unfortunately the build doesn't work for me I have 20-20 all gems. I don't know why your spectres don't die. I figuered out that it's allmost impossible without stacking a huge amount of hp for them. but anyway they die die die die die. it's not a bosskilling it's boss waiting, boss killing you (actually not cause block mechanics with offerings works great) consecrate spamming for 5 minutes, looking for tukohama spectres, running without any summon at all and loging out to get new tukohamas on the beach on shaper or even normal atziri at level 90 with 20-20 gems!
absolutely worst skill mechanic for bosskilling I've ever used. I don't understand how it works for you guys. for me it doesn't. I don't believe ele res for minion's does that much difference.
btw put tukohama fortress out of the guide it doesn't work anymore at all. it never puts more then four totems on four spectres.
Postado porarcadnii#7819em 28 de jan de 2018 08:43:39
arcadnii escreveu:
unfortunately the build doesn't work for me I have 20-20 all gems. I don't know why your spectres don't die. I figuered out that it's allmost impossible without stacking a huge amount of hp for them. but anyway they die die die die die. it's not a bosskilling it's boss waiting, boss killing you (actually not cause block mechanics with offerings works great) consecrate spamming for 5 minutes, looking for tukohama spectres, running without any summon at all and loging out to get new tukohamas on the beach on shaper or even normal atziri at level 90 with 20-20 gems!
absolutely worst skill mechanic for bosskilling I've ever used. I don't understand how it works for you guys. for me it doesn't. I don't believe ele res for minion's does that much difference.
btw put tukohama fortress out of the guide it doesn't work anymore at all. it never puts more then four totems on four spectres.
This is strange, yday i killed supper easy Shaper, Red Elder. This build is OP.
Thx Natt for this build
Postado porzurikam#2516em 28 de jan de 2018 09:00:35
arcadnii escreveu:
unfortunately the build doesn't work for me I have 20-20 all gems. I don't know why your spectres don't die. I figuered out that it's allmost impossible without stacking a huge amount of hp for them. but anyway they die die die die die. it's not a bosskilling it's boss waiting, boss killing you (actually not cause block mechanics with offerings works great) consecrate spamming for 5 minutes, looking for tukohama spectres, running without any summon at all and loging out to get new tukohamas on the beach on shaper or even normal atziri at level 90 with 20-20 gems!
absolutely worst skill mechanic for bosskilling I've ever used. I don't understand how it works for you guys. for me it doesn't. I don't believe ele res for minion's does that much difference.
btw put tukohama fortress out of the guide it doesn't work anymore at all. it never puts more then four totems on four spectres.
No part of this is true. 1) You don't even have the Minion Life gem linked to your spectres. 2) Refer to '1)' and 3) Your Bone offering is level 8... how you gonna block son IF YOU AIN'T GOT NO BLOCK SON? 5) Jesus, get more than 1 Abyss Jewel. They are >5c for +Life and +Minion Life %. When you don't follow the guide, the build isn't going to work.
Última edição por reagan247#2008 em 28 de jan de 2018 10:31:57
Postado porreagan247#2008em 28 de jan de 2018 10:28:14
Natt thanks for this build, That comming for a noob thats my 2end league and i was able to complete everything in the game got 37 on the chalenges, including deathless shaper witch i could not do in harbrig..... hardest one was uber atziri because she kill my scpectres and i dit die like 4 times.
Thanks and sorry for my bad english.
Postado porenclaved#2304em 28 de jan de 2018 11:40:28
Started this yesterday in Abyss SSF. Used to love playing summoner, but haven't since the persistent Spectre patch. Got lucky with a Tabula in the aquaducts in the first run. Was gonna farm humility cards....didn't need to! Just hit act 8...cant wait to nab SG's and start farming summoner gear. Currently chancing silk slippers....then will move to necromancer silks if / when Bones of Ullr show up.
Última edição por crzytimes#4878 em 28 de jan de 2018 12:22:39
Postado porcrzytimes#4878em 28 de jan de 2018 12:21:46
grimjack68 escreveu:
Weioo escreveu:
I see under the AG tab on the OP that there are a lot of uniques listed... for the AG to wear? I just got my Dyadus and dont want it to die. Whats the best thing to give it, or should I follow whats posted?
Also The Bringer of Rain helmet says 'cannot use chest armor.' Does that apply to the AG, so the AG cant use a chest piece? Because it looks like you want it to have a chest piece.
Or is all I need are the mentioned gloves and helmet with resists? I didn't know there was money being poored into gearing the AG.
Could someone please enlighten me? :)
Those are absolutely uniques for your AG. Best items for the dual dyadus variant IMO is:
2xdyadus axe
bringer of rain helm
icetomb chest
rainbowstride boots
either rare gloves with life and resists or southbound gloves
The bringer of rain restriction on chest armour only applies to players, not animated guardians, so yes, you can use both.
This isn't really money being poured into the AG. All told, you're going to spend maybe 5c on his gear. You should make that back in chaos recipes alone in an hour. Less.
Last night I was impatient waiting for a post here, and ended spending exactly that, 5-6c for Icetomb, the movement boots listed, 2x dyadus, good helm, gloves. It's working out nicely. I've only made it to tier 2-3 rare maps, but the AG health bar barely even budges.
Now I'm trying to figure out how to get block chance above 40%. I have spell block at 42% lol. I'm running with Advancing Fortress (w/Stone Golem, Whirling Blades, and Faster Attacks) and Rathpith Globe (with nothing too important socketed ATM).
Postado porWeioo#1515em 28 de jan de 2018 14:21:44
Weioo escreveu:
Last night I was impatient waiting for a post here, and ended spending exactly that, 5-6c for Icetomb, the movement boots listed, 2x dyadus, good helm, gloves. It's working out nicely. I've only made it to tier 2-3 rare maps, but the AG health bar barely even budges.
Now I'm trying to figure out how to get block chance above 40%. I have spell block at 42% lol. I'm running with Advancing Fortress (w/Stone Golem, Whirling Blades, and Faster Attacks) and Rathpith Globe (with nothing too important socketed ATM).
I'm guessing that's without Bone Offering up. :)
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on. Última edição por grimjack68#6087 em 28 de jan de 2018 15:41:19
Postado porgrimjack68#6087em 28 de jan de 2018 15:40:54
arcadnii escreveu:
unfortunately the build doesn't work for me I have 20-20 all gems. I don't know why your spectres don't die. I figuered out that it's allmost impossible without stacking a huge amount of hp for them. but anyway they die die die die die. it's not a bosskilling it's boss waiting, boss killing you (actually not cause block mechanics with offerings works great) consecrate spamming for 5 minutes, looking for tukohama spectres, running without any summon at all and loging out to get new tukohamas on the beach on shaper or even normal atziri at level 90 with 20-20 gems!
absolutely worst skill mechanic for bosskilling I've ever used. I don't understand how it works for you guys. for me it doesn't. I don't believe ele res for minion's does that much difference.
btw put tukohama fortress out of the guide it doesn't work anymore at all. it never puts more then four totems on four spectres.
Slow down, and explain your problem properly. Consecrate spamming? Consecrate isn't even a skill. Do you mean Desecrate? Convocation?
In over 400 pages, we've had maybe a dozen players who kept losing spectres, and in every case it was user error. Are you using the right desecrate gem to create the corpses?
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Postado porgrimjack68#6087em 28 de jan de 2018 15:45:25
reagan247 escreveu:
arcadnii escreveu:
unfortunately the build doesn't work for me I have 20-20 all gems. I don't know why your spectres don't die. I figuered out that it's allmost impossible without stacking a huge amount of hp for them. but anyway they die die die die die. it's not a bosskilling it's boss waiting, boss killing you (actually not cause block mechanics with offerings works great) consecrate spamming for 5 minutes, looking for tukohama spectres, running without any summon at all and loging out to get new tukohamas on the beach on shaper or even normal atziri at level 90 with 20-20 gems!
absolutely worst skill mechanic for bosskilling I've ever used. I don't understand how it works for you guys. for me it doesn't. I don't believe ele res for minion's does that much difference.
btw put tukohama fortress out of the guide it doesn't work anymore at all. it never puts more then four totems on four spectres.
No part of this is true. 1) You don't even have the Minion Life gem linked to your spectres. 2) Refer to '1)' and 3) Your Bone offering is level 8... how you gonna block son IF YOU AIN'T GOT NO BLOCK SON? 5) Jesus, get more than 1 Abyss Jewel. They are >5c for +Life and +Minion Life %. When you don't follow the guide, the build isn't going to work.
I put lvl 20 selfcast offering setup on shaper. level 8 cwdt set up is for mapping and anyway I don't think it's 6 additional block chance is that much of a difference.
I guess some note about minion life is reasonable but if this build is from 3.0 it shouldn't be that necessary. btw the TS set up on his level 95 skill tree doesn't have that much minion life jewels.
Postado porarcadnii#7819em 28 de jan de 2018 16:05:24
grimjack68 escreveu:
arcadnii escreveu:
unfortunately the build doesn't work for me I have 20-20 all gems. I don't know why your spectres don't die. I figuered out that it's allmost impossible without stacking a huge amount of hp for them. but anyway they die die die die die. it's not a bosskilling it's boss waiting, boss killing you (actually not cause block mechanics with offerings works great) consecrate spamming for 5 minutes, looking for tukohama spectres, running without any summon at all and loging out to get new tukohamas on the beach on shaper or even normal atziri at level 90 with 20-20 gems!
absolutely worst skill mechanic for bosskilling I've ever used. I don't understand how it works for you guys. for me it doesn't. I don't believe ele res for minion's does that much difference.
btw put tukohama fortress out of the guide it doesn't work anymore at all. it never puts more then four totems on four spectres.
Slow down, and explain your problem properly. Consecrate spamming? Consecrate isn't even a skill. Do you mean Desecrate? Convocation?
In over 400 pages, we've had maybe a dozen players who kept losing spectres, and in every case it was user error. Are you using the right desecrate gem to create the corpses?
I have lvl 21 desecrate the only thing I miss is life for minions (I don't remember if it was reduced with last patch or not) and 6% block if I use cwdt set up for desecrate and offering which I didn't use cause I had lvl 20 bone offering selfcast on shaper and I can't get 6L for a month allready (spent couple of thousands of fusings) to get minion life or resists gem. I might have lack of a skill cause it it's my first minion build ever. but I thought that all that I have is more then enough to beat the content. shaper is easy done boss for me for a long time allready I know the mechanics. I don't die but spectres do.
Postado porarcadnii#7819em 28 de jan de 2018 16:20:39