[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
i know its not the best way but im looking to use the neck to be a pure golem build would it be worth going with 2 clayshapers or is necromantic aegis to good to lose my plan is to grab saqawal's nest get a level 3 enlighten better gems for flame golem also what is the best golems to use as ele ive been running 4 flame golems 1 stone 1 ice 1 lighting still need to buy a stone to have 2 more golems
Última edição por healzr#5372 em 14 de nov de 2018 17:56:36
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I have been wanting to try a golem build for a bit. I was just curious if anyone has an opinion on how this build stacks up vs. Ice golems? (the snowybois build in particular). I am not a big fan of specters. But I assume this build is functional maybe without them? Is it capable of delve 600?
I been playing oro flicker / molten strike for a while now and just looking for a change of pace and play. But I have a lot of currency to throw down on something. Is it worth heavy investments? |
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" Hello :) We can see your profile but not characters yet. Right path is : - My account -> Privacy settings -> uncheck "Hide Characters tab" Wraithlord is pretty bad item as Specs only get 4% more damage per level and they have enough HP already with Soul Weaver. Pseudo 6-link would give them tons more damage and even Vertex would work better if using curses in it. Glad to hear we could help ;) " " Hey :) For comparison : Flame Golems + TV Specs + Highest total damage + Balanced - Has to use Spectres Pure Flame Golems + Fastest clear speed - Weaker boss damage Pure Ice Golems + High boss damage - Weaker clear speed Flame Golems have excellent clear speed and can shoot trash mobs in 1-2 volleys across the screen. However they turn to weaker spells at boss fight which lowers their boss killing damage. Ice Golems have excellent single target damage. However they don't have real projectile attack and clearing trash takes longer than with Flame Golems. Using Occultist fixes part of this but makes single damage weaker than with Elementalist. TV Specs are necessary evil for balanced clear-speed & boss killing. Their single target damage is truly monstrous and they apply -24% fire resistance debuff boosting Flame Golems damage also. Snowbois is excellent build and I can highly recommend it if you want to go Golems only. However mixing minions and giving them clear roles gives highest total damage / clear, but wont be truly "pure" Golemancer. Flame Golems also work as pure Golems build, and have great clear-speed and good boss kills speed. Necro Aegis with Victarios is excellent as it both gives more damage than extra Golem would and also gives Golems decent block against physical bosses like Minotaur. With Primordial Chains this is very relevant. For overall quality of life if using Elementalist and Golems only setup, I like using : - Flame Golems as main - 1x Ice and 1x Lightning in "chance to blind" gloves with GMP as they both have projectile attack and can perma blind bosses. They also gives immunity too burn / freeze / chill and shock - Death's Door boots for bleed immunity This setup gives extra option for flasks and has very easy mapping. Occultist variant can go very deep in delves thanks to massive regen and Temp Chains + Hexproof cursing making sure mobs can barely attack you. I got bored collecting recourse to access Delves around 200, but Guild members have hit 300-400+. If i remember correctly some posters were near 600+. I hope Delves didn't require the recourse gathering... [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 15 de nov de 2018 03:08:27
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Hey Mika,
So it sounds like you got a little annoyed with the sulphite grind as well for Delving? I lost interest in the league after a few weeks. Typically for me I gear up my character and then move onto another one. I don't really play the fully geared characters a lot as odd as that sounds! And this league the idea of creating a new character with the sulphite grind was too much of a hassle so I just quit. Played some Grim Dawn instead. Recently came back though. Decided to give a Poets Pen Arc build a go for fun. Plan on doing low level delves - say 120 to 130 where the sulphite gain from mid yellows feels fairly nice and gives you a decent amount of delving when you feel like it. At least it is a balance I like. New league sounds really good though. If golems and spectres don't get touched I think they will "burn" through the content very efficiently. I don't usually play golems two leagues in a row but strongly considering them for next league. Anyway, hope you are well :) |
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" Hi again.Woops my bad I left "Hide Characters Tab" checked. I just unchecked it so my character should be checkable now. Thank you for ur recommendation. Ill replace my wraithlord once I get better one. I can summon up to lv 100 specs. any tips I could use to do that? currently using lv 70ish specs and doing t5ish maps to level up and farm higher tier maps. Once again thank you for all the help. You and the others have made me enjoy my necro and PoE !!! |
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Hi Awaw,
I've had a quick look at your character. Do you have the anima stone which gives two extra golems when you have 3 or more primordial jewels equipped? If not then you might be better off just running spectres until you can afford the anima stone and 3 or 4 primordial harmonies. It could be worth getting a helm that has socketed gems are supported by minion life and minion damage as a pseudo 6-link as Mika suggests. Alternatively you could look to buy a tabula rasa which is a basic 6-link. It may even be worth re-speccing one of your ascendancies to grab soul weaver for the massive boost to spectre life and damage. If you do focus on spectres then probably try solar guards. They have very good clear and decent enough boss damage for white and yellow maps. Especially if you run them in a 6-link like a tabula. There are alot of guides for solar guards - Ghazzy has a good one and a vid as well on YT which explains how they work. Then you can come back to golems / spectres once you have a few more of the pieces. |
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" Hello :) Yep, I have attention span of a common house-cat and ggg seems to require massive number of hours grinding to reach the "fun". League was pretty fun and I like the mechanics but I'm hoping it gets slight rework until hitting standard. Golems were very strong in both Delve and Incursion league and both are coming back at once. However minions were pretty terrible at start in Beastiary as they straight massacred beasts until they were patched so that you can capture dead beasts. So now there are 3x mechanics where Golems can shine :P 100% in for the next league and guild adds much enjoyment to it. Hope to cu in next league o/ " " Hey :) Just checked you char and I have same advice as Harvey. I would also get either pseudo 6-link helmet or Tabula Rasa and run Solar Guard Spectres until you have Anima Stone. Respeccing mistress of sacrifice to Soul Weaver is also good move as Spectres are currently your main skill. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f |
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" Hi thank you for your response. No I don't have anima stone yet and it will take some time until I get one. So I just got myself a helm with supported minion damage and 15% minion damage. do you think this is a good one for now? I cant afford tabula currently. I haven't done my 4th labyrinth yet so i don't think i need to respec as i can get soul weaver once i have done it Thanks for the advice ! |
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" Thank you for your detailed response. I have to say at the 11th hour of the league bossing and delving is a little more important to me then clear speed. Maybe an Occulist ice golem build is the way forward for me? Elementalist also seem to have some perks when it comes to bossing. Will have to ponder it ogre a little. Thanks again. |
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How to "fight" with lags from magma balls cascades? any known tips?:)
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