[3.x - Discontinued for now] Burning Spectres - Torch the Atlas - HC Shaper, Elder, Uber Atziri
grimjack68 escreveu:
Bibibabibu escreveu:
Thanks for the replies guys I really appreciate it!
I recently tried SG for mapping and really like them. How viable are they for single target dps on bosses (as compared to TV)? I'm now split between investing in a helm for TV and running golems in chest, or just run SG in chest and use them for all content.
They are decent for single target damage if you swap GMP for Slower Projectiles. Not as good as TVs, of course! TVs are still the highest single target damage minion available.
Well worth trying out IMO. Actually, I was running TVs and SGs in 3.0 and decided to try SGs... and I've never switched back. :D
I like SG because of the visuals hahaha. How big a difference is the single target dps though? Is it very noticable? ATM my TV kill uber izaro/argus in 1-2s.
Hello there ,
I have a question... In the screenshot i saw 180% increased minion life but i cant find how . I only got 85% atm. Please let me know if i'm doing something wrong
My summoner char named Plakomounaki
Mine is only 47%, I wouldn't worry about it.
You've taken Spirit Eater instead of Commander of Darkness though. CoD is better, it has the same damage bonus and it grants additional resists for you and your minions for the cost of a level 1 clarity.
Hello and thx for the quick answer and for that great build. I took spirit eater cause i thought that gives +40% more damage than CoD as i use a lot bone offering. Let me know if dosent worth it.
Thx in advance
No, this is a common mistake. Spirit Eater boosts *your* damage by 40%, not your minions. Considering that our damage is basically nothing in comparison, this is not ideal.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
I like SG because of the visuals hahaha. How big a difference is the single target dps though? Is it very noticable? ATM my TV kill uber izaro/argus in 1-2s.
It's certainly noticeable. I can't say how long it takes for Izaro / Argus because I haven't been there since I passed uber lab. I run maps mostly, and I find I gain FAR more time on the clear up to the boss than I lose on the boss.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
I like SG because of the visuals hahaha. How big a difference is the single target dps though? Is it very noticable? ATM my TV kill uber izaro/argus in 1-2s.
It's certainly noticeable. I can't say how long it takes for Izaro / Argus because I haven't been there since I passed uber lab. I run maps mostly, and I find I gain FAR more time on the clear up to the boss than I lose on the boss.
I'll use SG for mapping either way, coz they are faster and look so cool haha. However, being a noob that has never done shaper/uber atziri, I want to clear those as well. That's why I'm concerned if I'll have a hard time with SG on bosses.
You've taken Spirit Eater instead of Commander of Darkness though. CoD is better, it has the same damage bonus and it grants additional resists for you and your minions for the cost of a level 1 clarity.
Hello and thx for the quick answer and for that great build. I took spirit eater cause i thought that gives +40% more damage than CoD as i use a lot bone offering. Let me know if dosent worth it.
Thx in advance
No, this is a common mistake. Spirit Eater boosts *your* damage by 40%, not your minions. Considering that our damage is basically nothing in comparison, this is not ideal.
I didnt knew that tbh. I think it must be a tooltip bug than also, because when i repseced to CoD i lost from my minion damage modifier
First, this build is amazing. Was sad after I failed to beat The Eradicator and Red Elder with my 2 other chars (Sunder Slayer and SR Trickster), so I searched for a boss killer build, and god that is efficient!
My "problem" however (which is more of a QoL than a problem) is that, playing SSF (but not in a SSF league - I like to duo sometimes), I don't use the trade system. So I'm stuck with my loots (And crafting/chancing is not gentle with me..)
So I'm here beginning to complete T14/T15 maps on a Tabula Rasa with 3 Spectres.
Basically up to T11 or even T12, 3 SGs do the job perfectly for the boss (a bit long but still). However, after that, I have to take 3 TVs to not die. But TVs for map clearing are bad
Since I can only have one Spectre gem setup, and SGs without GMP is meh, do I have a mean to combine SGs and TVs on the same gem setup?
(Profile should be public to see my current gear).
Another small question, I saw an advice to use Chance to Ignite, but if I understand correctly, it applies on spells that hit, so it doesn't work with the TV's totems
I like SG because of the visuals hahaha. How big a difference is the single target dps though? Is it very noticable? ATM my TV kill uber izaro/argus in 1-2s.
It's certainly noticeable. I can't say how long it takes for Izaro / Argus because I haven't been there since I passed uber lab. I run maps mostly, and I find I gain FAR more time on the clear up to the boss than I lose on the boss.
I'll use SG for mapping either way, coz they are faster and look so cool haha. However, being a noob that has never done shaper/uber atziri, I want to clear those as well. That's why I'm concerned if I'll have a hard time with SG on bosses.
Shaper can be done with SGs no problem. It takes a bit longer for each phase, but it's not a problem IMO. Uber Atziri will trash them with reflect - I'd highly suggest taking in TVs for that fight. I'd also highly suggest running a fire flask and rise of the phoenix shield.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
I didnt knew that tbh. I think it must be a tooltip bug than also, because when i repseced to CoD i lost from my minion damage modifier
I've learned long ago not to trust tooltips in this game. :) They just don't take enough things into consideration. In this case, they won't display the extra damage from CoD because your spectres *might* be out of range of your aura, in which case they don't get the benefit.
In actual play, of course, if they get too far away you would just use convocation, problem solved.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
First, this build is amazing. Was sad after I failed to beat The Eradicator and Red Elder with my 2 other chars (Sunder Slayer and SR Trickster), so I searched for a boss killer build, and god that is efficient!
My "problem" however (which is more of a QoL than a problem) is that, playing SSF (but not in a SSF league - I like to duo sometimes), I don't use the trade system. So I'm stuck with my loots (And crafting/chancing is not gentle with me..)
So I'm here beginning to complete T14/T15 maps on a Tabula Rasa with 3 Spectres.
Basically up to T11 or even T12, 3 SGs do the job perfectly for the boss (a bit long but still). However, after that, I have to take 3 TVs to not die. But TVs for map clearing are bad
Since I can only have one Spectre gem setup, and SGs without GMP is meh, do I have a mean to combine SGs and TVs on the same gem setup?
(Profile should be public to see my current gear).
Another small question, I saw an advice to use Chance to Ignite, but if I understand correctly, it applies on spells that hit, so it doesn't work with the TV's totems
Hey, welcome to the summoner world. Looked at your gear, you're actually doing pretty damn good for SSF gear.
There really isn't any way to combine gems for SGs and TVs, I'm afraid. The folks that are running both are putting one in a helm and the other in the chest. With the elder helms floating around with extra minion damage, you can get a psuedo 5 link, which makes SGs powerful enough for clearing - especially when backed up by a TV or two. I haven't tried running SGs just for clearing with only a 4L, but it's worth a shot.
The other option is to supplement your TVs with flame golems. FGs in a 4L can clear most trash mobs pretty easily - the caveat is you should supplement them with some primordial jewels, which does cut down your TVs raw damage output.
I'm the one that has suggested Chance to Ignite now and then, and I pulled that right from Natt's original setup on the first page. I haven't tested it personally, I trust that he knows something I don't. :)
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.