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Hi again,
need some help :)) Prolly a noob question and a problem, but I wanted to use Desecrate in a map not in h/o but skill saying it can't be used?!? So far I did not get any problem like that, but now somehow it appeared.
Desecrate gem is in my weapon along with the other two gems like it is written in the build and as I said I used it till now w/o any problems at all so far.
If I remove Desecrate and put in in another item's green socket skill is OK and working, but it is not working in my Wand anymore...
Could trigger a socketed spell when you use a skill be the problem? And if yes is there a way to avoid this problem..? :)
Thanks in advance!
Once the skill is in the wand, you cannot self cast it. It'll take turns between that & flesh offering on your use of a skill.
I see, thank you. So I need to move Desecrate to prolly a socketed ring most likely. But I wonder why when/if I can not cast it by myself it is said that that gem must be in the Weapon...hm :)
I have another annoying problem from time to time tho. Seems like at some situations and encounters my Slave Drivers are dying like instantly, still can not figure out why and when this happens. I think I've read that Slave Drivers got not so much Health, but still it is weird. Maybe they die from some mobs with reflect or something like that, not sure.
So I removed 2-3 points from skill tree with attack speed and cast for minions and put like another 34% more minion's life to see if that will help at least a little.
And yes, I do use Convocation quite often and all of the time. But if someone is familiar with that problem when Slave Drivers die constantly from something, please let me know about that and how I can prevent it from happening :))
I currently have flesh offering + desecrate in my wand which has the trigger on cast mod, and it'll transition between casting flesh offering & desecrate, so I basically have 100% up-time on flesh offering now & don't have to worry about it since my brand + phase run + convocation are constantly proc'ing it.
As stated previously as well, avoid ele reflect maps, since your spectres will most likely 1 shot themselves.
When i asked if it could be automated, i meant procing EE
You can with something like this:
If you can get 'added damage to spells' on your trigger wand, it allows Blade Vortex to hit for elemental damage. Trigger has a 4s cooldown and BV has a 5s duration, so as long as you are using other skills, you should have near 100% uptime on BV.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Última edição por kayella#0845 em 18 de set de 2019 19:02:51
I think, i am gonna prefer option 2 (Max Life + Curse) but i'm not sure.
Can you help me guys?
If you care about the PoH Mom build, which is the best in my opinion, you would want the %life as max ES craft. Without it its difficult to get a good ES pool without having to waste nodes on tree
I'm contemplating switching to the MoM build since I got around 20 ex to spend but we'll see.
I might just make another char instead and experiment with the new league uniques.
Already doing good damage as it stands and only dying to one shot mechanics for most part. I really do love this build send applaud the Time and effort spend on keeping it up to date.
So now that this league has been out for awhile, can I get some opinions on the verdict as far as far as how well this build is performing? I know nobody knew anything at the start of the league and I'm thinking of giving it a shot now that I have some time on my hands, but how is the performance? Is it about the same as last league or better due to the summoner improvements?
Currently I am using the Pledge of Hands build with the old life build. Sitting at about 5.5k life with PoH (I think that's low). Not entirely sure where to go from here.
Should I just keep farming until I can afford a diadem + gem + amulet for the MoM build?
Or should I sell the pledge of hands and go back to wand and shield?
So now that this league has been out for awhile, can I get some opinions on the verdict as far as far as how well this build is performing? I know nobody knew anything at the start of the league and I'm thinking of giving it a shot now that I have some time on my hands, but how is the performance? Is it about the same as last league or better due to the summoner improvements?
Just watch the 8 spectre video, it mows through everything.
It is what i wished Worb was.
Currently I am using the Pledge of Hands build with the old life build. Sitting at about 5.5k life with PoH (I think that's low). Not entirely sure where to go from here.
Should I just keep farming until I can afford a diadem + gem + amulet for the MoM build?
Or should I sell the pledge of hands and go back to wand and shield?
I'd say just keep farming until you can afford next upgrades, since this build shreds regardless.
So now that this league has been out for awhile, can I get some opinions on the verdict as far as far as how well this build is performing? I know nobody knew anything at the start of the league and I'm thinking of giving it a shot now that I have some time on my hands, but how is the performance? Is it about the same as last league or better due to the summoner improvements?
Imo this build, whether you go shield/wand or pledge, rips through everything. It requires pretty low investment to start with and it's fun to watch everything melt.
I'm gonna try Uber elder tomorrow since I had a busy week, but other than specs dying to carelessness and getting one shot by certain mechanics, I've been moving through all content with ease.
Now that they adjusted blight maps, this might be one of the best builds to clear those too.
Few nice quality of life changes for Specs are nice too. I played summoner few league ago and it's definitely a huge improvement over that.
All I'm hoping for future is easier way to keep track of what spectres you have summoned and an easier way to summon things. (They could use a menagerie like option for that, once you've summoned one mob, it'll be instantly available to resummon without needing to highlight corpses) but that's details. I'd very much recommend you'd give it a try.