k ES. Same 75% ele resists but now also 75%+ chaos resist. Also stun immunity and a lvl 4 enhance over my previous lvl 2 (3) in the Vertex. Plus minions should be blinding bosses most of the time. TV's are only T9 level so far but have ran them through some t8/9 maps and so far they have been fine. I haven't lost any at least!! XD I did a quick test on a shaped arid lake fully enraged boss - which previously was actually a little sketchy from his chaos aura for me. So much I had started doing him with only 2 nests broken. Now my life didn't seem to nudge at all. Plus once he stopped charging all over the place and stayed still attacking my minions his life just disappeared so fast!!! Almost like just golems on a non-enraged version so I definitely think the TV's are doing quite a lot on bosses that stand in their SR's AOE for more than a few seconds. Also flame golems are now 30k ish life with 5.5k life regen. That is so much more than I ever really had before. In past leagues they were closer to 20k life with 3k or lower regen. All in all happy with how this has gone. Now trying to save up to start buying red maps and looking to see how deep I can go in the Atlas (and the delve too)!!! I will keep the MF gear I think. I will probably need an astramentis as an easy replacement for my presence to meet str & dex requirements but it is still pretty good for running through alch'd t5 to t7's - just so much more ccy drops that every so often it is nice to run some lower content to stock up a little on alch's, scours and chisels. I hate having to buy that stuff myself but I'm normally only running that level of content anyway so I guess we'll see if running red maps seems better (or sustainable)! Thx again for all the help / advice along the way. Última edição por DrHarvey12#0114 em 25 de set de 2018 08:34:39
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