[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist

mfa1486 escreveu:
well now i'm confused what the best Necro / Occult / Elementalist» ?

I will recommends you read two sections of the guide...

First post see


Occultist got changed to also support minions with her nodes now. While not adding direct damage to minions, the nodes are very useful as utility and high level minions deal enough damage even without Necromancer minion damage nodes. Benefits from changing Ascendancy to Occultist are :

Profane Bloom and Malediction side

- 16% increased energy shield
Nice buff to ES
- +25% effectiveness of curses
With inserting 20/20 Temporal Chains, 20/20 Blasphemy and lvl 4 Enhance in "+1 level to Gems" item, effectiveness is enough to reach reach -75% Temporal chains cap without ANY curse effectiveness nodes from tree. No need to farm Lab for helmet enhancement.
- Your curses can apply to hexproof enemies
This stops almost any non-boss pack or enemies being able to kill us when Temporal Chains is at max level and active
- Cursed enemies you or your minions kill have 25% chance to explode, dealing a quarter of their maximum life as chaos damage
Golems have already greatest coverage with huge, overlapping Magma Balls. Now they can start carpet bombing enemies whole pack will be covered with Balls and enemies can explode in one big bang after first of the pack dies. This is Herald for minion.
- Enemies can have 1 additional curse
This saves 3x skill tree nodes as build is running 2x active curse
- Enemies you curse have Malediction
10% less damage taken and minions will do 10% increased damage to enemies. Nice bonus to survival against bosses.

Wicked Ward and Vile Bastion side

- 16% increased energy shield & 30% faster ES recharge rate
Nice buff to ES
- 250 flat ES
Builds default armor "Skin Of The Loyal" has line "100% increased Global Defences". This works with the added ES and increases it even further
- Energy shield recharge is not interrupted by damage if recharge began recently
Massive quality of life node. With faster recharge rate from smaller nodes, this means that ES regens almost as reliably as HP
- 1% of energy shield regenerated per second for each enemy you or your minion has killed recently, up to 30%
This means 10-30% ES regen per second while clearing even as moderate speed. ES will be full almost all time while clearing maps.
- Cannot be stunned while you have energy shield
Presence of Chayula will still probably be the best amulet for the build, but this helps a lot while still saving for it. Now Bisco farmers can run without fear of stun and not taking anti-stun Pahtheon.

Golems damage actually scales more with Primordial Harmonies, than with minion damage from tree. While Necromancers Ascendancy tree gives them roughly 20% more damage, the extra effect from curses with Occultist may easily replace it against non-boss enemies. Build can still run 2-3x Tukohama Vanguard -Specters for extra boss kill damage even if not using Necromancer.


Changes from Necromancer final free
  • Drop "Whispers of Doom" as Occultist gives extra curse
  • Drop "Skittering Runes" as Occultist gives curse effectiveness
  • Take "Devotion" to boost health and Energy Shield
  • Take 2x energy shield nodes behind "Arcane Focus" to boost Energy Shield
  • Occultist can't use "Bone Offering" to raise own chance to block like Necromancer can. This makes using shield for own protection less effective and shields offensive and defensive benefits can be given to minions by taking "Necromantic Aegis"

Path Of Building


As Elementalist build can drop quite a bit of Defenses as chance to block is significantly lower than with Necromancers Bone Offering and "Mistress of Sacrifice". Necromantic Aegis is taken to give charge generating for Golems.

Specters are still used as they are best at boss killing with their massive single target damage. However in helmet we need "Minion Life support" and "Minion Damage Support" as Specters have less life than with Necromancer.

All minion resistance nodes can't be dropped as Animate Guardian would drop below capped, and I dont recommend dropping Animate Guardian since its "6% area health regen per second" on block keeps Specters alive very well. However the rare jewel with minion elemental resistances can be dropped for Primordial harmony.

4x Flame Golems, 1x Ice Golem, 1x Lightning Golem, 2x Specters and 1x Animate Guardian



  • Elementalist can't use "Bone Offering" to raise own chance to block like Necromancer can. This makes using shield for own protection less effective and shields offensive and defensive benefits can be given to minions by taking "Necromantic Aegis"
  • Change "Bones of Ullr" boots to "Death's Door" boots for bleed immunity
  • Try to trade or craft Shaped gloves with "Socketed Gems are supported by Level 16-20 Blind"
  • Drop "Storm Burst" from gloves and insert Ball Lightning (level 1) -> Greater Multiple Projectiles Support (level 20) -> Lightning Golem (level 20)-> Ice Golem (level 20)

Path Of Building


This variant is more defense oriented. Damage is still very high, but it adds immunities to freeze, chill, burn, shock and bleeding while also adding chance to blind for 2x Golems and "Elemental Equilibrium" triggering "Ball Lightning" skill.

Variant requires more changes to gear and has higher starting cost, but has excellent balance between damage and survival when everything is set.

  • Kill all for 2 passive skill points


  • Commander of Darkness
  • Mistress Of Sacrifice
  • Invoker
  • Soul Weaver


  • Soul of the Brine King (Major god)

Use for stun immunity before getting "Presence Of Chayula" amulet

  • Soul of Lunaris (Major god)

Use for dodge and chain immunity after getting "Presence Of Chayula" amulet

  • Soul of Abberath (Minor god)

Burning ground immunity makes map mods lot easier

Skill Tree


Path Of Building

"Path of Building" is great offline tool that can import characters data if they are public. This tool is only ways to really calculate minions damage as tooltip doesn't show even estimate.




Benefits compared to others
- Easiest to play
- Cheapest to gear
- High chance to block
- Deals most single target DPS
- Tankiest Specters with "Soul Weaver"
- Offerings affect you
- 50% faster Convocation

Weaknesses compared to others
- Average clear-speed

Scores (1-5, higher is better)
- Total damage : 4
- Single target damage : 5
- Defense : 4


Benefits compared to others
- Tankiest with good end-game gear
- Massive ES Regen keeps ES full almost all the time
- Can curse hexproof enemies
- Extra curse from Ascendancy
- Stun Immunity
- Minions chaos explosions give excellent clear-speed
- More freedom of choice as Desecrate + Offerings are not mandatory

Weaknesses compared to others
- Lowest single target DPS
- Specters need "minion life support" in helmet to survive endgame boss fights
- Needs endgame gear to tank and clear at high speed

Scores (1-5)
- Total damage : 3
- Single target damage : 3
- Defense : 5


Benefits compared to others
- Status immunity (freeze, chill, burn, shock & bleed[requires specific boots])
- Blinded enemies[requires specific gloves] (50% chance to evade melee attacks)
- Can swap status removal flasks to other types
- Not worrying about any ailments makes playing maps very relaxing
- More freedom of choice as Desecrate + Offerings are not mandatory

Weaknesses compared to others
- Specters need "minion life support" in helmet to survive endgame boss fights
- Boots and gloves needed for bleed immunity and chance to blind are expensive

Scores (1-5)
- Total damage : 4,5
- Single target damage : 4
- Defense : 3

Última edição por Durish#3671 em 19 de dez de 2018 18:32:05
i'm sry i'll not be shy to say i'm new in game lol i've read them and in fact that's which make me confused i need end game Endgame destroyer and boss killer :D and the point all of them good but for exp will be diff :D

mfa1486 escreveu:
i'm sry i'll not be shy to say i'm new in game lol i've read them and in fact that's which make me confused i need end game Endgame destroyer and boss killer :D and the point all of them good but for exp will be diff :D

Im playing as Necro. Shaper, Red Elder and Uber Atziri down very easy. Need try Uber Elder now.
Just want to say a huge thanks to you for making this guide!

First time trying a golem build, first time on shaper fight and I just one-shoted him :D deathless run. Even as a minion build, I'm really enjoying playing it after 90, golems are the best.

Thanks man <3 really nice job
Crafted some decent upgrade boots over bones. These gave me about 600 ES boost. The rest was a nice bonus. I think it took me 7 tries with Dense/Bound fossils.

Última edição por NSUCK#0844 em 19 de dez de 2018 21:35:16
with 2k1 hp 6k2 ES, why i feel it so paper, sometime get one shot and die
I don't use Necro Aegis and my minions didn't even died in a tiers 15 so i'll assume i'll never need it, i'll probably try to get mind barrier to see how much ES i can get out of it vs getting 3 max energy shield% nodes, with my current shield i should get 150 to 170 flat ES, so with % bonus applied to it it'll probably bump me close to 7K ES total after.. if it's not good enough i can still respec it ! :p

again thanks for your guide, clear speed is excellent, and so far it's styling on the Syndicate

Thanks for support ^^

Luckily respeccing in Poe is done easy and one of it's best points as tree can be customized. I'd say it might we worth it especially if you get to buy legacy shield after league ;)

Feel really weird saying this, but convocation has become one of my most used buttons now. I was not here when they changed it(Abyss was my last league with golems), but was so surprised when I found out it is an instant skill now.

I believe during Abyss I had it linked to cast when damage taken, but with it being instant and such a low cool down now with Invoker, I'm really loving it.

Also, I've got three specs this time instead of two. Went to fight Hydra, got in a constant close call situation where I kept almost dying for about 25 seconds straight at the start of the battle, because of my own dumb positioning, and just when I finally thought "OK, almost back to full ES" heard the Hydra die... that's so insane how fast the vanguards kill him with an extra one this league.

Edit: Wow, I've been looking for a melee splash clayshaper for animate guardian all league, after not seeing one I look it up, they got rid of that corruption it looks like, unless I'm just missing it on the wiki.

Hey :)

TVs really cook bosses nice and crisp fast. With 4th one from Vis Mortis bosses really start dying in seconds.

GGG has made some nice upgrades to summoner skills like convocation cooldown reduction and making it instant. It's pretty useful to use manually Incursions or Syndicate laboratories where you have limited time and tight spaces.

Clayshaper corruption was unfortunately removed but still be found in standard as legacy.

Oh wow that helmet is sick, but I really love temporal chains- something about seeing syndicates leap at me in slow motion only to die in the air xD.

Since I prefer my temporal chains helmet, would near capped temporal chains be a big enough defense boost to warrant the use of Victario's Charity + Necromatic Aegis?

I've ran it through PoB and I would go from 11.5k ES/H to 10k. I haven't died in a while and since syndicates were nerfed do you still think it'd be a good idea?

Hello :)

Thanks, the helmet costed me all my savings :P

Temp Chains is truly one of strongest skills in Poe. I remember exactly how it feel like random exile starts to leap slam you and stops mid air. You get 1-2 sec to move away before poor guy hits the ground.

Need for defenses comes down to own skill / play-style. You have very high EHP already, so only few moves in whole game should be able to 1-shot you anymore. If you know the dangerous boss moves to dodge, you should be ok with using Charity. Charges give huge clear-speed boost to minions and after Synd nerf it should be safe ;)

If you're leveling funded, it's far from a struggle to get this or similar builds rolling. Oddly enough, without any supporting nodes really, I've had the easiest time leveling ever (except when night's hold didn't require level 25 or when legacy facebreakers were just facebreakers)!

The basic gist is don't level as a pure summoner. Summon whatever you can, but level as if you are a 2-Handed Melee character. Use smite and holy relic. I run around one-shotting blue-packs, and minions do clean-up and blocking. Not that any blocking is needed, because holy relic keeps me topped off in health without touching my potions. Yes, even dealing with syndicates.

Hello :)

Interesting choice for leveling. Have to test that setup as there are very few leveling items for pure summoners atm.

nice guide!
just one question i cant seem to figure out how your getting your 4th golem or am i just blind lol

One default, one from clayshaper, and two from The Anima Stone(first is just given, second one you have to have three other primordial jewels equipped.)

Hi :)

1x Clayshaper,
1x from just Anima Stone,
1x from Anima stone after 4x primordial jewels inserted and
1x Gem.

I'm having some issues with T10+ Maps. I've done a Burial Chambers T11 map and with 4 golems and 2 specters it took me around 5-6 min to kill the last boss. I've never had any issues with damage on golem builds, I used to play Elementalist on other leagues and with 4-1-1-1 everything was melting until Uber Elder. I also seem to have a dps issue with the Syndicate trash, mainily on fortress of T10+ Maps.
My char's name is _Chesu_ can you take a look and tell me what I'm doing wrong ?
It's still a new char and I don't have the currency for skin of the loyal or a nice helmet, also the gems are at around lvl 18

I think actually, you need to level up your gems since their damage will upgrade with higher levels

Hey :)

Minions damage comes heavily from their levels. I recommend :

- Buying Skin of the Loyal (2r2g2b costs 20-30c)
- Buying Flame Golem 21/0 corrupt (Costs 3-5c)
- Buying Empower 3 corrupt (Costs 10c)

- Try to get access to 81 lvl maps as you Desecrate lets you summon that level corpses.
- Try to buy helmet with "burning damage support" and "minion damage support", Bone helmet has low ES and 40% increased damage is less than supports.
- Keep Spectres level up to date

When you enter any area while you have certain type of Specter up, it will automatically add that Specter type to the possible monster types that can be desecrated in the area. If you have level 50 Specters and want to raise them to level 60, you have to :
Enter level 60 area with wanted type of Specter raised
Start casting high enough level Desecrate to summon level 60 Corpses
Continue casting Desecrate until you find wanted type of corpse
(Optional) At this point drop all original Specters by removing the gem and inserting back again
Raise the Specter and it will be now level 60
Continue casting Desecrate until you have maximum number of Specters from the area

Since you are using phase run, instead of shield charge now. Would you still get the gem slot by Necromantic Aegis with the Attack Speed?

Hey :)

It's one of easiest slots to get access to as "Harrier" is on it's way. Attack speed and spell damage don't really matter much so you can take any route to the jewel socket.

well now i'm confused what the best Necro / Occult / Elementalist» ?

I will recommends you read two sections of the guide...

i'm sry i'll not be shy to say i'm new in game lol i've read them and in fact that's which make me confused i need end game Endgame destroyer and boss killer :D and the point all of them good but for exp will be diff :D

Im playing as Necro. Shaper, Red Elder and Uber Atziri down very easy. Need try Uber Elder now.

Hello :)

Necro is definitely easiest to play and most balanced. I recommend starting with it and maybe switching later when you are familiar with the build. All 3x work well and support different play-styles but Ele & Occu can require more gearing / kiting.

Just want to say a huge thanks to you for making this guide!

First time trying a golem build, first time on shaper fight and I just one-shoted him :D deathless run. Even as a minion build, I'm really enjoying playing it after 90, golems are the best.

Thanks man <3 really nice job

Thanks for support!

Gz on shaper kill!
Golems really are great to play ;)

Crafted some decent upgrade boots over bones. These gave me about 600 ES boost. The rest was a nice bonus. I think it took me 7 tries with Dense/Bound fossils.

Hi :)

Those are very nice rolls. Boots crafting is surprisingly easy and cheap as you hit +1 Spec pretty often. I would still continue and try to get movement speed rolls as it's huge QOL upgrade for mapping and dodging Shaper smash.

with 2k1 hp 6k2 ES, why i feel it so paper, sometime get one shot and die

Hey :)

Your chars are private, so I can't check them but I can give some general advice :
- Try to stack chaos resistance. Syndicates and Incursions both have very high chaos damage and if you are not at least 0% chaos res, you might die very quickly.
- Build has about 0% armour, so physical hits are most dangerous. Try to kite around physical looking exiles / syndicates so that Temporal Chains hits them and so that they can't hit you.
- Move all the time in fights, only apply Elemental Equilibrium when it's absolutely safe. Use Phase Run constantly and run in circles around the target.

Hope this helps :)
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 20 de dez de 2018 04:47:43
- Buying Skin of the Loyal (2r2g2b costs 20-30c)

It is pretty cheap but 2r2g2b it's not what we need for this build.
What gem should I replace if not using a 2r1g3b ?

Also with specters I never had a problem, I summoned them in a Shaper map, the golems seem to die really fast in higher maps and that's a problem when they are the main damage source. On elementalist I never had this issue, the only time I've seen my golems die was in Uber Atziri at the 3 guys fight, and that's because I wasn't moving them out of those spells.
mika2salo escreveu:

with 2k1 hp 6k2 ES, why i feel it so paper, sometime get one shot and die

Hey :)

Your chars are private, so I can't check them but I can give some general advice :
- Try to stack chaos resistance. Syndicates and Incursions both have very high chaos damage and if you are not at least 0% chaos res, you might die very quickly.
- Build has about 0% armour, so physical hits are most dangerous. Try to kite around physical looking exiles / syndicates so that Temporal Chains hits them and so that they can't hit you.
- Move all the time in fights, only apply Elemental Equilibrium when it's absolutely safe. Use Phase Run constantly and run in circles around the target.

Hope this helps :)

oh i forgot phase run :) i have all items in guide , all res 75+, chao res 0% , most of time i shield charge into big group of monster and get one shot after ES run out and killed by syndicates
Última edição por uhdgamer#1493 em 20 de dez de 2018 08:36:51
Hi :)

Those are very nice rolls. Boots crafting is surprisingly easy and cheap as you hit +1 Spec pretty often. I would still continue and try to get movement speed rolls as it's huge QOL upgrade for mapping and dodging Shaper smash.

Yup, MS would be nice but not at the moment. I plan to hit shield and helm first, maybe gloves later.

Any advice for helm crafting, does bound/dense fossil give a good chance at the minion mods we want? Ideally Bound/Dense/Scorched would be best for a chance at -9 resist to nearby enemies? Would -9 res to nearby enemies be more beneficial than minion damage or burning damage if a helm rolls strong ES/-9 res?

Última edição por NSUCK#0844 em 20 de dez de 2018 21:02:15

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