{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀
Hi Hercanic,
It's me again since I last posted about my experience with your build in 3.7 and needless to say I am not disappointed :). This is my uber elder video recorded today: https://youtu.be/nzNcNIPNDNc I just keep the same life-based/Shaper-Elder mods on gear since the last patch (too lazy to change) but build is even stronger now with 4 Spectres. For those who are curious the life-based version still works solid (if you have currency you can reach at least 7k total life with dodge invested, or if you're too lazy to get ES on gear to go hybrid). I don't use Shield Charge + Fortify in Uber Elder fight however (swapped with Flame Dash as primary movement skill and Vaal Grace). During mapping I use Shield Charge + Fortify + Flame Dash with Shield Charge as a primary movement skill. Since no one has posted a video doing Uber Elder from what I saw, I guess I'm just gonna try to do it :). A filthy casual Última edição por Hologram_o#6409 em 18 de out de 2019 23:12:38
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Noobing around here again...
So holy crap is this build fast. Like I only have to stop for loot and recasting skellies (and Cassia). I'm only in T9/10, but also only L83 with most of my gems still at 18 or 19. Cleared a T7 Blighted Map with zero issues, but also no real exciting loot. Speaking of skellies... does anyone else have trouble keeping their bony bois alive? Mine have a habit of dying relatively quickly, which does slow things down. I have Minion Life linked to them. POB suggests my 6th link for my spectres should be Spell Echo. Do Frost Sentinels actually use Spell Echo? Because it does seem like that could be a huge boost in damage for them. |
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Great video, thanks! @Kirian42 Nothing can help skellies. They have very low base life. Don't use them for mapping, use them with vaal skellies on bosses only. Change Meat Shield to Feeding Frenzy on them. Spell Echo would help much better than your Phantasms :) P.S. i've noticed that if you go too far from skellies they just despawn in 1sec. Última edição por Singrave#2968 em 19 de out de 2019 05:13:11
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So guys what is the better build?? one Hercanic has one standard or one on blight league?hmm , the new green socket gloves or old one or what?
Última edição por thegamingkage#0176 em 19 de out de 2019 08:15:34
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im trying this in standard and i cant summon zombies and i cant summon spectre. |
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Hay Hay: Loving the build Just looking for a quick gear review to make sure that I have the the right setup for spell links. I have Fortify on my boots so I'm guessing then I don't need that gem in my helm. Also I have Maim on the weapon so to removed that gem for the helm.
Thank you for any help. |
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try to exchange your phantoms to Spell Echo you'll see how your spectress fire like miniguns. Última edição por Singrave#2968 em 19 de out de 2019 13:42:16
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Really don't know what to do.
Should I get a 4 green Triad Grip and forget about Cyclone setup or the bonus in dps that I get from Triad isn't enough to overcome the cyclone setup? |
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" Forget cyclone, its AoE is horrendous now and it's so annoying to use. You're basically a melee build play style now, getting close to bosses to proc Ball Lightning. Blade Flurry is far superior, to both Cyclone and Charged Dash. You can slap Flame Dash elsewhere to cross gaps and keep Shield Charge + Fortify. YOu can just ignore what has been said in 3.8 and stick to the good ol' 3.7 setup (life-based + Acro + Phase Acro) and you'll be just fine. A filthy casual
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When this subject first came up last month, I made it clear I was open to donations. I received a good handful of offers, but regrettably I have yet to respond to anyone. I feel bad for having pushed this back for so long. I did so because as I thought deeper on how exactly I wanted to handle donations, it become increasingly complicated. I ended up postponing my PM responses, and redirected my time to answering questions here in the thread. I kept not getting around to writing out my plan. Then I was falling behind on questions. I hate leaving people hanging. I still have incomplete responses. A few days ago one of the people who offered a donation whispered me ingame and threw currency at my face (I kid, they were very polite). I knew I needed to chopchop and prioritize. Donations -> testing -> build rewrite -> questions will no longer be about the old/unclear/half-done build guide and updates. So here it is. I'm still editing it. I'm posting it before completion so there's a fire under my butt. Gear 1. For endgame build example and performance demonstrations 2. For different build variants 3. For testing purposes 4. For budget examples Currency 1. For Trade 2. For Crafting 3. For Liquidation Transparency I plan to use donations to make the build guide better. Since this is not for profit, I want to maintain a certain level of transparency. I also want donors to be able to see how their contribution helped. So I'll be maintaining a: 1. Record of everything received, and from who. You may of course remain anonymous or request a specific name to be listed. 2. Record of everything purchased using donations. 3. Publically viewable stash tabs containing all donations not equipped on a character. (There is a chance I may forget an equipped item had been donated and inadvertently place it with non-donated gear. I generally keep gear, so I should be able to find it if I realize the mistake. I will be vigilant against this, but I do want to be upfront on the possibility so my intentions are clearly established.) Events Items used as examples will be kept on display for any possible future use. Excess items can become part of prize pools for potential community events. Current ideas include: 1. Minion-only PvP tournament (Sarn Arena FFA, 1v1) 2. Raffle 3. Suggestions welcome. The purpose of these events would be to do something fun among those who love minions. This idea came when I was worried about what to do with any donations that I did not have a use for or no longer needed. Should I only accept what was on my wishlist to avoid this? What if multiple people offer similar items? Do I only take the best one and deny the rest? What if people went out of their way to get it because it was on my wishlist? I didn't want to waste the time of others. These worries compounded and made everything unnecessarily complicated. Most people seemed to just want to express their thanks in some way. So why not do something to extend the joy? Lending For anything exceptionally rare and valuable that may be of benefit for testing or a video, but you wish to lend instead of donate, we can establish a public 'contract' beforehand. We would both post the agreed-upon terms, acting as our signatures, and encourage other third parties to quote our posts, to act as witnesses. Any edits to these posts would disqualify them as evidence. Should I breach the lending terms, although likely unenforceable from GGG, these posts would at least ensure public condemnation against me if I try to pull anything shady. I have no intention to do so, of course, but trust is earned and I would rather you have peace of mind and some measure of protection. Due to this complexity, I probably won't accept every lending offer. I will need to have in mind what I want to accomplish with the item, so if I can't think of anything when you first offer I may decline or put it on hold. After all, I don't want to risk accidentally forgetting an active contract, violate the term length, and lose your trust. In short, I'll likely only accept a very limited number of lending offers. Wishlist These are the items I am currently interested in, and what I need them for: Level 19.9 support gems for Hungry Loop and Animated Guardian Will edit more Donations Received (Public Stash Tab) " How to Donate Here's where I'm unsure on the best way to do this. 1a. Send me a PM stating donation intention in title. This way it doesn't get lost amid people sending me questions. (I wish we had PM folders for sorting.) 2a. Provide character name and usual playtime. I will add you to my Friend's List. 3a. State what you intend to donate. This way I have a written record in case I somehow forget who I just traded with. 4a. Whisper me in-game about donating when you see me online. We can then perform a standard trade. 1b. Alternatively, I could set up a dummy item in the donation stash (like the sash that's currently in there). Then anyone could use a trade site to track when I come online and send a trade request. 1c. I'm all ears for other ideas. Última edição por Hercanic#3982 em 20 de out de 2019 01:32:17
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