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Hi .... With the "Trigger" on my wand, can't no more invoke my scepters ...( for example when I want to increase their level when my gem allows me ) Did U have the solution ?Ty
Hi .... With the "Trigger" on my wand, can't no more invoke my scepters ...( for example when I want to increase their level when my gem allows me ) Did U have the solution ?Ty
Swap desecrate into your phase run slot, and turn off haste to summon more of anything.
Can you explain how do you use your Arakaali´s dagger ? i mean, only for bosses? or just all content? if both, do you use x2 tabulas?
I'm currently using the Enhanced Vaal version of the build. They move like snails, so the Arakaali spiders are for map clearing. Once I get to the boss room, I weapon swap to my trigger wand for Flesh Offering and my Dread banner. I'm only using a Tabula with 19/0 gems, so the DPS is a bit low.
Spiders come from the dagger, so they can only have 3 support gems:
Wouldn't it be better to run maim instead of elemental damage with attacks? If you use blood and sand you can switch to blood during bosses and that maim multiplier stacks with the gem.
I've tried your tree cause I've never used a necro with acro/phase acro and it feels a bit better for me, since I tend to space out and not watch the screen while I play (too many flashing lights physically hurt me).
I've been using dread banner, blood and sand plus aspect of the spider from day one. precision lv6 and malevolence or hatred (using diadem, sitting at 5.8k hp with 1.3k es and mom). I hardly die (only when I meet the conditions previously mentioned xD).
Depends on my set up, I sit on 250/350k dps for each spider and 700k/2m for each spectre (2m with melee spectre). At this stage, using a vis mortis/+1 spectre armor feels trivial, since the spiders wreck the world.
If I spec out of phase acro and grab a bit more minion nodes, spiders damage can go up to 456k ea or something like that, but I die sometimes (miss max block necro so much...).
For curse I use enfeeble, since I don't need more deeps or sometimes blasphemy+temp chains using a solstice vigil (feels amazing with enhance, would be even better with empower, but who has the gem slots, am I right?).
This "build" (actually all necro builds, no just this one) is fairly customizable to suit your needs and play style. You can go full deeps aka Simple Jack, extremely tanky or a happy middle.
Edit: One more thing, try using minion dmg, splash + multi strike for map clear on your dagger (using hatred aure) beter dmg, feels better for clearing. you can swap splash for dmg full life (a little bit more dmg than melee phys dmg) for bosses and use whitering touch for uber elder or ""long"" fights, since it takes like 8 secs to ramp up the poisons to get better dmg than the set up I mentioned, and most bosses die before that.
On a separate note: I know the trigger craft is an amazing QoL, but if you can live without it, using only the dagger is way better (20 spiders hammering the boss makes up for the missing deeps on the spectres and then some!).
Og shit, one more thing (lol, I promise this is the last one) use a ghstly with minion blind on hit and drop the bling gem (the spiders hit so fast that everyone will be blinded, plus, blood and sand ;). If you don't have aspect of the spider, grab a "minions hinder with spells" mod (only if you have spell caster spectres) and a taunt one wouldn't hurt (haven't tried it yet).
Última edição por mc29654363#6311 em 19 de jun de 2019 18:43:56
Can someone look at my character and help me? I have 230k DPS and i don`t know what should i do to improve my dbs? PoB shows 800k dps in this guide. I have similar equipment but 230k ((( HELP pls!
Your profile is set to private so we cant help you, sorry.
Tbh Army battles don't have that much density (at least 4-way ones).
There are no problems killing generals, they just take 15-20 seconds to kill which is too long for the time you're given.
What do you mean SE doesn't work on bosses? Are you talking about bosses like Uber Elder? because that's not true. Nearly ALL bosses in the game have adds that do, in fact, give souls which is a huge boost. Even fights like UAtziri and UElder have adds, there are very few fights that have no adds whatsoever (such as the Pale Council, which is a fight you don't do often).
How does AG give your spectres more damage again? I'm using AG with Leer Cast, Victario's Flight and Kingmaker for 15% dmg, 10% MS, increased Crit mult, fortify and Culling Strike, how exactly do you get Cast Speed on your spectres through AG? Because at one point CS is better than damage, since dealing 10M DPS doesn't matter if you attack once per minute.
Also, ignites don't really matter unless for whatever reason Minion Damage also affects ailments. Even if it does, only one ignite can be present on an enemy so ignite damage is so low it barely makes a difference. That and Controlled Destruction reduces your crit chance, less crit chance = less crit strikes = less ignites. At least with Elemental Focus, your spectres can still deal a bit of crit strikes, enough to use Kingmaker's crit multi bonus.
I'm not a spectre master so do take that with a grain of salt though.
Well, can't help you here, i got another look at army battles, i did my share of those and tried diffrent combinations, pierce is BiS for me atm for my SGs i get most rewards with those.
I dont say AG give your spectres CS i say it give your spectres speed, imo if you use kingmaker with it you should clear even faster than me because of culling strike.
Controlled destruction reduce only base crit chance and by small amout not to 0%, thats why every spell build that is based on crit or not always used controlled destruction + Zealotry give crit chance to your spectres.
I just dont use SE on bosses even UE, i dont realy on adds phase to get it up i rather use abyss gem with 6% CS all the time and extra dmg than SE on bosses + abyss jewel give extra survability which we need in legion.
Remember i'm just trying to help there i play a lot and do as many testing as i could with my limited money i spend on emblems and stuff.
I crafted myself +1 minimum endurance charges, only on one piece so far but helps a lot, its extra phys dmg reduction, at end iw ant to craft it on all jewelery i have for perma 3 endu charges.
I've hardly spent anything yet and am still using a few levelling items. With now just over 8 ex to invest in the build can someone please take a look at what would be best to spend my currency on? I was looking at a 6l Vis Morris but that would wipe out most of it. Spend big on that or upgrade the rest of my gear first? Character is Dobspecs.
Can you explain how do you use your Arakaali´s dagger ? i mean, only for bosses? or just all content? if both, do you use x2 tabulas?
I'm currently using the Enhanced Vaal version of the build. They move like snails, so the Arakaali spiders are for map clearing. Once I get to the boss room, I weapon swap to my trigger wand for Flesh Offering and my Dread banner. I'm only using a Tabula with 19/0 gems, so the DPS is a bit low.
Spiders come from the dagger, so they can only have 3 support gems:
Wouldn't it be better to run maim instead of elemental damage with attacks? If you use blood and sand you can switch to blood during bosses and that maim multiplier stacks with the gem.
I've tried your tree cause I've never used a necro with acro/phase acro and it feels a bit better for me, since I tend to space out and not watch the screen while I play (too many flashing lights physically hurt me).
I've been using dread banner, blood and sand plus aspect of the spider from day one. precision lv6 and malevolence or hatred (using diadem, sitting at 5.8k hp with 1.3k es and mom). I hardly die (only when I meet the conditions previously mentioned xD).
Depends on my set up, I sit on 250/350k dps for each spider and 700k/2m for each spectre (2m with melee spectre). At this stage, using a vis mortis/+1 spectre armor feels trivial, since the spiders wreck the world.
If I spec out of phase acro and grab a bit more minion nodes, spiders damage can go up to 456k ea or something like that, but I die sometimes (miss max block necro so much...).
For curse I use enfeeble, since I don't need more deeps or sometimes blasphemy+temp chains using a solstice vigil (feels amazing with enhance, would be even better with empower, but who has the gem slots, am I right?).
This "build" (actually all necro builds, no just this one) is fairly customizable to suit your needs and play style. You can go full deeps aka Simple Jack, extremely tanky or a happy middle.
Edit: One more thing, try using minion dmg, splash + multi strike for map clear on your dagger (using hatred aure) beter dmg, feels better for clearing. you can swap splash for dmg full life (a little bit more dmg than melee phys dmg) for bosses and use whitering touch for uber elder or ""long"" fights, since it takes like 8 secs to ramp up the poisons to get better dmg than the set up I mentioned, and most bosses die before that.
On a separate note: I know the trigger craft is an amazing QoL, but if you can live without it, using only the dagger is way better (20 spiders hammering the boss makes up for the missing deeps on the spectres and then some!).
Og shit, one more thing (lol, I promise this is the last one) use a ghstly with minion blind on hit and drop the bling gem (the spiders hit so fast that everyone will be blinded, plus, blood and sand ;). If you don't have aspect of the spider, grab a "minions hinder with spells" mod (only if you have spell caster spectres) and a taunt one wouldn't hurt (haven't tried it yet).
I basically copied this build and it's by far one of my favorites. Shout out to mc29654363 for being so helpful and answering my questions in game ^.^
I crafted myself +1 minimum endurance charges, only on one piece so far but helps a lot, its extra phys dmg reduction, at end iw ant to craft it on all jewelery i have for perma 3 endu charges.
do you use CFE or SGs? I like your build so I'm probably going to move some of my talents around to be more like yours. have you cleared just about everything this league?