Any advantage in going aura stacking for spectre like you do with carrion golems? Got the budget for it
Postado porJoãorodrigues#5804em 30 de set de 2020 13:07:19
Wuzini escreveu:
Hi dude!
Love the build. I just transitioned from the SSF build to the pure spectre build. I was wondering how u get ur spectres to focus a boss without the use of predator though?
like it was before that gem was introduced - place your brand where you want your minions to go
Postado porfGravity#3063em 30 de set de 2020 13:13:55
Hello love the Build so far.
One question since I cant seem to understand it correctly. I use the Redemption Sentry version and I got an +1 Minion Wand with + added cold damage to spells. Should I now not take Elemetal Equilibrium or is it still fine with Holyflame Totem or Stormbrand/Armabrand?
My Minions also have on one jewel added Cold Damage but since I use Hatred anyway it should be fine anyway not ideal but not to bad.
Postado porConcilhaut#6250em 30 de set de 2020 13:20:39
Why in recommended spectres in SO we use Wrath aura? Why should we add lightning dmg to attacks?
Postado porjust4omp#5520em 30 de set de 2020 13:31:12
What do you guys think about getting 21/23 CArrion golem? Is it worth it? I just got it with lens, wondering if i should keep it or sell it and get more clusters etc
Postado porNavezz#1637em 30 de set de 2020 13:35:28
Navezz escreveu:
What do you guys think about getting 21/23 CArrion golem? Is it worth it? I just got it with lens, wondering if i should keep it or sell it and get more clusters etc
Sell it while Carrion Golem build is still hot. And get clusters.
just4omp escreveu:
Why in recommended spectres in SO we use Wrath aura? Why should we add lightning dmg to attacks?
Última edição por lonton2#3088 em 30 de set de 2020 13:37:31
Postado porlonton2#3088em 30 de set de 2020 13:37:00
lonton2 escreveu:
- Your gems is not 20% and low lvl.
- Your flasks are messy
- Dont use blasphemy, use that mana for another aura/ skitterbot.
- Hextouch with brand or WoC to proc EE.
- No trigger on wand for Frost Bomb, Offerings.
I'm talking about T1 Blight map, not about A8 Sirus.
Flasks won't give me any DPS.
Skitterbots are bugged.
Compared to SDs SOs do low damage to single target.
With all 20\20 awakened gems i can AFK T1 Blight map with ANY Spectres.
Postado porSingrave#2968em 30 de set de 2020 13:38:57
Singrave escreveu:
lonton2 escreveu:
- Your gems is not 20% and low lvl.
- Your flasks are messy
- Dont use blasphemy, use that mana for another aura/ skitterbot.
- Hextouch with brand or WoC to proc EE.
- No trigger on wand for Frost Bomb, Offerings.
I'm talking about T1 Blight map, not about A8 Sirus.
Flasks won't give me any DPS.
Skitterbots are bugged.
Compared to SDs SOs do low damage to single target.
With all 20\20 awakened gems i can AFK T1 Blight map with ANY Spectres.
It’s cuz they cuz face-tank range, you need to have them a little bit further away for the shotgun effect
Postado porfGravity#3063em 30 de set de 2020 13:49:36
fGravity escreveu:
It’s cuz they cuz face-tank range, you need to have them a little bit further away for the shotgun effect
I know about SOs mechanics. It's not a thing.
Última edição por Singrave#2968 em 30 de set de 2020 13:53:09
Postado porSingrave#2968em 30 de set de 2020 13:52:42
Singrave escreveu:
lonton2 escreveu:
- Your gems is not 20% and low lvl.
- Your flasks are messy
- Dont use blasphemy, use that mana for another aura/ skitterbot.
- Hextouch with brand or WoC to proc EE.
- No trigger on wand for Frost Bomb, Offerings.
I'm talking about T1 Blight map, not about A8 Sirus.
Flasks won't give me any DPS.
Skitterbots are bugged.
Compared to SDs SOs do low damage to single target.
With all 20\20 awakened gems i can AFK T1 Blight map with ANY Spectres.
ok ok, then your spectres suck, cant even run a tier 1 blight map properly. Cheers.
Postado porlonton2#3088em 30 de set de 2020 13:56:57