[3.11] Shaper = Stunned, Tidebreaker Heavy Strike Stunner Build

I just fought the Elder Guardian The Constrictor. I can stun him but he ignores the stun entirely (=bug?). It keeps using abilities and whatnot even though the stun animation above it's head is showing.
He completely destroyed me until I equipped Sunder and took him on as ranged.

Also is there not a better map-clear skill than Sunder? Heavy Strike even as a Slayer is meh (AOE way too small).
Última edição por silverdash em 9 de mar de 2018 11:15:37
silverdash escreveu:
I just fought the Elder Guardian The Constrictor. I can stun him but he ignores the stun entirely (=bug?). It keeps using abilities and whatnot even though the stun animation above it's head is showing.
He completely destroyed me until I equipped Sunder and took him on as ranged.

Also is there not a better map-clear skill than Sunder? Heavy Strike even as a Slayer is meh (AOE way too small).

Constrictor can be stun-locked. I suspect that, in your case, the boss was casting a channeling skill or something alike that cannot be cancelled. This is one of the tougher Elder Guardians (the other being the lightning damage one). The best strategy to fight all four Elder Guardians is to stun-lock them asap; if not, maybe you will be forced to move out of range and you will have to play the boss mechanics then.

There aren't really any better map-clear skill for a melee build, and I think Sunder's popularity is pretty much self-explanatory. I actually didn't expect to hear that Heavy Strike's AoE is way too small; with Slayer's increase to AoE range, as well as melee range increases due to Ancestral Call Support, plus an extended radius due to Herald of Ash, Heavy Strike can definitely take out a whole pack.

I think it's probably a play-style difference? With Sunder the best strategy is to Leap Slam to the edge of the pack to have the best AoE coverage; with Heavy Strike, it's best to leap to the center of the pack.

To help clearing, you can consider linking Increased Area of Effect to Herald of Ash (beware not linking to Hatred). The mana pool will be significantly smaller, so maybe use an Enlighten. It's one way to help clearing, but to be honest I didn't like it after tested it out.
What do you think of a belly of the beast 6 link cyclone to clear maps? not that great on builds was just wondering? great build though man thanks i clear with sunder :) playstyle difference :)
Última edição por gibish em 10 de mar de 2018 00:58:04
gibish escreveu:
What do you think of a belly of the beast 6 link cyclone to clear maps? not that great on builds was just wondering? great build though man thanks i clear with sunder :) playstyle difference :)

It's two different decisions: 1. is Belly of the Beast 6-link worth it; 2. is Cyclone a good idea. To be honest, I think the answer to both questions will be "not really".

Compared to Kaom's Heart, Belly of the Beast offers 6 more linked sockets at the cost of a couple hundred max life. This build actually does not need this additional 6-link, and it's more optimal to do weapon swap to switch between single-target and AoE setups.

Cyclone isn't a good choice either. I tested Cyclone many times and it just doesn't feel good with this build. A huge problem with Cyclone is that it does too little damage per hit. Stunning requires high damage per hit and Cyclone deals less than one third of what Sunder does.

If you really like the idea of having a Belly with a 6-link and like running Cyclone, it's doable. What I am suggesting here is that it's not optimal and I cannot recommend. If you think you would like it, you can go for it and test it out; map clearing is more about preference than anything else, after all.
DeathSabre escreveu:
Hoping you can give me some advice. I'm having difficulty with being oneshot/dying a lot to bosses, Izaro literately oneshots me with his leap in Merc lab.
I'm playing your Ascendant variant, Managed to pick up a Tidebreaker for 99c, but it litterally broke the bank. got about 4c to spend fixing...

Do i just need to grind out more levels? or is my passive tree order totaly wack. got about 5 free respecs left. but i could pick up/afford a few more if needed.
Or is there some massive hole in my gear that i'm just not spotting.

Thanks in advance for any help/advise.

I had also shitty gear at your stage. If you have a tabula, 1 way to fix merci lab is putting your warchief totem to the 6L of your heavy strike and let the totem do his job. Takes a little longer, but definitely alot safer if you can't stunlock yet.
Only 85 and still have a pretty limited map pool but here's a nice example of why i love slayers clear speed.

Lenaric escreveu:
Only 85 and still have a pretty limited map pool but here's a nice example of why i love slayers clear speed.


Nice vid :D
What do you think about the new chest adding flat phys for this build ? Can it be better than Koam's ?
bisore escreveu:
What do you think about the new chest adding flat phys for this build ? Can it be better than Koam's ?

This is one of the worst builds possible to use that chest. We have low attack speed,no crit and barely any elemental dmg
Hey thanks for your build.

Quick question tho since it's quite boring to read 70 pages with 80% of them being a bit outdated.

Tidebreaker most important stat is r.e.s.t or dmg ? Should I better get a 30% one with low dmg rolls or big dmg rolls with like 25-27% r.e.s.t?

Also :

I read like the 15-20 last pages and couldnt find your thoughts on the pure Champion build you provided with the PoB. How does it compare stunwise/endgamewise to others? (i dont care of speedclearing).
What's the best choice for endgame bosses only ? Berz ?

Cause I have a lvl 95 champion I'd like to respec and can afford all the gear.
Última edição por Sephirvine em 12 de mar de 2018 09:05:02

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