So glad I discovered this build! I transitioned into this from a pretty boring SRS build in Torment (that did a great job of getting me to the 40s) and bought the required uniques, and got super lucky last night and six-linked my Vis Mortis. Looking forward to seeing how far I can push it in this race. Thanks for posting this!
Postado porVeraticus#7163em 15 de nov de 2017 15:00:01
partyboy79 escreveu:
grimjack68 escreveu:
partyboy79 escreveu:
Hi everyone,
It's my first necro build, currently lvl64 in harbinger. I'm currently still running an hybrid version, using zombie / srs in my 6L tabula and a 4link specters in gloves. leveling was very easy and I'm not dead yet ! that's uncommon for me :)
I'm waiting to make merciless lab before switching to full specters (with soul weaver).
I have a question regarding animate guardian and dyadus. Do dyadus become your main weapon or do you use them in secondary slot and switching sometimes ?
I also have a stone of lazhwar with a +1 curse on it. What is the more effective 4L setup.
arc or ball lightning ? What curses ? temp chains + vulnerability or temp chains + enfeeble ?
thanks for your answers !
You don't use the Dyadus, your animated guardian does. *You* still use the Advancing Fortress or Scourge claw and a shield.
Arc / Ball lightning don't really matter - whatever you like better for hitting bad guys. Damage doesn't matter, it's just there to apply the curse.
Curses... depends on what you are shooting for. If you want to increase your survive-ability, temp chains and enfeeble. Max damage? Flammability and Elemental Weakness. Or pick one of each category - to be honest it doesn't make that much of a difference as far as I'm concerned.
hi and ty for your quick answer !
Ok so you have to buy dyadus and give them to your guardian ? I never though of that ! quite nice
also got another question that comes in mind: do flesh / bone offering stacks ? when I cast one after another the 'spirit' above from the last cast disappear.
thank you
No, you can only have a single "offering" in effect at a time.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Postado porgrimjack68#6087em 15 de nov de 2017 17:45:25
Neutrolizer escreveu:
Which curse is better to boost spectre damage, Vulnerability or Flammability?
It depends on who you are fighting, and what Spectres you are using. If you are using TVs and WM, then Vulnerability is usually better. Some of the higher end bosses you get a small benefit from switching.
If you are using Solar Guards, flammability.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Postado porgrimjack68#6087em 15 de nov de 2017 17:48:12
perfect thanks! gonna be going TV
Postado porNeutrolizer#6563em 15 de nov de 2017 23:01:45
I need the block chance from The fortress, please some1 with PoB can tell me how much % dps lost by switching to that from scourge.
Postado porImurgod#2468em 15 de nov de 2017 23:30:38Banido
Imurgod escreveu:
I need the block chance from The fortress, please some1 with PoB can tell me how much % dps lost by switching to that from scourge.
According to PoB, you could gain ~9% more damage from your spectres by running the Scourge. UNLESS you've hit recently and get the 70% increased bonus, in which case you would gain ~42%.
Most of us use Rumi's flask to boost our block back up to max while running the Scourge.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on. Última edição por grimjack68#6087 em 16 de nov de 2017 00:42:38
Postado porgrimjack68#6087em 16 de nov de 2017 00:37:05
grimjack68 escreveu:
Imurgod escreveu:
I need the block chance from The fortress, please some1 with PoB can tell me how much % dps lost by switching to that from scourge.
According to PoB, you could gain ~9% more damage from your spectres by running the Scourge. UNLESS you've hit recently and get the 70% increased bonus, in which case you would gain ~42%.
Most of us use Rumi's flask to boost our block back up to max while running the Scourge.
Ho Dang! 42% more?! that's huge! since we using charge/SB/arc all the time so "hit" is like permanent for us, if its true 42% more dps, there is no way im switching off scourge. Using Rumi is kind of unreliable, sometimes hits came so fast or unavoidable corpse explosion can all undo me.
Postado porImurgod#2468em 16 de nov de 2017 00:59:22Banido
Just did CHAYULA's domain with my TURMOIL necro. I guess this is enough to say the following:
This build is everything-viable; not even HoGM or Chayula's domain can be an obstacle to it. You don't need any special gear or respecs to do those, too.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got 5th place to take away from those aura-whores...
Postado porLaplaceNoMa#3989em 16 de nov de 2017 01:01:33
Imurgod escreveu:
grimjack68 escreveu:
Imurgod escreveu:
I need the block chance from The fortress, please some1 with PoB can tell me how much % dps lost by switching to that from scourge.
According to PoB, you could gain ~9% more damage from your spectres by running the Scourge. UNLESS you've hit recently and get the 70% increased bonus, in which case you would gain ~42%.
Most of us use Rumi's flask to boost our block back up to max while running the Scourge.
Ho Dang! 42% more?! that's huge! since we using charge/SB/arc all the time so "hit" is like permanent for us, if its true 42% more dps, there is no way im switching off scourge. Using Rumi is kind of unreliable, sometimes hits came so fast or unavoidable corpse explosion can all undo me.
I run two Rumi's, so I can keep it up basically all the time. 20s without any kills, another 10s every time I kill 30 monsters. The only things I tend to run out of charges on are occasional guardians and shaper.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Postado porgrimjack68#6087em 16 de nov de 2017 01:17:22
grimjack68 escreveu:
If you are using Solar Guards, flammability.
In that case you should use Proj Weakness.
edit: misquote
Última edição por Solmyr77#1930 em 16 de nov de 2017 10:01:57
Postado porSolmyr77#1930em 16 de nov de 2017 03:54:24