[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
" It's all explained in the guide. |
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" Hello and welcome back! :) You can follow the leveling part of the guide. I usually recommend leveling as Necromancer and then switching to Elementalist at around lvl 80 especially now that Elementalist lost DPS bonus early on. I have to warn that Flame Golems Golems DPS is not what it was at 3.0 anymore when fighting endgame bosses. GGG boosted boss HP to about 10x to overcompensate for powercreep and did not boost Flame Golems. General mapping, delving and other higher tier stuff works as well as usual, as Flame Golems were not nerfed and trash mob was not buffed. Boss fight however can take quite a while if you are killing endgame guardians or Sirius. If you want to do general mapping, farming, casual delving, etc. I can recommend the build. However if you want to do mainly endgame bosses, you might want another build more focused on bossing along the Golems. However for 95% of the stuff Golems are as awesome as they were, Temporal Chains still feels amazing and playstyle is very relaxed pressing only 1-2 buttons :) [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Última edição por mika2salo#7776 em 15 de jan de 2021 16:51:46
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hello again. Yet another question.
What would be the best to upgrade? 1. Shavronnes 2.Anima stone 3. Primordial chain amulet 4. Might jewel 5. more harmony jewels thanks for the build and the help :) |
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Hi, thx for guide
I am goin gloemancer elementalist in HC this league Which golem is better? is flame better now cuz of carrion nerf? how about stone golem? Ty |
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" Hello :) Shav's can be replaced by enough chaos resistance on rings, gloves and boots while leveling. You can use any high HP / ES armor until you want to swap for Shavs. I would get Primordial jewels(Anima + Might) and as many Harmonies as possible, as Golems damage comes now solely from Harmonies and not from Ascendancy. After Primordian jewels I would get Chain as more Golems mean faster clear speed. It does not really raise DPS against bosses, but makes clearing maps lot faster. I would also get 1x Abyssal jewel with minion have chance to blind / taunt before getting Shavs. Ice Golems are extremely fast triggering debuffs on mobs and taunt / blind combo is very strong as extra defense ;) " Hey and thanks for support ^^ Carrion was nerfed, but is still very strong. Flame Golems and Ice Golems were not nerfed, but their DPS is lower against endgame bosses. Stone Golems are somewhere in the middle. The build is not really HC oriented, but it depends on what you want to do with it. If you want rexing build to farm maps or currency in about t10 maps, the Flame Golems are excellent choice. However if you want to focus more on endgame content, carrions should be better. Highest level I have seen with Flame Golems in HC so far has been lvl 95. Best of luck in HC with what ever build you decide to choose! :) [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f |
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Ah ok may thx for answer
so carrion even after nerf do more dmg than stone? any idea how much more? |
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" [Above] Me basically giving up on the idea of playing golems this league. [Below] Also me when my first ritual in maps hands me a Primordial Might! XD
Funny old game at times! |
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id say flame golems got better with the elementalist change. storm brand + curse on hit and the shock node for kinda 15% more dmg (should comepensate the loss of the increased dmg nodes)
also the aegis is nice but id say ice golems are prolly better, because single target dps is needed for maven fights, unless ur good with convocation with flame golems. or just play chaos golems :P but clusters are needed and more expensive and occultist is nicer (single target not the best) |
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" Hey :) I tinkered a bit with Ice Golems and it seems that you can now get slightly more damage from Ice Golems than from Carrion or Stone Golems. I used pure physical tree with impale stacking and I reached slightly higher numbers this way, so I would say that Ice / Carrion Golems > Stone Golems. Ice Golems also have faster movement speed while attacking, so they are good alternative if you are going for max dps. " Hello :) Wow, that was fast. Gz on the drops! You must be chosen to be a Golemancer! One day you will end up with all Golems MTX and will have to choose which MTX combo to use this time on your Golems :P " Hi :) Elementalists damage feels as solid as ever. It's very good up to endgame bosses, but then fights get slower. I tested playing with PoB and both elemental and physical Golems can reach 500-700k DPS quite nicely. Problem is that after that physical Golems get 700k extra Impale DPS, effectively doubling their DPS. Elemental Golems don't get any kind of stacking DPS buff against endgame bosses. Chaos Golems are pretty good, but end up with about same DPS as Elemental Golems. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f |
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hello again.. xD
Can someone please take a look at my talent tree/gear? Feels like i'm doing something wrong. I know the gear is very bad but i feel like im way to squishy, but probably just because of low ES and no Shav. The damage against higher rituals t10+ are getting rough aswell. Cheers :D |
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