Maybe I'm a retard , but why do we need an unset ring socket for the Evasion/Dodge Build? I see no socket on path of building so I'm a bit confused?
Postado porPriyora#7198em 23 de mar de 2019 04:44:46
how u using 2 auras?(if they reserved 50% mana each)
Postado porcororo11#4015em 23 de mar de 2019 05:00:42
cororo11 escreveu:
how u using 2 auras?(if they reserved 50% mana each)
For the 900th time ,
Use a bound fossil on a helm and get % reduced mana reserved
Or on the passive tree above necromancer aegis use two points into % reduced mana reserved
Postado porSAMSQUAMCH26#1585em 23 de mar de 2019 05:51:24
Priyora escreveu:
Maybe I'm a retard , but why do we need an unset ring socket for the Evasion/Dodge Build? I see no socket on path of building so I'm a bit confused?
People have been using it to slot the gem haste , to run both haste and zealotry
Postado porSAMSQUAMCH26#1585em 23 de mar de 2019 05:54:19
Priyora escreveu:
Maybe I'm a retard , but why do we need an unset ring socket for the Evasion/Dodge Build? I see no socket on path of building so I'm a bit confused?
Postado porSttorr#4323em 23 de mar de 2019 05:54:37
Took down red elder and shaper yesterday on a 5l on Xbox . Went easy , died once vs shaper due to Xbox lag.
Also found something I didn’t even know existed in a delve minion room . Found a amulet with high life , all res and up to 35% increased minion damage . Had no idea this existed and I played summoner all last league lmao
Postado porSAMSQUAMCH26#1585em 23 de mar de 2019 05:58:02
for some stupid reason my lvl 84 spectres are getting clapped on a t7 map with no reflect? anyone got some insight into this
Postado porKarathis#0175em 23 de mar de 2019 06:32:09
Veevz escreveu:
I'm not sure I love having Vaal Skeles -- doesn't feel needed. Any utility alternatives to it in wand with "Trigger a Socketed Spell"?
It is a great meat shield for harder bosses and delve nodes, together with blind/taunt on attack hit.
Postado porevilmindcz#6356em 23 de mar de 2019 06:34:06
Triapka escreveu:
SilverWF escreveu:
Triapka escreveu:
Is it possible to apply shock with having an affix “Chance to shock” on wand?
Is it possible and worth considering crafting minion damage and life hybrid affix on end-game wand? Got one with 2 prefixes and thinking what’s better to craft on it.
Shock can be applied by any crit with lightning damage.
But our lightning damage is WAY too low to get even "+1% damage received" debuff on the Shaper.
Basically: enemy would be shocked, but this would give us 0 profit.
If nothing better you have - why not?
So i still need lightning damage to apply shock despite the affixe “x% chance to shock” doesn’t specify it? Expected so, just don’t grt, how this affix works then.
As for the wand craft, what do you mean? I was thinking if it’s possible to make the proposed crafted wand in guide even stronger.
Just read WIKI about shock
A hit of damage that has a chance to shock is capable of inflicting shock. Critical strikes inherently have a 100% chance to shock...
The base duration of shock is 2 seconds and the damage increase scales relative to the amount of Lightning damage dealt to the enemy's maximum life. Increased damage from shock is capped at 50% at 10% of the target's maximum life dealt by Lightning damage, scaling down to 0% at no damage. Hits below the minimum threshold of 1% effect are discarded,[1] effectively requiring a hit of 0.2% enemy maximum life. As an example, The Shaper has approximately 20 000 000 life. Minimally shocking The Shaper requires a single hit of 40 000 lightning damage
We are not Elementalists with huge Lightning damage and passive "minimum 20% damage increase from shock"
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
'POE2' is not 'POE1 2.0'! Última edição por SilverWF#6383 em 23 de mar de 2019 07:22:50
Postado porSilverWF#6383em 23 de mar de 2019 07:21:02
for some stupid reason my lvl 84 spectres are getting clapped on a t7 map with no reflect? anyone got some insight into this
Postado porKarathis#0175em 23 de mar de 2019 07:40:17