[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
" 1x comes from gem 1x comes from Clayshaper 1x comes from just Anima Stone equipped 1x comes from Anima Stone when you have 3x other primordial jewel equipped with it. Whenever you can get these. |
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" I was trying to choose between my 4th point going toward Puppet Master or Soul Weaver. Do the Vanguard totems really do enough damage to justify losing the movement speed, cast speed, and 30% increased damage? |
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" Are you clearing trash mobs just fine now? If you are, I'd go Soul Weaver. It's QOL because they don't die, and it's double damage for bosses, so you can ball park it, if it takes you 20 seconds to kill a boss now, it should take in the realm of 10 seconds with soul weaver. Having to actually watch my specs health since I went Occultist makes me not only miss the extra damage, but just that large health pool. |
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Anyone else having trouble putting in the pob link? I get an error after trying to import.
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Gameplay question. As we have EE, are we actually buffing the enemies' resistances when not having a 100% uptime on our Frozen Orb damage as our minions will hit them with a fire attack (I feel hat constantly charging Frozen Orb slows down the action quite a bit). |
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" Hello :) Easiest place to get Tukohama Vanguards is from act 6 "Karui Fortress" " I mean your helmet should have minion life support in it as elder mod. Like mine : " Hi :) 5x Harmonies is not by any means most optimal value. It is enough to let Golems spam Orbs at very high speed and leaves some room for Watchers Eye and maybe rare Abyssal jewels with minions can blind / taunt / hinder. If you want to maximize DPS, stacking as much Harmonies as possible is safest way. However it can be fun to test different Abyssal jewels also and find what setup works best for own playstyle. Golems cast speed animation length / cooldown should be about 1:1 for optimal cast speed. However problem is that PoB shows only 1x cast animation length and with echo its not 2x that length. It's more like 1x cast animation + 0.75x cast animation with Echo. " Hi :) Extra Golems can be nice, but TV specs are the heavy boss damage dealers. You will gain about 30% extra total damage with chain, but TVs deal more than 200% what Golems can do. Flame Golems also don't have best AI so they wont just spam Orbs at boss but go to melee range and use weakers spells. Chain seems better with Ice Golems. Best combination of colors is : Golems -> Empower -> GMP -> Minion Damage -> Echo -> Combustion when also using TV Specs as they get the -20% fire res debuff. " Hey :) Pretty much sums my experience also. Occultist is extremely safe and I really love the chaos explosions. Bosses can take bit longer but not that much. Only problems is that Uber Elder requires some extra protection for minons. Very nice list that you made, might add to my own list later some of the points if that ok? Temp Chains effectiveness is pretty important as with high level it has effect on bosses. I like keeping the Skittering Runes as I noticed in Hyrda fights that the amount of slow TC adds to boss lets me kite boss easily. Some effect loss from +1 level -> 100+ ES from boots is however good trade. Rip, helmet :/ " " Hi :) Yep, you can have 4x Golems out immediately if when you have the Gem + Clayshaper if you have Anima Stone and 3x Primordial jewels already. " " Hello :) Order of Ascendancies should be : - Commander -> Mistess -> Invoker -> Soul Weaver if you are going for defensive line or - Commander -> Invoker -> Soul Weaver -> Puppet if you are taking more DPS line Soul Weaver should always be taken if you are not doing come Primordial Chain variant. TV Specs are doing most boss damage and Soul Weaver is huge boost to their damage and makes Specs immortal to end-game bosses. I really recommend trying them out with Soul Weaver and decent pseudo 6-link helmet as they melt bosses in very short time. " Hi :) Works for me. Make sure you use the "import form pastebin" and not paste directly to the link part. " Hello :) EE works by changing enemys res stats for 4 seconds. If you hit enemy with cold damage enemy will have : +25% cold res - 50% fire res - 50% lightning res When effect ends, enemy will go back to : 0% cold res 0% fire res 0% lightning res https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Elemental_Equilibrium Using Frozen Orb to trigger EE will never boost enemys fire res. You can use it when you feel it is safe to use. Bosses die very fast anyway, so I usually keep on kiting almost 95% of the time and rarely trigger EE during the fight. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 4 de jan de 2019 07:05:39
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Thanks for your reply.
I should have said WInter orb btw and not Frozen orb :) I meant that if we're not constantly charging Winter Orb, wouldn't mobs get hit (first) by our golems or specters and therefore often have increased fire res? Hence we should try to get Winter Orb dmg up all the time, which I feel is a bit cluncky. But maybe I just need to get used to it a bit more. Or can only the player trigger EE, and our minions can't? (the wiki only mentions 'player' but I'm not sure if that in- or excludes our minions) |
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" thanks, i got myself a helmet with minion life and gave it another try the specters survived better this time, though they died sometimes. However I did not take Necromantic Aegis as I'm still not good at dodging/avoiding ground degens and the extra ~1.5k ES I get from my shield feels too much to give up. I think i'll try Occultist next, how is it's survivability on uber elder? @HarryBolls minions don't trigger EE, only your damage (or mines, traps and totems) do |
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Hi, thanks for the great guide.
I'm thinking of using a jewel socket for a Watcher's Eye if I can pick one up with a double Discipline. What are the stronger/weaker mods out of these for this build? +(5-8)% Chance to Block Spell Damage while affected by Discipline +(20-30) Energy Shield gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Discipline (20-30)% increased Energy Shield Recovery Rate while affected by Discipline (1.5-2.5)% of Maximum Energy Shield Regenerated per Second while affected by Discipline (30-40)% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge while affected by Discipline What are your thoughts on Efficacy (16% increased duration) vs Enhance (+8-12% move speed) vs Flame Dash (utility) as the 3rd gem in weapon? The duration seems underwhelming to me. Do you recommend a Vis Mortis over SotL only if you can get the +1 gem corruption or is it better even without? Oh and I think the new PoB update broke the pastebin link, I'm getting the same error as the other guy. |
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Nice build but fortification syndicates are impossible to do whit his... or am i doing something wrong. have almost same necromancer gear.
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