{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀

Thunderdefeater escreveu:
i have played this in 3.8 and was awesome , i am hesitating to try again this league due boss fights and how minions cant survive, specially for awakner fight and metamorph bosses,it will be hard to re summon spectres and zombies and will be stuck with skeletons most of fight.

anyone can give certain feedback on it performs this league and if it needs certain things different than last league and it can do the same quick boss killing or not?


I have no issues with minions getting killed on t16 and doing awaker fights so far yes takes a little longer to kill bosses and you need to move and pot but its still a pretty strong build.
I am struggling with 1 shot RIPS a lot. Elder/Shaper guardians are really tough fights. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Other T16 bosses are pretty easy, but guardians are super tough and I have failed to clear them on occasion. Any tips?
Got a good helmet enchant on my last run

I'm at a good place now, just starting red maps. Difference between my 3.8 setup and my current setup is Leap Slam/Fortify for mobility (I like this a lot for Uberlab), I use Convocation in conjunction with leap slam (I cast convocation as I'm leaping into the pack as Convocation is instant cast), and enfeeble on my CwDT setup.

@Hercanic , + whoever posted the other page, as Hercanic said it's outdated that page...when i asked about
ANIMATE GUARDIAN's RARE ARmor , you guys linked me the GRUTHKUL unique armor page one ...xD ,i wanted to know most optimal rolls i can look for,for the animate guardian, & to add 10 % HP as ES on it, what are the other rolls best to look for and what best base-armour type,one with most armor-rating on it?
Currently doing the 3.8 build lvl 85. Not really dying to a lot of the content however it does take a long time to kill bosses due to just how tanky they are this league. I was thinking of switching back to poison/ herald of agony for more boss damage. Has anyone tried this?

looking at your gear, in the glove, you have your CWDT gem after the desecrate gem, IIR from the 3.8 pages, the CWDT has to come before the desecrate or it won't proc. if i have it wrong, lmk, because i don't have a glove yet with the right sequence
ona_velzy escreveu:

looking at your gear, in the glove, you have your CWDT gem after the desecrate gem, IIR from the 3.8 pages, the CWDT has to come before the desecrate or it won't proc. if i have it wrong, lmk, because i don't have a glove yet with the right sequence

It doesn't matter where in the sequence cwdt comes, but the linked skills get triggered in order from left upper one and clockwise.
Última edição por sasja#4019 em 22 de dez de 2019 22:17:19
sasja escreveu:
ona_velzy escreveu:

looking at your gear, in the glove, you have your CWDT gem after the desecrate gem, IIR from the 3.8 pages, the CWDT has to come before the desecrate or it won't proc. if i have it wrong, lmk, because i don't have a glove yet with the right sequence

It doesn't matter where in the sequence cwdt comes, but the linked skills get triggered in order from left upper one and clockwise.

Yes, you're right, still works well with this order of the gems and socket colors.
Tethra escreveu:
Thunderdefeater escreveu:
i have played this in 3.8 and was awesome , i am hesitating to try again this league due boss fights and how minions cant survive, specially for awakner fight and metamorph bosses,it will be hard to re summon spectres and zombies and will be stuck with skeletons most of fight.

anyone can give certain feedback on it performs this league and if it needs certain things different than last league and it can do the same quick boss killing or not?


I have no issues with minions getting killed on t16 and doing awaker fights so far yes takes a little longer to kill bosses and you need to move and pot but its still a pretty strong build.

thanks for the reply , hows your gear tho ? high end or in mid gearing,would be great if you can link it and if it can kill awakener and Uber Elder,so i can have an idea how much currency and time to invest in new character or just reroll my vortex to this.

@ everyone:
I'm leaving for the airport to visit family for the next two weeks. My ability to respond will be limited.

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Watch out for the Baranite Thaumaturge, they can deal 7k Lightning Damage as a white mob, but cannot be turned into a Spectre.


Deals 2338 to 7014 Lightning Damage

Also, be very cautious in Acid Caverns of one of the eight possible Warband bosses, Morgrants, the Deafening. They throw an LMP Spectral Throw which triggers three elemental Stormcalls every hit. For summoners, with many minions to be hit, this quickly becomes impossible to survive. To counter, stay far back and only send in one group of Skeletons at a time to wear the boss down. Separate them from the other boss by luring them out with a breadcrumb trail of Skeletons. Stagger your retreat.

@ StrangerGMA:
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StrangerGMA escreveu:
Currently doing the 3.8 build lvl 85. Not really dying to a lot of the content however it does take a long time to kill bosses due to just how tanky they are this league. I was thinking of switching back to poison/ herald of agony for more boss damage. Has anyone tried this?
I was thinking of switching back to poison/ herald of agony for more boss damage.

I wouldn't recommend it. Maintaining Virulence distracts from dodging boss mechanics, making it a liability. Instead, try my Triad variant for tons more damage.

@ thegamingkage:
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thegamingkage escreveu:
Yes @Hercanic but what is the armor i should aim for, best rolls/what mods ? and i add on it 10 % HP added as ES ??
thegamingkage escreveu:
@Hercanic , + whoever posted the other page, as Hercanic said it's outdated that page...when i asked about
ANIMATE GUARDIAN's RARE ARmor , you guys linked me the GRUTHKUL unique armor page one ...xD ,i wanted to know most optimal rolls i can look for,for the animate guardian, & to add 10 % HP as ES on it, what are the other rolls best to look for and what best base-armour type,one with most armor-rating on it?

All we care about is the 10% Life as Extra ES craft (for the insane life regen interaction with Mask of the Stitched Demon). Everything else is relatively minor. We just want to make him tanky.

One interesting option is double cursing with a corrupted Oskarm or Gentle Touch. You would need a Hunter-influenced body armor for the +1 curse mod.

I covered the most useful chest mods (of 3.8) in my response @ Dashbb:

Hercanic escreveu:
PRE: (9-10)% of Life as Extra ES (Craft)

PRE: (11–15)% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage (Elder)
PRE: (11–15)% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as [Cold/Lightning] Damage (Shaper)
PRE: 15% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage (Essence of Horror)
PRE: (9–12)% increased maximum Life (Elder)
PRE: (5–8)% increased maximum Life, (5–8)% increased maximum Mana (Craft)
PRE: (3–5)% increased maximum Life, +(25–40) to maximum Life (Pristine Fossil)
PRE: (8–10)% chance to Dodge Spell Hits (Craft)
PRE: (5–7)% Chance to Block Attack Damage (Craft)
PRE: (8–10)% chance to Avoid [Fire/Cold/Lightning] Damage from Hits (Scorched/Frigid/Metallic Fossil)
PRE: You can apply an additional Curse (Craft)
PRE: Item drops on Death if Equipped by an Animated Guardian (Craft)

SUF: Can have multiple Crafted Modifiers (Craft)
SUF: +(31–35)% to Chaos Resistance
SUF: +(31–35)% to Chaos Resistance (Deaf. Essence of Envy)
SUF: +(51–55) to Intelligence (=11% ES)
SUF: +(21–25) to Intelligence, +(15–18)% to Quality (Craft)
SUF: Regenerate (1.6–2)% of Life per second (Elder)
SUF: Regenerate 1% of Life per second (Pristine Fossil)
SUF: (9–10)% chance to Dodge [Attack/Spell] Hits (Deaf. Essence of Loathing/Scorn)
SUF: (9–10)% chance to Avoid [Fire/Cold/Lightning] Damage from Hits (Deaf. Essence of Anguish/Suffering/Torment)

IMP: +(8-12)% to all Elemental Resistances (Astral Plate base)
COR: +1% to all maximum Resistances
COR: You take 50% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes
COR: (4–6)% increased maximum Life
COR: (3–5)% additional Physical Damage Reduction while stationary
COR: (4–6)% reduced [Fire/Cold/Lightning/Chaos] Damage taken

The additional curse mod would open some new possibilities. Namely an Ele Weakness corrupted Asenath's Gentle Touch or Oskarm.

Oskarm would probably be cheaper, since it's not Legion-restricted like Gentle Touch. It'd be better for boss farming. Assassin's Mark would be worth about 4% more damage against endgame bosses. Against other targets, it'll boost your minions from 35% crit chance (@3 Power Charges) to 49% and their extra crit damage from 80% (Kingmaker) to 96%. In other words, half of your minions' hits will deal double damage. When Gravepact's 5% chance to deal double damage rolls on one of these crits, it'll make for a very powerful quadruple-damage freeze. You could also stack the 8% spell dodge with a 10% crafted prefix and 10% Scorn Essence suffix on the body armour for a total of 28% spell dodge (= Phase Acrobatics for AG).

Gentle Touch would be better for Delving. Temp Chains, area blind, and % life explosions would be great during node events. Freeze shatters and corpse-eating Spirit Offering work against it to some degree, though.

@ xaeror35:
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xaeror35 escreveu:
I am struggling with 1 shot RIPS a lot. Elder/Shaper guardians are really tough fights. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Other T16 bosses are pretty easy, but guardians are super tough and I have failed to clear them on occasion. Any tips?
Elder/Shaper guardians are really tough fights. ... Any tips?

Yeah, it's harder to make them fall over now, exposing us to their full mechanics. Minotaur went from 12,470,588 life to 32,578,382 life, for example. Elder Guardians are now affected by map mods and have 24M life.

These fights are usually mechanical, where you can avoid most dangers by understanding what to look out for. So familiarize yourself with the skillset of these bosses. Poelab has GIF animations of each ability of all endgame bosses to help with learning their visual tells.

Keep close and he can't use his Burrow. It has a minimum range, and is meant to punish ranged characters. The more he Burrows, the longer the fight will take, because he's immune to damage while underground, and then there's the DPS time wasted on your minions catching up to his new position. It's easier to survive his melee Sweep (70% phys, 30% lightning) than his Burrow (160% phys). If he does Burrow, side-step, because it travels in a straight line.

Physical Damage Reduction will help with Minotaur: +3 Minimum Endurance Charge crafts on your jewelry, Solaris Pantheon, Chaos Golem, Basalt Flask.

Stay back from Phoenix, as all his abilities are centered on him and he drops your max fire resistance. Pre-place Skeletons in the center, since Phoenix's first action is to whirl forward.

Side-step Hydra's bow skills and weave around the cannon-fire Frostbolts.

Chimera should be easy with Spirit Offering heals. Just stay in the center and let your Skeletons guard the three gates.

Just keep on the move. Getting caught in his beam and panicking will make for a swift death. Dash away the moment you see it. I've found that if I'm not already moving, that's when the beam becomes most dangerous, since I'm more likely to have a delayed reaction as well as have more ground to cover to get clear. He telegraphs before firing the beam, and in that moment the direction of the beam is set. Just by being in motion during this telegraph, you're already more likely to be mostly out of the way when it releases.

His rapid-hitting Lightning is greatly mitigated by our CWDT Spirit Offering.

Poisons on hit with triple duration. Use the Shakari pantheon for Poison immunity or bring a flask to purge Poisons.

Deals only Physical Damage, so suit up with phys reduction like with Minotaur.

Has 518% increased Burning Damage. His Glaive projectiles have another 1471% increased Burning Damage. That's a 21x damage burn. Bring a flask to purge Ignites.

Uber Elder
Circle-strafe constantly, like running laps, and weave around Void Anomalies. You don't need to trigger them.

The Conquerors

Al-Hezmin, the Hunter, can deal an absurd amount of poison damage. A Poison Immunity flask would help. The upgraded Shakari pantheon (Desert Springs map) gives Poison Immunity as well.

Geometry Attack (AtlasBasiliskDecapitate)
25% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
200% increased Poison Duration
500% increased Damage with Poison

That's 6x poison damage over 3x duration. Poison is usually 40% damage over 2 seconds, or 20% per second. His poison becomes 720% damage over 6 seconds, or 120% per second. His L83 incarnation can deal as much as 5039 physical damage. Meaning just one poison stack can put you on the clock for 36,281 Chaos Damage. Without any resistance, that'd become (*1.6=) 58,049 damage over 6 seconds, or 9,675 per second.

Many of his abilities have a quarter converted to Chaos Damage, with just his Mortar converting half. Everything else is Physical Damage.

At level 68, he has 1.7M life, while at L83 it goes up to 32.6M.

In short, you want:

1. Poison Immunity (flask, pantheon)
2. Phys Reduction (basalt flask)
3. Chaos Resistance (amethyst flask)

@ dbius:
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dbius escreveu:
Hi guys!

This league I started an arc witch but felt a lot weaker than this build in blight, so a moved to this build again, and despite the zombie and other nerfs still feels pretty strong, although just started mapping.

Started to use convocation because the minion movement speed loss, and it works (but it takes one more socket which is a pain)

Spectres: In Act 3 (in Lunaris Temple lvl1 and 2) I found two creature:

1. https://poedb.tw/us/mon.php?n=Mortality+Experimenter Mortality Experimenter - casting temporal chains. Its movement speed is so slow, but using convocation the results is pretty damn good!

2. We cant use Frost sentinels until Act8 (or if we are extremely lucky with a strongbox or this new metamorph creature spawning them earlier) so tried the Tentacle Miscreation https://poedb.tw/us/mon.php?n=Tentacle+miscreation

Guys have to say that the clear speed is almost better or equal with Frost Sentinels.

At low level I can absolutely recommend using them (linked with GMP of course) for pretty good clear speed!

My equipment:

Still need to farm a lot to be able to upgrade them to better ones but my opinion is that in Blight it was easier and faster than this league. Planned to replace the helmet with an elder one, to anoint an amulet with enduring bond, a boots with fortify, a hungry loop unset ring for AG, equipment for AG and so on.... but dont have currency... YET :D


The flasks are pretty the same than in Blight league so it seems they are the final ones, but need to improve quality on Rumi's.

Don't remember who was exactly - in this thread - who gave the idea using Enduring Eternal Mana Flask of Warding but its pretty good, so Thank You so much my friend!

Best wishes to every1!
...the clear speed [of Tentacle Miscreations] is almost better or equal with Frost Sentinels.

I've actually been meaning to give their cold version, Lunaris Concubines, a fair shake in the Triad Grip variant. The buff to minion accuracy gives them 100% chance to hit now, closing one of the gaps they had versus spell Spectres. With how many projectiles they can output, Chain Support looks attractive.

My main concern is how they lock in place and the delay before firing being detrimental to speedy clear.

Enduring Eternal Mana Flask of Warding

Unfortunately, only the mana stacks. The warding buff just gets reset every use, so we can't keep it going. The only advantage this has is the low charge cost of mana flasks, giving us ~5 sips.

@ DigitalBeating:
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DigitalBeating escreveu:
Not that difficult, corrupted Empower gem and +1 spectre boots. I couldn't get BBBBGG on my chest so I went with BBBBGR after too many chromatics.
Dashbb escreveu:
It's giving up a lot or making it very expensive just to get the 4th spectre back which isn't a huge deal anyway.

For coloring sockets, you can use the crafting bench. There's an option to craft 2 green sockets for 25 chromatics.
DigitalBeating escreveu:
That's still not going to give you the 4 blues needed on Belly of the Beast since it's an armor base chest. It's only a very small chance to get 4 blues 2 greens.
Belly of the Beast

The easiest way to off-color Belly to 4B2G is using the crafting bench to add and remove one socket at a time until it rolls the right color, then add/remove the next one, and so forth, until you get the right colors. However, since yours is already 6-linked, this method isn't useable unless you're fine with breaking the links.

In that case, the next best method is putting Vorici on Research in the Syndicate. His reward is changing 1-3 sockets to white. Ideally, this will change the red socket to white. If it doesn't work out, you can try again next time you get him in Research, but will have to reroll the colors just before trying again since his bench won't accept an item that already has white sockets.

In looking at your gear, I noticed none of your characters are Ascended. Perhaps you hate the Labyrinth, but just in case you don't know about it:

The Lord's Labyrinth
Trial Locations
Ascendancy Classes

If you hate the Lab, I can sympathize. My wife abhors the experience. It's too dark, the traps are frustrating, and losing all progress upon death is stressful. But know that at least the first two tiers are super easy. GGG drastically reduced the difficulty of the early Labs from when they were first introduced. It's practically a straight shot to the end by going top-right, with minimal traps. It's worth the trouble, in my opinion, as just those initial four ascendancy points you'd earn would add a lot of power to your character.

@ xenochaos1:
xenochaos1 escreveu:
is there any 3.9 video? i only see 3.4 video....

Yes, various players have uploaded gameplay footage of the build, such as Dashbb (see my next reply below). Sombrius sent me some videos via PM from 3.8 Blight, as a Solo Self-Found player:

Sombrius escreveu:
Elder City Square - For the big density.

Forge of the Phoenix - Physical reflect and no regen. Shows that even if they can sometimes be annoying, these mods can be done.

Lair of the Hydra - In which I do the Blight encounter.

Maze of the Minotaur - Elemental reflect. Not a really scary mod, but it show how often CWDT Spirit Offering can tick, and how strong it is.

Pit of the Chimera - Nothing too special.

Uber Elder - It was quite a quick kill and fairly clean, it shows just how strong the build can be with some min-maxing.

13min Compilation - All of the above videos in succession.

Character: BriusNecroSpeaker (SSF Blight League)
PoB: https://pastebin.com/gBhxVhv8

As for my own videos, my last upload was a demonstration of the 3.7 ES Hybrid variant that later became the basis for the 3.8 build. I probably won't be doing any more until after the 3.9 guide rewrite, so I very much appreciate the players who have been contributing.

@ Dashbb:
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Dashbb escreveu:
Feel free to use any of the videos I post & speaking of videos here's a couple of guardian maps & shaper as well. I was going a little slower than normal because I didn't want an embarrassing death. I run the metamorph encounters with the toughest options too. I did reroll the maps a few times to avoid nasty mods.

Pit of the Chimera


Lair of the Hydra


Shaper Apparently his HP got buffed from 20 million to 68 million, so it's now about 1 old Shaper per phase. Again, another death that shouldn't have happened, but I'm tired & I was watching the balls in the top right.


Atziri + Uber Atziri

I ran normal Atziri earlier on in the league when I had garbage gear. But here's a normal Atziri run with my current gear
I haven't done an Uber Atziri in a long time so here's one to compare against a regular Atziri with the same items

My Gear used in these videos

Leo slammed my old chest for Tier 2 cold res and thought I might be lucky enough that I'd get a good double corrupt in the temple. Instead it got deleted so I'm using a 5 link while I decide if this will be my final chest or if I want to try craft a better one.
I now have the Tier 3 craft for % Maximum Life gained as extra Maximum Energy Shield which is giving me an extra 907 energy shield. By far the best chest craft for this build.

Animate Guardian Hungry Loop is almost up and running to replace my left ring slot. Still deciding on the gloves to use with it. I really want to try the new intimidate on hit gloves with a curse on hit but they're 30+c just for the base then I'd need to roll the mod and hit the curse corrupt.

Compared to last league, you can definitely notice the buffs to monsters at higher tiers. I met my match with a Metamorph in a Courthouse map that had twinned boss so I think I had 3 or 4 unique organs in it which 1 shot me & killed all my minions, even the frost sentinels. It took a good couple of minutes for my minions to finish him off.
The loss of minion speed is noticeable while mapping but usually not a big deal. I don't even have an Unending Hunger at the moment & similar gear to what I'm using shouldn't take more than 5 or 6ex (with the 5 link) Faster Projectiles is nice for clear and you can tell if you take it out, but if you don't mind going slower then a 5 link is more than good enough.

I still haven't beat The Awakener, I died to the storms on my first attempt but got him quite low & he bugged out on me during my second attempt. From those fights I can already tell he'll be a piece of cake when the bugs are fixed and I've learnt the fight better. His damage is quite low so you can take a couple of hits & the skeletons melt him fairly quickly. Uber Elder will still be the toughest boss IMO.

The build is still fantastic in 3.9 & will do all the content the game has to offer (Haven't tried a 5 way timeless conflict with it before) on a pretty good budget.
Feel free to use any of the videos I post...

Pit of the Chimera https://streamable.com/qkezc
Lair of the Hydra https://streamable.com/edpyx
Shaper https://streamable.com/tmrfh
Atziri https://streamable.com/y3azs
Uber Atziri https://streamable.com/mzwch

Fantastic! Thank you! =oD

I really want to try the new intimidate on hit gloves with a curse on hit [for Animate Guardian]

Yeah, those should be great!

Haven't tried a 5 way timeless conflict with it before

Monoliths are the one event where this build struggles to some degree, due to the precious few seconds being eaten up by the delay for Skeletons to be summoned and then engage, along with the uneven nature of our composite AOE.

The Conflicts are a bit better, but still similar, since you want to rotate as much as possible. Now that GGG has implemented a diminishing reward system, it shouldn't feel quite as bad to not be a top-performing Legion build with a Headhunter.


Were you using Avatar of Fire? I noticed your weapon added cold damage.

@ Thunderdefeater:
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Thunderdefeater escreveu:
i have played this in 3.8 and was awesome , i am hesitating to try again this league due boss fights and how minions cant survive, specially for awakner fight and metamorph bosses,it will be hard to re summon spectres and zombies and will be stuck with skeletons most of fight.

anyone can give certain feedback on it performs this league and if it needs certain things different than last league and it can do the same quick boss killing or not?

Tethra escreveu:
I have no issues with minions getting killed on t16 and doing awaker fights so far yes takes a little longer to kill bosses and you need to move and pot but its still a pretty strong build.
Thunderdefeater escreveu:
thanks for the reply , hows your gear tho ? high end or in mid gearing,would be great if you can link it and if it can kill awakener and Uber Elder,so i can have an idea how much currency and time to invest in new character or just reroll my vortex to this.

i am hesitating to try again this league due boss fights and how minions cant survive, specially for awakner fight and metamorph bosses

Minion survival doesn't look too bad. Even in the Awakener fight, someone was able to do it with Slave Drivers, who have the worst AI for avoiding the storms with how they're compelled to spread out from each other.

will be stuck with skeletons most of fight.

Spectres, Phantasms, and Zombies are mainly for map clearing. They'll contribute a few million DPS against bosses, but that's a drop in the bucket compared to the tens of millions from Skeletons and Vaal Skeletons. It's honestly fine to lose the other minions during a boss fight; that's part of our flexibility compared to other builds that focus on just one minion type.

[can anyone] give certain feedback on it performs this league

Check out my reply @ The_Fatness.

Dashbb's post has endgame video of the Triad variant in 3.9.

WeaponizedSP escreveu:
I am following this build again and currently doing T15-16 with no problems at all. Some map metamorph's are somewhat difficult but everyone is kinda struggling with those.
Dashbb escreveu:
I'm doing Tier 16s pretty easily & I'm not dying to metamorphs with this build. You can check my profile for my gear & tree if you want, the name is "IWasStrongerInBlight" I played the same build last league as well and it was probably in the top 3 builds for end game content I've ever played in PoE. It's possible to die if you roll some seriously rippy mods on the maps or if you stop moving.
Here's my (almost) finished build from last league as well as a video with an Uber Elder kill in it. Price to performance it's probably the best build I've played in PoE.
Última edição por Hercanic#3982 em 27 de fev de 2020 09:07:37

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