[3.x - Discontinued for now] Burning Spectres - Torch the Atlas - HC Shaper, Elder, Uber Atziri

Slightly desperate here :)

Is there anyone playing on Xbox HC Abyss that can take down Kitava act10 for me?
I have tried and almost died a few times, minions just run away as I scurry around the map. I do not want to lose this fun build before mapping.

MariasMinions is the name of char, warrior X is the handle and thank you
grimjack68 escreveu:
Weioo escreveu:
Edit: Which Spectres are you running? That will determine what you buy for your AG setup. It's not terribly expensive to set up, probably less than 5 chaos all together. Until your AG gem is pretty high level it'll be awfully squishy though.

Tukohama's Vanguards or w/e they are, all 3 of em.... and 5c is quite a bit to me! I'm using a friend's Tabula until I can save up 30c+ for a 5-6L Vis Mortis... and need gloves, and rings, passive skill jewels, etc. lol. Build isn't cheap!
LOL! Actually, yes, this build is cheap. You can buy all the gear required to run up to and including shaper for less than 10c. Prior to this, I've never seen a build that could do that for less than hundreds of chaos.

Not to worry though, once you make it into red maps, you'll start dropping currency and valuable items. It gets much easier pretty quickly.

For Tukohama's Vanguards, your AG setup is dual dyadus axes, icetomb, bringer of rain, rainbowstride, and either southbound or gloves with resists and life.

Thanks for informing me of the other options, helps a lot! I don't want to waste 5c, because I can be careless. Especially with things like Abysses and 1-hit attacks from bosses.
Última edição por Weioo#1515 em 22 de jan de 2018 22:22:27
Lost my AG to piety today which was annoying... I've got a 4L setup for him, which is AG, Fortify, Minion Life, and Melee Splash. He's set up for TV's hear wise. Anything I should switch up to prevent further AG Deaths?
Railg8n escreveu:
Hi, i was wondering 3 things exploring this build :
- whats all the fuzz around SGs ? Were flame sentinels nerfed recently or ?
- are flame sentinels compatible with burning damage ?
- the only real advantage of this build (besides a switch to TV's for bosses) compared to pretty much all other summoner builds is the block chance and how tanky you can get, making it really smooth to play. BUT everyone here tends to go for scourge and sidhebreath reducing drasticly the block chance. So ... does a rumi + shaper shield enough to rise this back up to 70/70 ?
Originally this build was Tukohamas Vanguards and Wikermen, with the TV's taking care of single target duties, and Wikermen doing mob clears. However, in 3.1, Wickermen were nerfed hard. So, everyone has been messing about with replacement options. Solar Guards, Fire Eaters, Flame Golems... there's been quite the variety. Flame Sentinels were always a leveling spectre at best, solar guards are better in nearly every way. Given that the Spectre Necronomicon doesn't mention burning damage, I'd say it going to be below average at best:

Flame Sentinels:
Clear: Minion Damage + Spell Echo + GMP + Faster Projectile + Elemental Focus
Boss: Minion Damage + Spell Echo + Elemental Focus + Controlled Destruction + Slower Projectiles

The reason we all go for Scourge and some other amulet - I'm personally using a corrupt The Anvil - is precisely because with a shaped shield and Rumi's we can still max out our block.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Nickums escreveu:
Ok, so instead of going with 4x TVs and FG. I am testing the 2x SG and 2x TV with a 6l helm. My problem is I can't see a way to fit in a curse setup. Also, what would be my optimal aura to run with a 2x2 split?
There's a few things you can do here. First, you can manually curse, which despite sounding like a chore, really only needs to be done on bosses, nothing else lives through the first hit whether they are cursed or not. That removes the need for Curse on Hit. You can drop Flesh Offering for high end maps, because you'll probably want Bone offering up all the time anyway. Same deal with GMP in the curse on hit setup - we normally use that to trigger Elemental Equilibrium, however, single target EE isn't that big of a challenge, because most everything dies instantly, only really tough monsters need the EE hit. That frees up 3 gem slots right there.

Best all around curse is still Elemental Weakness, it interacts with EE very nicely and works well in parties doing other damage types. With that said, don't feel required to use it, try the other curses and go with the one you like the most. Personally I'm running Solar Guards with Projectile Weakness, even though number wise EW is superior.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
myndsnare escreveu:

Thanks grimjack68.

The gloves shouldnt affect the COH setup since ball lightning is a spell right?

I will try out the other chnages as you have suggested.

I also swapped the gems in my belt to incorporate more mana as you had suggested. Currently sitting at 6.7k life ans 2.1k mana(unreserved). I also added the minion taunt on attack mod - thanks for this tip.

The Ball Lightning is safe from the extra fire damage. Whirling Blades, however, is not, and that's how you get your fortify buff. So any monster you WB through immediately gains +25% resistance to your minions damage. This is probably not noticeable on regular mobs, but on bosses, after you have run out of fortify from the adds, you can't WB through the boss to keep your damage mitigation up.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Zankai escreveu:
Hi there, and first of all thanks for the guide !
This is my first summoner and my first HC char (but not new to the game) and I have a few questions :

- Is there a way to know the level of a corpse / spectre ? As in written somewhere in the game, beside the fact that it should be the minimum of Zone / Desecrate / Raise Spectre gem.

- Everyone seems to go for either Solar Guards for clear speed or Tukohama Vanguards for bosses when I read the last pages of the topic. With some variations about mixing them, adding a Flame Golem or not. But the guide is supposed to be something like [3 Wicker Men + 1 Tukohama Vanguards] for clearspeed and [3 Tukohama Vanguards + 1 Wicker Men] for bosses. Is this setup not the best in 3.1 ? Wicker Men have been nerfed too much (can't find numbers in patch note).

- I've found another post talking about using [CWDT + Unearth + Spirit Offering] for great sustain. Is it the way to go right now or pure life + block (as in this guide) is equivalent in survivability ? Because I guess it is much cheaper.

- If my goal is to clear smoothly and safely the atlas in HC, what setup would you recommend that has decent clearspeed and bosses posibilities ? First I thought of following strictly the guide, but reading last pages of this topic made me doubt a little...

I hope someone can help me with all these "noobish" questions :D
Purdurabo12 already covered part of this, so I'll just touch on the remaining questions.

You just have to keep track of your spectre level, there's no way to look it up in game. Trust me, we all wish it was different.

The ES leech method you linked to is an extremely interesting option. It would require some re-work of the tree and picking up more ES related gear, but it should be very viable. OTOH, this setup is perfectly capable of getting you through all the content in the game pretty easily. Well, minus Hall of the Grandmasters, that's rough. ;)

Honestly, my suggestion for clearing the atlas would be a mixture, as mentioned by Purdurabo12. I'd use Solar Guards for nearly everything, but I'd switch to 4 Tukohama's Vanguards for Guardians, Shaper, and Uber Atziri. Luckily, with this build you can do this rather easily - level both gem sets, swap them when needed.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Stormriver escreveu:

EDIT : Forgot, why Elemental Weakness instead of Flamability if we use Solar Guards, TV and/or Flame golems?
Comparing level 20 quality 20 gems:

Flammability: -44% fire resist and 10% increased ignite duration
EW: -44% fire and lightning and cold resist

The increased ignite duration really doesn't apply, nothing lives long enough to be ignited. EW plays nicer with other party members if you're in a group, most of them probably won't be doing fire damage.

However. I've said this a few times, but try the various curses, use the one you like. They are all valuable.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
norlonlyafk escreveu:
Hello all! I've been running a SG necromancer with Wyrmsign & Ahn's Heritage + Fragility JWls for the Rampage bonus. Currently I'm gathering the currency for a 6l Vis Mortis. What I'd like to know is:

1. what is the best setup for Animate Guardian? Malformation Piety killed it in a heartbeat. I was using: Leer Cast, Zahn's chest, Dying Breath, Victario's Flight + decent resi + life gloves. What gems should I use to make it stronger?
2. Somehow related to 1st question, should I give up on zombies and get a better gem setup for AG? If so, what gems should I use?
3. What could I improve on my build? The character is IleanaCosânzeanaAbyss.
4. If I'd like to go on the IIQ route what items could improve that?
5. How to the Golems work? The maxium life increase applies to minions as well? or just to the Golem?

Thank you for reading and may you get many exalts :)

Nickums escreveu:
Lost my AG to piety today which was annoying... I've got a 4L setup for him, which is AG, Fortify, Minion Life, and Melee Splash. He's set up for TV's hear wise. Anything I should switch up to prevent further AG Deaths?

Both you guys are running into basically the same challenges with the AG. The only way I've managed to reliably keep AG up was by running it in a +2 minion gems helm, with Fortify, Minion Life, and Empower level 3 or higher.

I don't use Zombies past low level maps. I find them useful while leveling, but at high levels they just die too fast.

- I'd really suggest picking up a shaped amulet with % of block chance applied to spells. This and a Rumi's flask should boost your block / spell block to 75 / 75, which will be a massive increase.
- Your left ring could use an upgrade. It has decent life, but no mana and mediocre resists.
- I'd drop the minion life flask. Minions will get more from a single block than that flask. Looks like a good spot to put a Rumi's to me.

What's you life / unreserved mana numbers? It looks like you should be high on life, considering Mind over Matter, you should have 300 unreserved mana for every 700 life.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
kanon1 escreveu:

Which one is better?
I'd take the second one. Minion damage is a bigger damage boost.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.

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