Kay's Summoner Memorial Page | New Guide is linked inside!

Hi everyone it's Kay!

This necro summoner is a very flexible build. The build start off with using a small minion army, and then gives you the choice to specialise on boss killing, fast mapping or a combination. You can do all content in the game with just one character!

This build is based on my own character as well as the suggestions and theorycrafting of many other players. So a big thank you to everyone who has contributed!

15 JAN 2021
League Start & SSF Build Guide released
Watch the new video on youtube: PoE 3.13 - League Start & SSF

1. Introduction

2. Latest Updates

3. Videos

4. Build Guides
ㆍ4.1 League Start & SSF
ㆍ4.2 Pure Spectres
ㆍ4.3 Spectres & Spiders
ㆍ4.4 Minion Bomber

5. Recommended Spectres

6. Levelling Guide & Walkthrough

7. Animate Guardian Guide

8. Crafting Guide

9. Frequently Asked Questions

Build Guide: PoE 3.13 - League Start & SSF

Build Guide: PoE 3.13 - Pure Spectres

Build Guide: PoE 3.13 - Spectres & Spiders

Build Guide: PoE 3.13 - Minion Bomber

Levelling Guide: ACT 1 + ACT 2 + ACT 3 + ACT 4

How-To Guide: PoE 3.13 - Spectre Bank Guide

How-To Guide: PoE 3.13 - Animate Guardian Guide

Spectre Showcase: Slave Driver | Scale of Esh | Baranite Preacher | Redemption Knight | Spectral Tactician | Scinteel Synthete | Baranite Thaumaturge | Solar Guard | Kitava's Herald | Frost Sentinel | Dreadwheel | Tukohama's Vanguard + Wickerman | Primal Crushclaw | Baranite Purge Knight | Wild Infestation Queen | Primal Reborn | Templar Tactician | Frost Auto-Scout | Artless Assassin | Ashblessed Warden | Goodboy Robot Doggo

Key mechanics


League Start & SSF is designed for league start and solo-self-found. It is completely made from rare items, that you can pick up or self-craft. There are no uniques needed for this build.

The main damage dealers are the spectres. The build also uses zombies and a stone golem to provide: buffs, extra DPS, life regen, and be a meat shield.

I recommend using the Slave Driver spectre. It’s a good all-round spectre, and it’s great for levelling and early mapping. It uses a powerful lightning-based aoe-spell, that can hit many monsters in a single cast.


The build has several defensive features.
• The minions are your meat shield. Incoming attacks will hit them before they hit you.
• A large life pool means you can take a hit and not instantly die.
• Good amount of block, and life recovery on block.
• Dread banner reduces the enemy’s hit chance.
• You can focus on using defensive flasks.
• and Minions can blind and taunt monsters, if you have the right ghastly eye jewels.

Passive Tree & Jewels, Ascendancy, Pantheon and PoB Pastebin


You must use POB Community build to open my POB Pastebin.



You can craft or buy ghastly eyes. Mod priorities:
#1: life
#2: Taunt and blind
#3: increased minion attack/cast speed or increased minion damage

Highly recommend for Sirus fight
'Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you'

Recommended Unique Jewels:
Anatomical Knowledge: +flat life & 8% increased maximum life
Unending Hunger: 50% chance for minion to gain Soul Eater

*Skip Unending Hunger if it too expensive.


See Pure Spectres build for cluster jewels.


Kill all

*Help Alira if you need extra resistance (good for HC or SSF)


1. Mindless Aggression
2. Unnatural Strength
3. Mistress of Sacrifice
4. Commander of Darkness


Major: Lunaris
Minor: Shakari

Gear, Gems Links & Flasks


Crafted +1 helmet -> life helmet -> Crafted +3 helmet

Support minions 1 red & 3 blue.

1. Stone Golem gives life regen.
2. Golem and Zombies can proc Feeding Frenzy buff that give spectres more damage and attack/cast speed.
3. Physical to Lightning (and lightning res debuff on enemy) give Golem and Zombie good damage for mapping.


5L rare -> Tabula Rasa or 6 link rare -> 6 link +1 spectre

Slave Driver 6 link: 6 blue

NOTE: +1 spectre body armour is drop only (mod cannot be crafted)

Please see Recommended Spectres section below for Awakened Gems and gems for other spectres.


Crafted gloves

EE/Curse: 4 blue

1. Arma Brand reduces enemy ele res (Elemental Equilibrium -50% and Conductivity curse -44%)
2. Flame Dash is get out of danger movement skill.


Fossil-crafted boots with +1 spectre gem level (Elder influence)

Skitters and Aura: 2 blue, 2 red.

1. Skitterbots chill and shock enemies.
2. Dread banner reduce nearby enemy accuracy (less hit chance).
3. Wrath Aura for more damage.


Convoking wand or Temple wand

Weapon: 1 green, 2 blue.

1. Desecrate spawns corpses.
2. Bone Offering consumes corpses to increase block chance for minions and necro, as well as some life recovery.
3. Skeletons add extra minions for pulling agro (and taunt if you have it on a cluster or ghastly jewel).

NOTE: You can use Vaal Skeletons to body block bosses with a mass of skeletons!

High life/resistance -> Crafted Shaper/Warlord shield with 'recover 5% life when block'

Shield: 2 red, 1 blue

1. Convocation teleport spectres to you.
2. Steelskin gives extra '2200 life'.

NOTE: You can set Steelskin to left mouse button. Also set 'always attack without moving'. It will autocast on cooldown.


Leather Belt or Stygian Vise with high life/resists.

Socket Ghastly Eye with Taunt and Blind.


Amulet with +1 to all intelligence gems.

Anoint with Death Attunement
When you anoint Death Attunment on your amulet, you can refund the passive points and use them in another place.

+1 to Maximum number of Spectres
Minions have 8% increased Attack Speed
Minions have 8% increased Cast Speed
+1 to Maximum number of Raised Zombies
+1 to Maximum number of Skeletons


Rings with high life/res.

Coral or Vermillion rings


Bubbling Divine Flask of Staunching - instant life flask & remove bleed
Quicksilver of Adrenaline - increased movement speed
Basalt of Warding - phys damage reduction & remove curse
Quartz Flask of Heat - 10% Dodge, phasing & remove freeze
Jade Flask of Reflexes - evasion

Recommended Unique Flasks:

Upgrading after League Start

This build can carry you to level 100 and Sirus A8. But if you have currency and you play in the trade league, think about upgrading to Pure Spectres or Spectres & Spiders.

The easiest upgrade is the Pure Spectres build. I recommend upgrading in this order:
1. 4 spectres (Raise Spectre gem level 25)
2. Triad Grip gloves (4G sockets) + Syndicate Operative
3. Cluster Jewels
4. Devouring Diadem + reserve Haste aura
5. 5 spectres (6L delve body)
6. Awakened Dems
7. Thread of Hope
8. Unending Hunger*

Please check the guides below as well as the video guides on youtube for more information.

Key mechanics


The Pure Spectres build uses several key mechanics to boost DPS and quality of life.

devouring diadem + sovereignty
Devouring diadem and Sovereignty notable give a lot of
reduced-mana-reserve. It also has eldritch battery, so you use energy shield instead of mana. This allows you to reserve 100% mana with 2 auras and skitters. It also provides a large amount of life recovery from feast of flesh. And you can do maps with ‘no regen’.

skitterbots + profane proxy
Skitters normally have a shock and chill aura, but we can replace one aura with a curse by using profane proksy. So, your skitters become a mobile curse aura. This means we don’t need to use curse on hit, and we can curse monsters without stopping.

Passive Tree & Jewels, Ascendancy, Pantheon and PoB Pastebin


You must use POB Community build to open my POB Pastebin.



Thread of Hope medium
Unending Hunger*
Ghastly Eye

*Skip Unending Hunger if it too expensive.


• One 8-passive Large jewel, with feasting fiends, renewal, third notable (don’t allocate).
• Two 4 or 5-passive Medium jewels, with vengeful commander, first among equals.
• One 2-passive Small jewel, with surging vitality.
• One 2-passive Small jewel, with enduring composure.

Same large and medium as SINGLE CLUSTER.
• Two 2-passive Small jewels with Surging Vitality.


Kill all

*Help Alira if you need extra resistance (good for HC or SSF)


1. Mindless Aggression
2. Unnatural Strength
3. Commander of Darkness
4. Mistress of Sacrifice


Major: Lunaris
Minor: Shakari

Gear, Gems Links & Flasks


Devouring Diadem

Vaal Haste and Hatred linked to Generosity will give a big boost to DPS. Skitters don’t benefit from generosity, but need the reduced mana reserve from diadem.

Enchant: Spectre damage, minion ias, or flesh offering ias

If Devouring Diadem is too expensive. Just use a normal helmet and don't reserve Haste Aura. You can use Vaal Haste for speed boost against bosses.


Crafted delve body armour with +1 spectre number

This spectre casts a spell that triggers the range attack.

Volley is used for shotgun effect.
*This is changed from GMP from video guide.

Delve chest with high life. Hunter's orb to get the offering mod. Bench craft is 8% life & mana.


Triad Grip with 4 green sockets.


Fossil-crafted boots with +1 spectre gem level (Elder influence)


Convoking wand or Temple wand with Trigger craft

Spell cascade + desecrate creates 10 corpses for bone offering (triggered spell) & feast of flesh (helmet).

Shaper or Warlord influence shield

Arma Brand to proc EE, Tempest shield is a cheap way to get extra block. Convocation to reposition your spectres.


Stygian Vise with high life/resists.

Socket Ghastly Eye with Taunt and Blind.


Amulet with +1 to all intelligence gems.

Anoint with Death Attunement
When you anoint Death Attunment on your amulet, you can refund the passive points and use them in another place.

+1 to Maximum number of Spectres
Minions have 8% increased Attack Speed
Minions have 8% increased Cast Speed
+1 to Maximum number of Raised Zombies
+1 to Maximum number of Skeletons


1x Profane Proxy, 1x Vermillion ring

In Profane proxy, use Frostbite.

NOTE: Profane Proxy must be on the left side on your character.


Bubbling Eternal life of staunching for instant life recovery and bleed removal.
Rumi's Concoction for extra block.
Quicksilver flask of adrenaline for big speed boost.
Jade flask of reflexes for evasion.
Quartz flask of dousing to give phasing, dodge and remove burning.

Key mechanics & How to play


1. Spiders
Arakaali’s Fang summons spiders that have high movement speed, are extremely aggressive, and will attack everything on-screen and off-screen. They hit with physical and chaos damage, and will proc poison. They are also immune to damage.

2. Speaker’s wreath & spider’s poison
Speaker’s wreath blocks your spectres and spiders from killing monsters with hits, because they cannot ignite the monsters.
This means all monsters will die from spider’s poison.
And any kill from a minion’s poison will count as a player kill.

3. on kill effects
Spider’s poison kill will proc any ‘on kill’ effect, such as:
• Re-spawning spiders
• Life and ES recovery


To start mapping, let spectres hit the nearest monsters. They will reduce the monster’s life to 0, but they won’t be able to kill them because of Speaker’s Wreath.
Walk close and kill the monsters with your Arma Brand. This will spawn spiders.
See build guide video for demonstration.

Passive Tree & Jewels, Ascendancy, Pantheon and PoB Pastebin


You must use POB Community build to open my POB Pastebin.



• Anatomical Knowledge
• Ghastly eye-jewels with minion leech and minion blind
• Watcher's Eye with Phasing/Haste.


• One 8-passive Large jewel, with vengeful commander, cold-blooded killer, third notable (don’t allocate).
• Two 4 or 5-passive Medium jewels, with vengeful commander, first among equals.
• One 2-passive Small jewel, with brush with death.
• One 2-passive Small jewel, with enduring composure.

Same large and medium as SINGLE CLUSTER.
• Two 2-passive Small jewels with Surging Vitality.


Kill all

*Help Alira if you need extra resistance (good for HC or SSF)


1. Mindless Aggression
2. Unnatural Strength
3. Commander of Darkness
4. Mistress of Sacrifice


Major: Lunaris
Minor: Shakari

Gear, Gems Links & Flasks


Speaker's Wreath with 3 linked gems, 1 unlinked gem



Crafted delve body armour with +1 spectre number

For more boss DPS, swap melee splash to


Grip of the Council with 2 linked gem, 2 unlinked gem.


NOTE: CWDT should be about 30% of HP.


Fossil-crafted boots with +1 spectre gem level (Elder influence)


Arakaali's Fang (summons spiders)

Rare sceptre with added fire/lightning damage to spells, trigger craft


Stygian Vise with high life/resists.

Socket Ghastly Eye with Taunt and Blind.


Amulet with +1 to all intelligence gems.

Anoint with Death Attunement
When you anoint Death Attunment on your amulet, you can refund the passive points and use them in another place.

+1 to Maximum number of Spectres
Minions have 8% increased Attack Speed
Minions have 8% increased Cast Speed
+1 to Maximum number of Raised Zombies
+1 to Maximum number of Skeletons


Rings with high life/res.

1x Vermillion ring
1x Unset ring

NOTE: One ring must have Frostbite curse.


Bubbling Eternal life of staunching for instant life recovery and bleed removal.
Experimenter’s quicksilver of adrenaline for big speed boost.
Cinderswallow Urn. This recovers life and ES when you kill a monster or a monster dies from poison. Damage taken leeched as life is the recommended craft.
Basalt flask of Warding for curse immunity.
Jade flask of reflexes for evasion. This can combine with AG with blind aura to give you 65% chance to evade hits.

🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Última edição por kayella#0845 em 14 de jan de 2021 22:23:24
This build is something... Amazing trully. I was having a hard time dealing with all these syndicate encounters, and with these boisss i just ANNIHILATE them (comparing to SG setup). Thanks!
But now i have a question : how much damage i would lose if i won't use this victario's charity shield? can i still do shaper/ guards? I kinda need my shield for hp (playing hardcore).
Heaven's rain falls upon faces of the children who look skyward
Twisting metal through the air
Scars and screams so you might know his fury
Última edição por P1nKert0n#7519 em 2 de fev de 2019 18:58:26
P1nKert0n escreveu:
This build is something... Amazing trully. I was having a hard time dealing with all these syndicate encounters, and with these boisss i just ANNIHILATE them (comparing to SG setup). Thanks!
But now i have a question : how much damage i would lose if i won't use this victario's charity shield? can i still do shaper/ guards? I kinda need my shield for hp (playing hardcore).

Hi, I'm glad you're enjoying the boss-killing power of the build. SGs are great for map clearing, but they lack the boss-melting DPS that FEs bring. FEs + Phantasms end up having the same map clearing speed without losing boss DPS.

To answer your question, if you swap out Victario's Charity, you'll lose about 25% DPS on your FEs. They will still dish out a lot of DPS, so you'll have no problem with guardians/shaper. To demonstrate, I recorded a minotaur kill with no shield equipped and just 4L:


🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
kayella escreveu:
P1nKert0n escreveu:
This build is something... Amazing trully. I was having a hard time dealing with all these syndicate encounters, and with these boisss i just ANNIHILATE them (comparing to SG setup). Thanks!
But now i have a question : how much damage i would lose if i won't use this victario's charity shield? can i still do shaper/ guards? I kinda need my shield for hp (playing hardcore).

Hi, I'm glad you're enjoying the boss-killing power of the build. SGs are great for map clearing, but they lack the boss-melting DPS that FEs bring. FEs + Phantasms end up having the same map clearing speed without losing boss DPS.

To answer your question, if you swap out Victario's Charity, you'll lose about 25% DPS on your FEs. They will still dish out a lot of DPS, so you'll have no problem with guardians/shaper. To demonstrate, I recorded a minotaur kill with no shield equipped and just 4L:


watched the video, 4 link w/o shield was enough to get that minotaur down easy, that's alot of damage.
2 questions that bother me. which curse is the best if i don't go for dual and why pierce is better than elemental focus in this build. Thanks again!
Oh and i wanted to mention that i feel Cannibals are even faster than SG setup in map clearing! Now i don't care about these shielded minions that live forever when you use SG.
Heaven's rain falls upon faces of the children who look skyward
Twisting metal through the air
Scars and screams so you might know his fury
Última edição por P1nKert0n#7519 em 3 de fev de 2019 05:55:21
P1nKert0n escreveu:
2 questions that bother me. which curse is the best if i don't go for dual and why pierce is better than elemental focus in this build. Thanks again!
Oh and i wanted to mention that i feel Cannibals are even faster than SG setup in map clearing! Now i don't care about these shielded minions that live forever when you use SG.

Thanks for your questions. I think I'll add them to a Q&A section later, as I'm sure other people might want to know. Or maybe to a 'how this build works' section. (This ended up being a long reply).


For single curse, I recommend Projectile Weakness:

Elemental Equilibrium passive will apply -50% fire res, and the Stone Golem with Combustion and Multistrike (and ghastly eye with flat added fire) will apply -19% fire res. So you've already got -69% fire res. Elemental Weakness (and Flammability) give -44% fire res. Once any monster reaches 0% resistance, the negative restistance just becomes a more multiplier.

Projectile Weakness makes enemies take 54% increased damage, which works as a more multiplier. So, if a monster is at 0% fire res, Projective Weakness adds more damage (54% vs 44%) AND give extra benefits - 25% knockback chance (Fire-Eaters cast 20+ times/sec) and make projectiles pierce.

Long reply about gem support

Gem support is a little complicated. It depends on whether you go 5 blue + 1 green or 4 blue + 2 green. Of course, the best would be 4 blue + 1 green + 1 white.

5 blue and 1 green has the most dps.

The standard boss killing combo is:

Fire-Easters have a fairly short range, so Faster Projectiles almost doubles their range and is very useful for fast-moving bosses, such as Hydra, or when you need to be able to hit the boss and adds at the same time, such as in Uber Elder fight.

When you don't need the range boost, you can use Slower Projectiles or Pierce. As both add a more multiplier and are green gems. But, you actually dump so much damage, you can kill bosses without them (as demonstrated in my 4L video).

For mapping:

Summoned Phantasms shoot physical projectiles, so they don't benefit from Elemental Focus. But they will benefit from the other 4 support gems.

4 blue + 2 green is better for map clearing because it allows you to pair Faster Projectiles with LMP (or GMP), thus giving your little team of friends a lot of projectile spread.

For mapping, I use this combo:

For bossing:

Here I swap LMP for Pierce because it's a green gem with a more multiplier. Slower Projectiles is surprisingly bad because it halves the range on your Fire-Eaters, so they spend more time chasing bosses instead of casting their Incinerate.

🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Última edição por kayella#0845 em 4 de mar de 2019 01:03:21
Question - I have several of the gems that say increased minion damage when you've recently used a minion skill. What is the best way to activate this?
Rivx escreveu:
WildKeeper98 escreveu:
Hey there, just came across your guide, I wanted to know how you leveled your build. What skills did you use? I'm very interested in your build! It's just seems a little bit hard to level.

Don't bother with regular minions at first. They die too fast without health and regen nodes. SRS is your best skill early on, though a bit annoying to use. Link it with minion damage and melee splash. Take minion damage nodes and health for yourself, and make your way to the spectre wheel, passing through cruel preparation. Then left towards the spiritual aid wheel. Around level 30 you should have enough minion nodes to finally start using zombies (Don't forget the small zombie cluster to the right of witch start). Buy bones of ullr if you're not SSF, 4 link them since it is your endgame item, and put zombie + minion dmg + minion speed + minion life. If you have another 4 link, you can start using spectres - grab flame sentinels from solaris temple and keep "upgrading" them via desecrate as you get to higher level zones. Once you complete normal lab, you should be on cruise control.

Hey man,
thanks for your leveling guide! I reached the maps, but I feel with 5k still a lil bit squish... did I do sth wrong?
Here's my rotation: Walk -> Sees mobs -> start cursing -> dead
but sometimes the mobs has some weird shit ton of dmg projectile and it almost kills me instantly, 2 of those would be my dead I guess.
Heelp there!
p.s. single target is sick and guide is still nice! :D
I must say, amazing build! I just finally killed Uber Elder for the first time this league with my Soulwrest Necro, but I was looking for an upgrade. Having to resummon the Phantasms constantly during the fight is a real pita and the cause of many deaths. Since I really don't like the zombie build, and I absolutely hated the HoG playstyle, I thought I'd give the Spectres a try.

So I shuffled around a couple things in my tree to get Necromantic Aegis and bought the minimum gear just to try the build. First Uber Elder try, by far my best fight ever, almost deathless! And keep in mind I fought him like 20 times before with only 1 kill.

I really love the possibilities this build offer. You can go with a completely different tree, different gear, and still have a very solid build. I'm even tempted to try a hybrid version with a Soulwrest for mapping. And most of all, it can be very cheap too. The dps numbers are not inflated with all flasks up all buffs up with 50 ex worth of gear. Anyone can easily reach 2-3 million Shaper dps total.

Can't wait for next league, this will be my starter build, thanks for a great guide! :D

Here's my quickly rushed version from a Soulwrest build: https://pastebin.com/DhCaSMJP (missing a jewel, many gem slots empty lol)
I'm very interested in your Build. Congratz to your 40 Challenges :)

I have one Question: Are there any map mods we can`t run? (maybe ele reflect? or phys. reflect?)

djlilman escreveu:
Question - I have several of the gems that say increased minion damage when you've recently used a minion skill. What is the best way to activate this?

I use Convocation. It's instant cast and has a 4s cooldown (with Invoker acendancy passive), and 'increased minion damage when you've recently used a minion skill' is active for 4s. So the cooldown on convocation becomes a good way to track when the bonus damage is active. Once you cast Convocation, your minions will teleport on top of you, but they will run back to where you cast storm brand (for your EE/curse).


WildKeeper98 escreveu:
Rivx escreveu:
WildKeeper98 escreveu:
Hey there, just came across your guide, I wanted to know how you leveled your build. What skills did you use? I'm very interested in your build! It's just seems a little bit hard to level.

Don't bother with regular minions at first. They die too fast without health and regen nodes. SRS is your best skill early on, though a bit annoying to use. Link it with minion damage and melee splash. Take minion damage nodes and health for yourself, and make your way to the spectre wheel, passing through cruel preparation. Then left towards the spiritual aid wheel. Around level 30 you should have enough minion nodes to finally start using zombies (Don't forget the small zombie cluster to the right of witch start). Buy bones of ullr if you're not SSF, 4 link them since it is your endgame item, and put zombie + minion dmg + minion speed + minion life. If you have another 4 link, you can start using spectres - grab flame sentinels from solaris temple and keep "upgrading" them via desecrate as you get to higher level zones. Once you complete normal lab, you should be on cruise control.

Hey man,
thanks for your leveling guide! I reached the maps, but I feel with 5k still a lil bit squish... did I do sth wrong?
Here's my rotation: Walk -> Sees mobs -> start cursing -> dead
but sometimes the mobs has some weird shit ton of dmg projectile and it almost kills me instantly, 2 of those would be my dead I guess.
Heelp there!
p.s. single target is sick and guide is still nice! :D

If you reach maps without buying a lot of gear from trade, 5k is normal. You should be around level 65, as well. From there on you just need to keep upgrading gear and buying jewels with at least 35 life. Also, the build isn't a 'tanky' summoner build, so you might need to play a little safe until the spectres are higher level and you have more hp.

When I reach maps with my summoner build, I will be using 4 Solar Guards from Act 8, solaris temple. The SGs have very long range, and are able to offscreen kill mobs. Also, the white tier bosses are quite low in HP, so you won't need Fire-Eaters yet.

When you are in high yellow tier or starting red tier, you can go with 2 Fire-Eaters and 2 Solar Guards. The 2 SGs will give you long range shooty power and the 2 FEs will melt bosses.

Later on, when you're geared up, summoned phantasms will easily kill mobs at long range and you can use 4 FEs for bossing. Your spectres and phantasms will do enough dps that you can just run through packs of mobs.


ff3 escreveu:
I must say, amazing build! I just finally killed Uber Elder for the first time this league with my Soulwrest Necro, but I was looking for an upgrade. Having to resummon the Phantasms constantly during the fight is a real pita and the cause of many deaths. Since I really don't like the zombie build, and I absolutely hated the HoG playstyle, I thought I'd give the Spectres a try.
So I shuffled around a couple things in my tree to get Necromantic Aegis and bought the minimum gear just to try the build. First Uber Elder try, by far my best fight ever, almost deathless! And keep in mind I fought him like 20 times before with only 1 kill.
I really love the possibilities this build offer. You can go with a completely different tree, different gear, and still have a very solid build. I'm even tempted to try a hybrid version with a Soulwrest for mapping. And most of all, it can be very cheap too. The dps numbers are not inflated with all flasks up all buffs up with 50 ex worth of gear. Anyone can easily reach 2-3 million Shaper dps total.

Can't wait for next league, this will be my starter build, thanks for a great guide! :D

Here's my quickly rushed version from a Soulwrest build: https://pastebin.com/DhCaSMJP (missing a jewel, many gem slots empty lol)

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the build. As you can see, it's actually a very flexible build that can work well with a lot of different ideas. Actually, I think the PoB pastebin has a soulwrest in the offhand, so it's actually possible to quickly turn it into a soulwrest build if you swap the boots for Bubonic Plague (I was testing a soulwrest version earlier, but I found boss killing a little slower and deep delve was a lot harder).

I had a look at your PoB pastebin. I think it could work as a tankier version of this build with almost 200% inc life from tree. If you had more regret orbs, would you path differently?

Not sure if it will be helpful to you, but before the next league starts, I'll be updating the build guide with a levelling walkthrough. It'll be written from the perspective of a 0-hour league starter.


Melinda01 escreveu:
I'm very interested in your Build. Congratz to your 40 Challenges :)
I have one Question: Are there any map mods we can`t run? (maybe ele reflect? or phys. reflect?)

Thank you. It was quite a grind but completing 40 allows me to update this build guide :)

The only map mod that can't be done is elemental reflect. Sometimes I don't check the map mods carefully and my spectres all instagib themelves. The phantasms die quickly in phys reflec maps, but they're quickly replaced by new ones.

Simply, with this build your spectres will do so much dps, the reflected damage will easily exceed their hp. If you open the build in PoB, then untick all the combat mods (except frenzy charge) and effective dps mods and disable both curses, you'll see the Fire-Eaters will still do 600k non-shaper dps. So, 18% reflect = 100k dps. Instagib.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶

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