[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
Hello mi friends <3
I just wanted to share my experience, to all ppl who thinks like me "i should try ICE Golem", i would say : D O N O T L O O S E T I M E . T H E Y S U C K H A R D . F L A M E G O L E M S F T W . Peace ! <3 :DDDDD Última edição por kami_koi#1041 em 16 de mar de 2019 08:45:16
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" " Hello :) Yep, what Specter are you using? Only Tukohama Vanguard Specters can raise totems. " Hey :) Well, they don't exactly suck :P I have been testing them recently a lot and even though I get insane DPS in PoB, TV Specs + Flame Golems still kill bosses faster. My guess is that Ice Golems are using their weaker attacks between the cartwheels like Flame Golems, which would explain weaker damage that what PoB reports. Ice Golems have excellent boss kill damage and they can clear packs at nice speed with Multi-strike in the links. However they have same problem as Flame Golems, which is their AI and switching between stronger and weaker skills which results in DPS loss. I will continue my tests later by adding TV specs with Ice Golems as TVs have best boss kill damage out of all minions in the game. The links will however be tricky as one is physical and other is pure fire. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 16 de mar de 2019 12:24:20
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A couple of possible modifications.
I was looking up the fossil recipe for boots (about that time in the league for me). "Should I go with Two-toned boots? It can be good option if you are not interested in vaal implicit or Enchantments. With over-capped resistances I would go with enchantments: dodge chance / spell-dodge chance / life regen / movement speed." I think that's a little outdated since enchants no longer overwrite implicits. Also for the Animate Guardian, can you add the new weapon to the main page? I read on the threads you being exited about it, but instead of bookmarking page 876 (or thereabouts) it would be better on the main page (especially since my animate guardian gem is 19 and I'll soon be going for all of its gear :) ) Thanks for all your work. |
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Hey Mika,
I'm not going too overboard on MF as you suggest. I think I'll stick with what I have got atm:
Not the best bits - tried to trade off to still get some decent resists on the Ventor's especially. Hopefully this will make it easier in the future to get some better life / ES pieces without needing a ton of resists on them too. Hopefully also means getting a couple of decent chaos res rolls becomes feasible. Still life / MoM atm though. Need to get the 6-link chest with a reasonable amount of ES or ES & Life. Only at 5k EHP atm; aiming for 7.5k to 8k by the end. It's only going to be a mapping character really. I'll probably try something different when it comes to bossing. Feels pretty nice for the memory encounters you get each map. Just phase run through everything and with the reduced visibility and temp chains I don't get hit too often. Although when I do - ouch!!! Been one-shot a couple of times to syndicate members as I think they count as rare / uniques so temp chains doesn't do a lot for them. I also noticed in the patch notes that they added a cooldown to the power charge shout of the Host Chieftain which I think will mean I won't get to see them give 3 power charges almost immediately like last league. At the moment just running two Carnage Chieftains but I'll probably try one of each in a bit to see what the charge gen is like for them now. I have noticed much better uptime on frenzies though which is great for phase run. Hope you are having a good weekend and progressing nicely in Synthesis :) |
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Heyho! How are flamegolems running in terms of speed in 3.6 to other builds? Haven't played for nearly 2 years now and just started last week again.
I had a golemancer in 3.0 and absolutley loved it. Currently i'm playing as Winter Orb and will hit the 90 today or tomorrow and i'm allready gettin a bit bored and missing my golems. Are they still good useable? |
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" They are very usable. :) If you already have an established character and can afford a few of the more expensive upgrades you can jump to golems pretty quick in the leveling process. |
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Yeah my Worb Char is allready well equipped and i have a bunch of currency in my stash ;-) just found a clayshaper short after writing my post here. Guess thats a sign ;D
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" Thanks for support ^^ Thanks for notice! They were on my "to-do" list but had slipped my mind. I linked "Kingslayer" as AGs main weapon and fixed the two-stone boots part in +1 Spec boots crafting guide. " Hey :) 8k EHP sounds very safe amount for most content. Syndicates have lowered curse effectiveness, but I can confirm that Temporal Chains still works great on them. There are just few things to remember in the fight : - Stay close to the Synds This is very unnerving at start, but makes sure than TC actually hits the Synds. While they are affected by TC, they are much less likely to teleport or spam arrows off-screen. Especially archer type Synds tend to be dangerous if they get away from TC range as they can 1-2 shot you off-screen. - Stack chaos resistance Some Synds are still dealing heavy amounts of chaos damage. Going up to +40% chaos res or over sacrificing some EHP might be worth it. - Spam phase run Keep it up all the time and don't stop to cast Winter Orb. Storm Brand on cast on damage taken will keep Elemental Equilibrium up almost all the time anyway. If any other thing come to mind, please post them there and I will be adding Syndicate part to the FAQ as they are now core game mechanic. Btw, I read that the nerf on the apes is not that bad. I have not tested them myself but you should be able to keep 3x charges up most of the time. Thanks, league has been progressing slow but steady with lots of crashes and visit to relatives. I will finally start to build Atlas next week. Hope you are doing great in the league and MF gear pays off ;) " " " Hey :) Flame Golems are very well balanced between clear-speed / boss kill speed and lazy play-style. FGs can one or two shot magic or rare monsters. Tukohama Specs used to be only excellent boss killers, but now with multiple totems support they also help with clearing. Temporal Chains and high EHP keeps you safe and you can run any map mod easily. You get lot of room for customization and can craft lots of most expensive gear your-self. If you enjoyed Golems in 3.0 I can safely say that you will enjoy them now too ;) UPDATE Updated "Animate Guardians" 2-handed weapon to "Kingmaker" New axe gives : - Boosts item drops rarity 30% - Gives all allies "Culling Strike" (Automatic kill on 10% enemy HP) - Boosts all allies 50% more critical damage - Gives all allies "Fortify" (20% damage reduced damage taken) Updated +1 Specters boots crafting guide - Two-stone boots can now also be enchanted, so I updated info about them [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 17 de mar de 2019 20:02:08
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" Hi Mika, Thx for the advice. I've not really tried staying close to the Synds so I will give that a go. You seem to need to be a little close for the golems to actually keep attacking them (or at least keep line of sight to them). I think this will work best when I have ~7k+ EHP. Having 5k atm just feels like any hit will one-shot but I do try to keep phase run up. Using storm brand is a good idea though as I do currently use arc and that breaks phase run. I'll give storm brand a go in it's place. I'm going to stack as much chaos res as I can but I'm limited to just 3 bits of rare gear and the amulet slot is also used up so I'm estimating maybe getting 30% on belt and then two crafted chaos res / elemental res on the shield and helmet. That puts me to +10%. I then pick up 20% on the tree to get +30%. I'll probably keep my amethyst flask of warding just to get it up to a decent level and so I hope chaos res will be ok! I've been fairly lucky this league in that I haven't experienced any crashing as yet. Hope they manage to sort that out for you soon! Next time you get a free slot open up in your guild would you consider me for a spot please? I think at this point I can't see me not running some form of golems each league and it would be really cool to chat with and bounce ideas of fellow golemancers! Hope you have a good week :) |
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" Defenitely the reason why i ll go back on spectres + AG instead of 9 golems \o/ *edit* Do you really think my AG will die with elementalist tree ? T_T *edit edit* Nvm, i just respeced Necro XD Última edição por kami_koi#1041 em 18 de mar de 2019 16:56:58
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