[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
Playing around with my Animate Guardian, and equipped him with Soutbound that had Temporal Chains on hit, so I could drop the TC aura to replace it with discipline. Does the guy not swing at mobs? Because not one cast went off.
May just got back to TC and EW as auras. And the white guys says, I'll have a Coke then.
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" " " " Hey :) Yep, Animate Guardian replaces only the part of gear you are trying to equip. Gz on the exalt! However item rarity doesn't actually affect currency drops. 15c for Kingmaker was also excellent deal ^^ For Pantheon I usually go for Lunaris if I have Chayula already. Immunity to chained projectiles is excellent with minion build as minions tend to work like lightning rods in maps where mobs chain. Other Pantheons works also. Curse on hit gloves on Animate Guardian works, but Animate Guardian hits pretty slowly and it's accuracy is only about 70%. This makes AG most useful in cursing bosses if not using melee splash support with it. AG:s curse rules : - AG uses same curse limit as you as it's still your curse (if you have 1x curse limit and run Ele Weak on Blasp, AG cant curse with TC in your blasphemy range) - AG has to hit to curse - Melee splash linked to AG let's AG curse bigger mobs with one hit - AG can mostly curse outside of your Blasp range (It's mainly to curse bosses with when your kiting too far) You should be able to run both curses and Discipline at the same time. I recommend taking all mana reservation reducement nodes if you haven't already and after that you have enough mana to activate curse + curse + Discipine and still cast Phase Run and Winter Orb. I would also still run double curse myself, as Blasphemy and Enhance scale the curses much higher than what AGs curse on hit gloves can. Temporal Chains is also best defense in Blasphemy as it works all the time preventing charge attacks. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 15 de jul de 2019 05:34:40
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Hello sweetheart!
Your golemancer was one of my first build I ever played, and I want to play it again! This league I got A LOT of currency, so now I want to make a perfect one. I used to play it with a defensive version in a Betrayal league, I wanna try to play offensive Necromancer version now. I was looking at PoB link and noticed, that offensive version has literally zero damage mitigation: no block, no armour, no dodge or evasion. Isnt it TOO offensive? It feels like this version will instantly die on some random projectiles. |
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" Thank you so much for your help. So now I changed the Helmet to the 6L and also use other boots. But I still die often at Maps lvl 11-12. Next improvement I want to check as suggested is another BodyArmor instead of SOTL. But maybe you have any additional tips what to upgrade...!? Thank you |
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" Hey :) Great to hear that you had good drops in this league! Perfecting a build is very fun, and especially with Golems each upgrade is noticeable as it directly scales damage or EHP (HP + ES). Offensive version does indeed have much less protections and relies almost purely on Temporal Chains, kiting skill and any combination of flasks you decide to use. On the other hand it offers faster clear-speed, 1.5x multiplier to Golems damage thanks to charges and almost infinite Phase Run. If you want to run maps as fast as possible or you just enjoy the charge system, I can definitely recommend trying it. If you want to level higher or want to stay safe, I recommend sticking with the defensive setup. I myself enjoy playing with lower defenses as it makes the dull grinding and especially boss fights much more intense. For gear I could recommend : HELMET Pseudo offensive 7-link is about the best you can get for TV Specs. With Necromancer and Soul Weaver they don't really need the minion life support, so optimal links would be minion damage, burning damage and socketed gems deal 30% more elemental damage. Last line if crafted using the essence of horror, if you want to try crafting yourself. Extra HP / ES / INT / chaos resistance is always nice. ARMOR I would go for +1 level Vis Mortis or +2 Sotl. Vis Mortis is much cheaper that Sotl, and gives you 25% extra boss damage with added Spec and TVs Specs are your main boss damage dealers. +2 Sotl gives 20% extra Golems damage, which is nice for clear-speed and also in boss fights. Interesting choices are also rare ES armor with massive ES pool, or Shav's wrappings for protection from chaos damage. If you go for Vis Mortis, you could need minion life in helmet as TVs will have less HP, not sure if it's needed though. GLOVES As much ES and HP as possible. There could be useful mods in new crafts, but not sure what they are. BOOTS +1 Specter boots for sure. You can buy ones with 100+ es, movement speed and +1 to Specs or craft yourself. You can try spamming chaotic resonator with minion fossil, ES fossil and select 3rd fossil for roll. one gives movement speed and the one that adds life counters tons of bad lines with the ES fossil. AMULET +1 Curse Chayula RINGS I would go for rings with minion speed. You can roll them yourself with essence of fear and I use Prismatic ring as base myself for resistances. You can buy legacy rings in standard with ES % which is nice defense boost. BELT Either crystal belt with as much HP + ES as possible or Stygian Vise. Crystal belt is much cheaper that Vise with good jewel, but Vise can give other bonuses as well. SHIELD If you want to go for offense, any roll of Vic's Charity works. If you want to go for defense, I would check legacy shields in standard once league ends. 600+ ES shield is huge boost to EHP. OTHER Watchers Eye with ES Regen / Recharge rate / Faster recharge + extra ES from Clarity is very nice, but can be very expensive. There's guild officer called Nemesis87, which has about perfect Golemancer gear, but has chars set to private. If you can get glimpse of hes gear, you can see perfect Golemancer. Has about 14k+ EHP and almost 4-5k ES regen per sec. I hope this gives some ideas :) " Hey :) You gear starts to looks ok. I would still upgrade rings as they have pretty low ES and use blessed orbs to roll belts upper line to 80 ES. I would also change boots to rare +1 Spec boots, as your missing lots of Tukohama damage atm. I would go for rare ES armor with as much ES + HP as possible if you want survival. You lose some damage, but TV Specs will cook rare mobs in no time. For survival, im not sure if you die to normal mobs or Legions? Normal mobs should not be kiling you at your defenses, so I assume it's Legions. For Legion fights, problem is that build has literally 0% armor. When you start the fight, try to stay outside of the legion packs, and slowly work towards the middle but don't pull too many rare monsters at once. I wonder if flasks charge during the legion fight? If they do, you should have full charges for the whole fight. Maybe try using one flask which gives 3000 Armor and then 100% additional armor and same with evasion flask. Sotl gives 100% increased defenses for both, so the amount should be decent. Using one abyssal jewel with minions can taunt / blind / hinder can be helpful and always keep Phase Run up during the fights. Don't stop casting the offering during the fight at all if it's not 100% safe. Cast offering just before mobs start to move and after that just run around the edges of the group and keep Phase Run up + flasks. Kiting is way better than 50% block chance while stationary. I hope this helps :) [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 16 de jul de 2019 19:53:07
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I want to try this build on an elementalist because of her passives. How would you go about in the leveling phase? I see your guide only includes leveling for necromancer. Also, can this build do well without animate guardian? Im planning to try the build once I have enough currency to get the primordial gems.
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is there any reason why you run Phase Run only at level 12 if you have 177 dexterity? With so much dexterity you could even run it at level 21, so why not? Nice build by the way, I defeated Uber Elder with it the first time in POE :-) |
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" Hello :) You could just level with normal minions and go for Elementalist Ascendancy straight. You can swap Spec to Golems when you have chain and maybe 1-2 Ascendancy nodes for extra Golems. The builds are pretty close together so you can just level with Necro guide and swap from Necro to Elementalist or just go straight Ele while using other minions for leveling. Build works fine without Animate Guardian. Chains prevents using AG anyway and AG is only used for bonuses, not out of necessity. I can strongly recommend going for Pledge variant instead of the old Elementalist. Pledge is much stronger and I will overwrite old Elementalist with it once the testing and tuning is done. Getting PoB fixed for new Pledge would help also. " Hey and thanks for support ^^ I actually just scavenged most items from my lvl 100 Necro which has much less dex. I forgot to level Phase Run higher, so it could definitely be raised as high as Dex goes with elementalist variant and you get more movement speed per level. Gz on getting Uber Elder kill! \o/ Your setup and items seem pretty close to my own items. I have short questionnaire if you have time to answer. All feedback is very valuable as the variant is still heavily in development.
1) Have you played Necromancer variant earlier? 1.1) If you have, how does Pledge variant compare to it in : 1.1.1) Clear-speed? 1.1.2) Boss damage? 1.1.3) Defense? 1.1.4) Utility? 2) Have you tried playing with and without Primordial Might? 2.1) If you have, how does playing without Might compare to playing with it? 3) How much currency have you spent approximately on the gear currently (if not private info)? 4) Overall feel for the variant? 4.1) Good parts? 4.2) Parts that could be improved? 5) Improvement ideas for the variant? I would really appreciate if you can find time to answer. You can answer either in thread or PM me privately, whichever feels better. Thanks in advance! :) [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 17 de jul de 2019 16:41:05
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1) Have you played Necromancer variant earlier?
Yes. I started with POE since 3.2 (Diablo became too boring) and my first char was your Necro build with the TVs. But then I quitted 3.4 to 3.6 and started again with 3.7 due to lack of time (and copied your build^^). So my following answers might be quite inaccurate because of the time gap in game experience... 1.1) If you have, how does Pledge variant compare to it in : 1.1.1) Clear-speed? Most time I play with TS MF Windripper build. So it's incredible slow *g* Can't remember whether it's now a little bit faster or slower in comparison to old Necro build... 1.1.2) Boss damage? I tried Über Elder 3 or 4 times and Über Atziri 1 or 2 times in 3.3 and failed every time. With this build I killed them each at my first try (Elder with 5 deaths and Atziri with 4 deaths, so quite close). I also did my first successful Chayula run (failed in 3.3). But for this I started with my Windripper build and then switched to this build to kill the boss (otherwise I would have failed due to lack of clear-speed quite sure). At all it's everything better noe. But I don't know whether the reason is the new build or better equipment (this costs me around 20-30ex, old one was around 5ex). 1.1.3) Defense? I'm not sure, see 1.1.2 1.1.4) Utility? ? 2) Have you tried playing with and without Primordial Might? Yes, tried both. 2.1) If you have, how does playing without Might compare to playing with it? As written above, with Might is better for mapping/clear-speed, without for boss fights. 3) How much currency have you spent approximately on the gear currently (if not private info)? 20-30ex. I bought everything new excapt for the flasks and the jewels. 4) Overall feel for the variant? 4.1) Good parts? Boss killer. 4.2) Parts that could be improved? Clear-speed. But if neccessary I clear with Windripper and then kill the boss with Golemancer ;-) 5) Improvement ideas for the variant? I'm still quite new to this game and have only a clue about Ranger but not about Witch, so I can't answer and will continue reading here :-) Última edição por Bushfeind#7219 em 18 de jul de 2019 02:32:16
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PS: Do you have Arcane Vision to better notice when you are in danger?
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