[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
Another summoner build I used (think zombies) summoned a golem that was linked to combustion to apply debuff.
I wonder with the Necro version if we could use helm for strong zombies with combustion all that was need was one jewel that added fire damage . Free up a slot for another 6L Flame golem gem. Faster casting? Ele focus? Controlled destruction? Zombie Helm with +2-3 minion gem or keep Vertex with +1 gem. Minion life, combustion, maim, resistances. Última edição por LockedGoblin689#8704 em 5 de set de 2019 11:54:13
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@mika: liftingnerdbro's video is out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSwbqKjqifM, your flame golemancer is at around 7:20 ... but ... he uses a kinda old video it seems ... sure there are flame golems but the golemancer uses storm burst instead of winter orb.
Maybe a video from 3.5 or 3.6? :) @sumfirst you are right, storm burst not storm brand ;) Última edição por Mydgard6#5964 em 5 de set de 2019 16:57:46
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" Oh wow, I think it's old storm burst, that is pretty old. |
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" Hello :) You ask some really good questions. I actually double checked the stats and Commander of Darkness is not needed with "Grave Intentions". I sacrificed some curse effectiveness, but normal mobs have still 56% slow and against bosses curses does almost nothing anyway. Now we have Unnatural Strength too. Mindless Aggression adds +2 levels for all minions and all minions have now capped elemental resistances and almost capped chaos resistances with ES added in top of the HP. I upgraded already all PoBs and online skill-trees. I will finish the leveling parts text section tomorrow after I get some good nights sleep. Bone Armor should work as "Steelskin", but it also adds it to minions. "Applies a buff which can take some of the damage from hits for you before being depleted. Shares a cooldown with other Guard skills." https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Steelskin Commander of Darkness is still used while leveling for resistances, but can be dropped later for "Unnatural Strength". " Hi :) That seems pretty impressive added to other physical defenses that Necromancer now has. Once PoB finally updates we can do some calculations how the damage will look like. " Hey :) Combustion actually does same amount or more damage than Controlled Destruction or Ele Focus once its activated. the -20% res debuff puts damage on the same level with other supports, so using it is not actually that bad. " " Hi :) Sweet! I watched the video and it's good liftingnerdbro quality stuff. Good choice between different builds and easy top watch. The video clips seems to be pretty old, so I will do new videos once the league is out. UPDATE I decided to update the guide already even if PoB is still not out yet. Real changes come from Ascendancy and Skill-tree after all. Biggest gear change is that Minion and totem resistance supports name will be chanced to Elemental Legion, so I guess I don't really need the upgraded Pob Yet. I will update the PoBs to final versions once the PoB is out. NECROMANCER WITH SHIELD I decided to drop "Commander of Darkness" from final step and go for "Grave Intensions" to cap minions elemental resistances. I took "Unnatural Strength" as new Ascendancy, and this gives all minions +2 levels. Extra levels are huge boost to Animate Guardians survival and now with added life + Energy shield from "Grave Intensions" AG should be very tanky against endgame bosses. Other exciting change is "Fearsome Force", which adds 36% increased area for minions. This let's Flame Golems Magma Orbs overlap = shotgun over same enemy adding potentially huge damage bonus. I dropped some curse effectiveness, but normal mobs have still 56% slower actions and against endgame bosses curses are ineffective anyway. NECROMANCER WITH NECROMANTIC AEGIS Received roughly same buffs as the one with the shield. I could not decide on better Ascendancy than "Commander of Darkness" for now as it adds quite a lot of damage for all minions, so it will remain on this variant. ELEMENTALIST Elementalist has potentially massive boost to damage. Ascendancy nodes are more effective and there are lot of added damage nodes now. "Fearsome Force", which adds 36% increased area of effect for minions. This let's Flame Golems Magma Orbs overlap = shotgun over same enemy adding potentially huge damage bonus. "Gravepact", which adds 5% chance for minions to deal double damage. Shotgunning = hitting same target with multiple orbs from same cast, 36% increased area of effect for Orbs for extra overlap and 5% chance to deal double damage per orb could result in ridiculously spiky boss damage. Flame Golems shoot roughly 120 projectiles per second together, so even the 5% double damage chance seems very common. The variant is investing heavily on damage for now, but if "Gravepact" doesn't work well it's 6x nodes can be redistributed between survival and DPS nodes. Liftingnerdbro's video about the build Long time Poe -video creator "LiftingNerdBro" has chosen my build for hes famous "Top 5 started builds for league" series again! \o/ Here's link to the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSwbqKjqifM 7:20 mark [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 6 de set de 2019 04:54:41
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about the comparison between necro and elem ascendency, your initial guide said that necro was better overall
is it still true ? |
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Was watching Fated Connections last night and Uber said that TV Spectres got hit with a couple of nerfs this league.
Firstly the Scorching Ray nerf that lowered flat SR damage. Secondly apparently there was a "feature" of the minion and totem elemental resistance support whereby the 19% more ele damage applied twice; effectively once to the minion and then also to their totems. The change to the Elemental army support will now just give the 29% more elemental damage. I don't believe either will be particularly significant especially since it's likely we will be getting an extra spectre anyway which I'm sure will more than make up any difference. There may now be a better support gem than elemental army as well given it should be fairly easy to cap spectre ele resists from the tree. |
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Looking at your tree for Necro my thoughts are skipping going for Sanctity node and instead take the extra golem and connect the path up there.
You can pick up Cruel Preparation up there for the loss in life. You lose some life and energy shield for sure but with the extra defense we now get as a Necro and the changes to Bone offering(more block) i think we should be good. That will result in 10 minions right? to get the full benefits of the new Bone Barrier node in Necro. And 5 golems will push the damage a bit higher. |
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so with elementalist we get 9 golems and with necro we get 5?
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" Hello :) Necro is still cheaper and safer to level with. I recommend starting with Necro and then later convert to Elementalist when you have currency to buy all Golem stuff. You can also level as Elementalist, but you really want to get Clayshaper with Primordial chain as soon as possible. Recent leagues Primordial Chains can cost up to 0.5-1 ex for few days / week, so that is my main worry with Elementalist at early levels. " Hi :) If TV's are nerfed too hard, we can go for Cannibal Fire-eaters. They deal similar damage, and also support "Immolate" support that can spawn on Elder helmet, so we don't even lose support from the helmet. They just can't use the "Burning damage" support, so same helmets can't be used for full effect. " Hey :) I also agree that Sanctity doesn't look as appealing as before. Can you please create example links with Poeplanner or PoB? I have to edit the guide for most of the day, so I unfortunately have very little time for tweaking skill-trees. If PoB finally updates, I will have to most likely write after that till the release. " Hi :) We can now get 11 Golems with Elementalist and 5 with Necro. However going for the extra Golem costs 5x nodes that are very, very inefficient. I'm not really sold on the node yet, but maybe there is a way to take it without losing too much from elsewhere. Path of Building is still not updated, but I will be editing the guide to reflect new skill-tree and changed stats as well as I can. At the moment there are still some errors between old and new stuff, but they should be ironed put during the day. If you find anything that looks like I could miss it, please post if on thread or PM me. There can still be slight changes to PoB and skill-tree, but I believe that gear and gems are pretty much final until the release or at least till be get PoB data out. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 6 de set de 2019 05:10:34
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where does the 11 golem come from? i only count 9,what did i miss?
Última edição por Lyutsifer665#1671 em 6 de set de 2019 05:20:46
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