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Hi kaaaay :) i have a bit Problems with the survivalbillity from my Operation Spektren. Can u Take a Look maybe on my gear? I work on the pure Spektren build.
The dmg is ok noch think i need the second Cluster, 5 spectre and then awakened gems.
So i'm playing spectre SO , i'm still leveling, damage feel ok, clearing t14-16 without an issue. However i seem to have some trouble surviving. I get the occasional one shots. Anything i can do to get a bit more defenses ? Items or anything ? My gear isn't mirror tier, but it's okayish i would say.

So what can i do to improve the one shots? It's just dodge away ?
AcidCitrus escreveu:
So i'm playing spectre SO , i'm still leveling, damage feel ok, clearing t14-16 without an issue. However i seem to have some trouble surviving. I get the occasional one shots. Anything i can do to get a bit more defenses ? Items or anything ? My gear isn't mirror tier, but it's okayish i would say.

So what can i do to improve the one shots? It's just dodge away ?

I hope Kay wont mind if I answer you :
I quickly checked your tree and you have no defense nodes, its normal you die easily.
I'd get at least Anointed Flesh (for the +1 max res) and the block wheel on top of the mana reduced one.
Try to get at least 6.5k life AND ~5k armor.
Of course you also need at least 95% all res (to be protected from Elemental Weakness) and at least positive Chaos res.

Also about the ascendency, I understand you'd lose some dps.. BUT the 10% phys reduction from Bone Barrier is extremely good.
Then, on top of all this, if you can craft +1 min endurance charges on rings, you'd have a great survivability.

Does anyone know how this interaction works?

Sign of the Sin Eater - Enemies inflict Elemental Ailments on you instead of nearby Allies

I assume it only happens when the debuff is applied it swaps to that target, or can it scrub an already existing debuff off you once the character is within range when they were outside of its range upon the debuff being applied? Say I get burning on me, and my Animate Guardian is out of range but then walks in range. Will it put the burning on him? or will it remain on me?
Awesome. ^_^ Spider always seemed interesting but the Animated Guardian on them I always hated (Hate the skill in general)
Haiatu escreveu:
Does anyone know how this interaction works?

Sign of the Sin Eater - Enemies inflict Elemental Ailments on you instead of nearby Allies

I assume it only happens when the debuff is applied it swaps to that target, or can it scrub an already existing debuff off you once the character is within range when they were outside of its range upon the debuff being applied? Say I get burning on me, and my Animate Guardian is out of range but then walks in range. Will it put the burning on him? or will it remain on me?

You will keep the debuff, AG only intercepts at the point of application.
I'd like to suggest adding Absolution.

Even before the buff I found it a decent leveling spell. After the buff its really strong.

Even as a unlinked ability on my character (4g Triad + FB Skitter Aura), the Sentinels do ~81k DPS x3 = 242k DPS. Compare that to my 3-link Zombies supported by Multistrike and Melee Physical doing ~68k DPS x8 = 545k DPS (4 link if you count Feral Frenzy but that has no direct benefit to the Zombies themselves). It's basically the same as unlinked Zombies, only with better AoE and range.

I think at a minimum I would swap out Armageddon Brand for it as a straight swap.

For leveling and early mapping, I found it far more useful than the 4 link Skeletons from the Minion Army build. I supported them with Elemental Army, Summon Phantasm and Minion Damage. This gave the advantage of applying both Lightning and Cold Exposure if you don't have 4g Triad Grip. May or may not be optimal, but worked well for me.

Now, despite all this, there are some downsides:

1) They're very slow
- Requires regular Convocations to help them catch up to you.
2) Once you start supporting it, it becomes mana intensive.
- The debuff to spawn the minions lasts 1 second (like Dominating Blow) so you need to have it up when things are dying and they only have a 10 second base minion duration so you have to.
- If you're running a trigger wand with a 4 link Absolution, you have to be careful not to burn all your mana or your Bone Armor won't trigger due to insufficient mana. So it's not so fire and forget as a brand.
3) The boss trigger percent only applies to uniques
- If you're fighting particularly beefy rares or mismanaging your mana, you'll sometimes lose your sentinels mid-fight.
- Even with the 25% proc rate on uniques, if you're not running a mana potion you'll never maintain 3 supported Sentinels of Absolution against a boss. Not a huge deal since the Spectres and/or Zombies should be your main boss damage anyhow.
4) Avatar of Fire is required to maximize their DPS with EE
- Though with my current setup (4G Triad Grip + FB Skitter Aura) most of the damage is still cold even though the gem converts 50% physical to lightning. Only lose about 14% DPS without it.

That said, I find it totally worthwhile despite the downsides.
Sorry for the stupid question, but in the pure spectres build, what triggers the curse on hit frostbite?
Hello dear community,
I am new to the game so pardon my question

I'd really like to play the Specters & Spiders build but the Path of Building is outdated at 3.14. It tells me that some passives are changed.

Is it possible for Ms Kay to update please? Thank you so much.

I am using this build to learn the game and so far it's been so helful and FUN !
Hello! I'm playing pure spectres and i have a problem with my spectres dying. I was looking into the anomalous spectre gem. Is the 20% life the only upside? does the melee dmg help at all? also is it preferable to use the 21/20 anomalous gem for SO? or is it just for crabbies?

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