[3.4] Teleports Behind You - Poet's Pen Lightning Warp & Arc, MF / Facetank t16 / Shaper / U. Elder
" Thanks. Just tried out a few hours ago and understood the difference between spell and attacks.. just to double confirm, use only frenzy to gain charges, and then barrage to proac right? |
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" In my experience, You'll probably want to just keep using frenzy for 1-button-clearing, then use barrage for tougher rares (like red beasts) and map bosses. Btw if You're anything like me and run warlord's mark + blasphemy at first for additional sustain (mind of the council is pretty expensive right now - few c on bestiary, but 2-3 ex on flashback - so the mana leech comes in handy before You get it) instead of Curse on hit + Assassin's Mark, link Your frenzy with GMP+faster attacks (+accuracy/lifegain on hit, depending on available colors), it's a big improvement in quality of life since You just spam frenzy in the general direction of mobs and gain charges without having to aim at all. Especially if You're not used to the constant teleporting around. |
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I've been using Blood Rage for bosses and switch out to Frenzy for general map clearing. I keep forgetting to reuse Frenzy and you usually only need to cast Blood Rage a few times in a map.
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I've been using Blood Rage for bosses and switch out to Frenzy for general map clearing. I keep forgetting to reuse Frenzy and you usually only need to cast Blood Rage a few times in a map.
Edit: ..............I just realized that the Wise Oak works on UNCAPPED resists. I didn't use it cuz i thought you needed to hit 74% (meaning resist that isn't capped). I feel stupid. Read the wiki to figure it out. |
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Is this coming in a fire edition?
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hey, any reason you don't go paragon of calamity? other 2 nodes way too important? i'm 100% poe newbie but wont it allow us to farm ele reflect maps?
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I really looking forward to try your build again in 3.3, with the arc single target buff maybe we could run Arc / Warp and Arc / Ball lightning instead of Shock Nova? Should definitely be a good buff for elder portal phase.
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are there other better spells besides shock nova for single target? because i would really want to keep my distance from bosses
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" You can make it fire if you really want to. just use bodyswap instead of lightning warp, volatile dead instead of arc. It is slower at clearing maps but better at fighting bosses. The witch forum is full of fire based poet's pen builds and I won't bother crafting one in this guide. " Beacon of Ruin is essential for generating shocks, and increasing clearspeed. I think that Paragon of Calamity is a good node if you are just starting the league and have very little currency. However, once you start acquiring endgame gear (Berek's Grip), then Mastermind of Discord will provide better dps overall. While it is true that we cannot run elemental reflect maps without Paragon, this is rarely a problem for me - ele reflect shows up on maybe 1 out of every dozen maps and it's simple enough to reroll the map. As others have pointed out in this thread, if you really hate reflect you can try crafting a Scion version of this build . It will ultimately have slightly lower clearspeed, similar damage & life values, and achieves elemental reflect immunity. " In my latest uber elder attempt I did use Ball Lightning and Arc. I found this to be very efficient because it makes it easier to kill the random Madness Propagator spawns around the arena, whereas with shocknova/ball lightning you have to chase them around and get really close. Furthermore, there are many moments in the Uber elder fight where there are 3 targets or more, meaning that you can often get Arc to hit shaper/elder >2 times! In patch 3.3 , Arc will easily contend with Shock Nova for single target. " Arc and Ball Lightning should work. Others have suggested Storm Call instead of Shock Nova but I personally hated it. I have also tried Bladefall - Phys to Lightning - Conc effect. However, many of my jewels have bonuses to elemental or lightning skills, and these affixes are meaningless with Bladefall (a physical skill). You can also use Volatile Dead & Cremation, but again, you need to rearrange your jewels/skilltree such that you are buffing fire damage, not lightning. Mirror Arrow Summoner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1422529 Teleports Behind You: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2123293 Magma Orb Deadeye: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2736039 Última edição por dariidar#0631 em 14 de mai de 2018 00:27:38
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Arc and Firestorm is such a weird choice to level a Pen character. Why not just use the usual VD links? VD has much higher effectiveness (DPS and range) on lower levels and with no gear; to a point where you could literally level to 70 without taking any skill points if you want, and you know this as well. You can always swap to Arc/LW later on.
Última edição por ultimatecat#0489 em 14 de mai de 2018 05:08:04
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