Sorry I am really new to POE,
Just want to ask does it have a maximum% on "increase minions damage if used a minion skill recently"? Can I go over 100%? with 7 jewels with 20%increase?
Also, I have bought a shield with increase 10% maximum life, but I doesn't increase even 1 hp after I put it on...really confused
Please help me!
Postado porsawcross#2538em 17 de jun de 2019 10:04:55
Sher101 escreveu:
It works with Flame Golems. Should work with specs.
Also, to everyone who is feeling squishy (I've seen quite a few complaints as I've entered and read this thread), it's because this build is pretty terrible. It has little in terms of defense. Dodge is 50/40, 2% pdr (more with ic but barely enough, and then some life regen. Just pumping damage and hoping for the best, even with fucking jewels. I've been killing the top bosses since open beta (from dominoes to Shaper and Elder) with summoner. The best things to happen to summoners were all the defensive options we were given. Basalt flasks, steelskin/molten shell, flesh and stone, all of the on hit/on spell abyss jewels (should have one of each effect on the tree), PDR from zombies, increased effect of temp chains on bosses, and curse gloves. Any idiot can pump damage and get those big deeps. The point of summoners is that we have mobile non-interactive damage dealers. I can get like half of the DPS of this build (2mil or so) with mine. However, I never die and have defenses that far surpass this crap. This league I went with Doedre's Skin. Lost 1 spectre but I'm killing it with 6 curses and MoM.
This is very true, so im running a mixture of spiders & Spectres can any chance you can share your build ?
Postado porfrannyx04#6873em 17 de jun de 2019 10:16:05
ashanae escreveu:
Pedro3051 escreveu:
Your wand seems to be half end-game half not end-game, minion damage and as/cs but lacking the trigger mod.
I dont use trigger either, i use CS/AS on my wand
You can use both though?
Magic wand with Minion damage, craft Minion AS/CS, craft Trigger and craft %Phys damage for the Blind on hit and you're good to go.
No point in getting a half-wand when your end-game wand is a trigger with damage, AS/CS and blind on hit either way, at least for me.
Postado porPedro3051#3105em 17 de jun de 2019 10:19:59
sawcross escreveu:
Sorry I am really new to POE,
Just want to ask does it have a maximum% on "increase minions damage if used a minion skill recently"? Can I go over 100%? with 7 jewels with 20%increase?
Also, I have bought a shield with increase 10% maximum life, but I doesn't increase even 1 hp after I put it on...really confused
Please help me!
You should get more than 100% minion damage if you get it from jewels, it doesn't double your DPS but it's a decent increase that's very easy to get.
In regards to your shield, if you're using Necromantic Aegis the shield bonuses will apply to your minions instead of you, meaning that 10% max HP is applied to your minions rather than yourself.
Postado porPedro3051#3105em 17 de jun de 2019 10:23:45
Pedro3051 escreveu:
ashanae escreveu:
Pedro3051 escreveu:
Your wand seems to be half end-game half not end-game, minion damage and as/cs but lacking the trigger mod.
I dont use trigger either, i use CS/AS on my wand
You can use both though?
Magic wand with Minion damage, craft Minion AS/CS, craft Trigger and craft %Phys damage for the Blind on hit and you're good to go.
No point in getting a half-wand when your end-game wand is a trigger with damage, AS/CS and blind on hit either way, at least for me.
Does blind on hit work on the wand from the spells? Also, why isn't a watchers eye with blind enough? 6% for all your minions to blind seems like it would land often?
Postado porgromkins#2869em 17 de jun de 2019 10:46:57
Pedro3051 escreveu:
craft %Phys damage for the Blind on hit and you're good to go.
Don't do this.
We did some testing last league (and some digging). The blind only works when you shoot the wand with default attack. It doesn't act like a blind support gem, despite its description.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! ✨🌀🔰
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Postado porkayella#0845em 17 de jun de 2019 11:05:35
gromkins escreveu:
why isn't a watchers eye with blind enough? 6% for all your minions to blind seems like it would land often?
Nothing applies to minions unless it explicitly states 'minions' in the description. So the Watcher's would only apply to your damage. The Blind support gem on Storm Brand should be able to apply blind reliably.
If you want to go dual curse, consider getting shaper/elder gloves with blind pseudo gem.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: 🔶🔷🔶
Postado porkayella#0845em 17 de jun de 2019 11:08:11
kayella escreveu:
gromkins escreveu:
why isn't a watchers eye with blind enough? 6% for all your minions to blind seems like it would land often?
Nothing applies to minions unless it explicitly states 'minions' in the description. So the Watcher's would only apply to your damage. The Blind support gem on Storm Brand should be able to apply blind reliably.
If you want to go dual curse, consider getting shaper/elder gloves with blind pseudo gem.
Sorry I meant to say jewel not watcher's eye. "Minions have x% chance to blind on hits with their attacks"
Postado porgromkins#2869em 17 de jun de 2019 11:13:25
gromkins escreveu:
"Minions have x% chance to blind on hits with their attacks"
Oh, that's good, but only a minion that does an attack will make use of it. So: stone golem , AG, and skeletons. The spell casting minions don't 'attack'. If you are using melee spectres, it'll work, though!
Same goes with taunt.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: 🔶🔷🔶
Postado porkayella#0845em 17 de jun de 2019 11:28:56
Anyone here can craft trigger socketed spell???
Edit: Already got it thanks
Última edição por CutieSabba#7164 em 17 de jun de 2019 12:16:23
Postado porCutieSabba#7164em 17 de jun de 2019 12:08:18