[3.6] Zombiemancer - High Survivability - End Game Viable
Noticed that Spirit Offering is at 12% quality and Stone Golem at 8% is it like that for a reason, or is it better to make them 20%. Thanks for the build currently 89lvl this is my first ever character in PoE, having a blast!
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" You are the first one to ask that, I never noticed that. It's better to have them at 20% quality. It doesnt really matter for the golem, it only adds some life, but he has enough to survive anyway. But it does matter a bit for the Spirit Offering. It adds some duration, so the extra ES and extra damage for your Zombies you get out of it last a bit longer. " Are T16 syndicate members really more dangerous to the Zombies than stuff like Shaper and red Elder? What are the stats of your Zombies, do you have a PoB link of your build? |
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" I don't use PoB link, not sure what that program is for but I took a few recordings trying to show how Syndi members destroy this build in T16. There are "certain" syndicate members with certain unique items that will destroy your zombies. I was trying to find Fort syndi (they're the ones who can kill your zombies when they have damage aura buffs from totems inside the fort) but instead I ran into intervention syndi, who proceeded to whop my ass in 0.1 second. Video 1: Solo syndi Intervention, killed me before I could blink my eyes (i had fortify, 4 flasks up, and died in 0.1 sec, that's how intervention works, they jump you when your immortal call cooldown is off and shit) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ap3F6uAKs0k&t=5s Video 2: Tried to run away from solo syndi Intervention (-60% regeneration map mod, I had 5001 HP with all flasks and fortify up before Tora finished me off with her 2nd hit that does around 6k dmg up per hit, you can see how my ES disappeared from her first hit and penetrated into my HP) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELTaIRfr9eU Video 3: Successful run against Fortification, this is how the runs are normally supposed to be in 3.4 without syndi. I was super careful this run and kept my distance, spamming convocation and storm burst at the fort https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eX3tVTHzXs So it seems if I do Cast when Channeling, I do OK against fortification, but get rekt to Intervention because I can't precast Storm Burst to trigger Spirit Offering (too busy running away) Pretty sick of this patch so far, I can't get past level 94 when these random assassinations cannot be predicted. And just FYI, you normally run into multiple Syndi members, up to 4 max, and if I can't even survive against 1 solo syndi member in Intervention without some incredible luck (all cooldowns up, in lucky position, not in the middle of a mob pack, all stars aligned), then I'm not sure how to progress anymore. Última edição por mjaaay#7640 em 26 de dez de 2018 04:34:37
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" Apparently you can “turn off” syndicate encounters by opening the research safe house but not going in. All future encounters will be research, which you can just skip. Never tried this myself though. |
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" If you're suggesting to play this game without syndi, then I may as well play a different build that can handle syndi? I'm looking into suggestions to make this build viable for 3.5 Betrayal patch, whether it's stacking more chaos resistance, or changing gem, or changing gear entirely, or changing passive points, or changing flasks, or changing jewels. I've done my bit and looking for suggestions, because I'm literally getting rekt in 0.1 second and my gear can hardly get any better update: I'm going to try replace Consecrated Path flask with this new 3.5 flask. Can't really afford to stand still on top of Consecrate when syndi are chasing you down Última edição por mjaaay#7640 em 26 de dez de 2018 13:23:43
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how's end game with u > with normal gear and end gear ? uber elder for exm for new 3.5ver
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I'm level 65 atm about to finish up act 10.
When I get into Mapping, what are the best Maps to do for this build? I'm generally new to mapping in general. Thanks |
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" Just do all Maps, Tier by Tier. Importent is to get all Bonus. |
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as a diablo convert just want to say thanks for the work putting this build guide together - felt super smooth all the way through shaper with sub-par gear
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Once again few questions. Im now running -SRS in Tabula -Zombies in Baron -Skeletons with Spelltotem + desecrate + auras + movement. When is good time to let go from SRS/Skeletons and take up the Animated Guardian setup? And Ball lightning for EE? My profile is public so you can check. Currently at lvl 43, beginning of act 5 Thanks! |
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