[3.10] Ice Golem Golemancer Build -DELIRIUM-BALANCED- ALL CONTENT -Everything Dies-Huge Damage
Ice golem golemancer build. I did all content (even hogm). Mine build is balanced so no worries you gonna smash everything. Took me a lot of time/tests to make this happen also u get serious dmg with your golems. So far everybody are happy with mine build and i hope 100% happiness ratio will stay :) I did all in my best to explain everything so u shouldnt have any problems but feel free to pm me.
If you can please showcase your character gear for others to see and learn :) ty! Thank you guys for supporting me :) since 3.5 hundreads of people pmed me and was happy with my build. Im making this build for you guys and i will keep updating each league. My problem is i dont have as much time like i had before so forgive me if i wont do update super fast. You can always join my discord if you want , talk with me and ask about something. Im not always in game but i will answer you on discord since i got it on my phone. Here is my 2nd guide : Stone Golem LINK to STONE GOLEM : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2782044 English isnt my native language so sorry for any mistakes (im Polish) Edit: wow 600k+ views! Thank you! ![]() DISCORD : https://discord.gg/jHmbS73 You can join discord to talk with others or ask me questions too. There is also special channel for golemancer. ![]() Here i will add all info ! - always check first :)
02.04.2020 - added pob with Cluster jewel 13.03.2020 - added guide : How to craft +2 convoking wand https://youtu.be/ElT5k--BR4M 11.03.2020 - 3.10 patch notes -> Golemancer untouched! :) our naughty golemancer is ready for league :) 10.03.2020 - ADDING soon leveling guide , skill tree (editing atm , fixing few things) 10.03.2020 - Pob updated - all versions from cheap to yolo version 10.03.2020 - 3.10 looks promising ![]() 09.03.2020 - New guide look 8.03.2020 - Views: 620000 , Replies: 1600 ! wow :) ty guys for supporting me :) http://tiny.cc/u153kz ![]() Everything deleted :-) If you can please subscribe my channel (http://tiny.cc/u153kz)and leave comment so in the future i will know what should i add etc :) Thank you 1) Sirus fight (easy deathless 3min fight) - awakened lvl 8 2) Shaper fight - atlas awakened lvl 8 https://youtu.be/-YxUFU72M2w 3) Crusader - atlas awakened lvl 8 https://youtu.be/putgh1sWZBQ 4) Reedemer - atlas awakened lvl 8 https://youtu.be/h1m9fyNofYw 5) Warlord - atlas awakened lvl 8 https://youtu.be/lbVxrQdbYeI 6) Hunter - atlas awakened lvl 8 https://youtu.be/gaHXgyRz2i4 7) Elder - atlas awakened lvl 8 https://youtu.be/eqReb427oP8 8) Uber Elder - atlas awakened lvl 8 (RNG POG - Bonus lmao) https://youtu.be/OAHniEl93Vg 9) Uber Atziri - atlas awakened lvl 8 https://youtu.be/6vDgrcYMTco 10)How to craft +2 convoking wand? - Guide https://youtu.be/ElT5k--BR4M 11)Gear Guide In progress BUILD/GEAR : https://youtu.be/6GS7UZJAGac Elder Map T16 : https://youtu.be/wM1ZU21kjMg T16 Minotaur : https://youtu.be/XIxQ9PbHdaQ T16 Hydra : https://youtu.be/rWel1ZyzfPA T16 Chimera : https://youtu.be/nOxkx6lSwGY T16 Vaal Temple : https://youtu.be/6KfjAWrFcdU Shaper fight : https://youtu.be/fI4t1bntqnA ![]() PROS: You can do all content without any problems. - Sirus killer deathless on lvl 8 - Guradians deleted - Uber Elder - Uber Atziri (you must swap gloves - check videos) - Catarina monster lvl 83 (T16) deleted / deathless - Shaper fight is a joke - deleted - Tons of defensive layers also absurd life regen (1000hp+/second - Uber lab farmer (not fast as deadeye etc but u can do it easly like playing Thicc Jug - u can afk on traps , go to kitchen , back in 15min and u are still alive) - If you are lazy like me , u can do all content without any problems thats a build for u - Pure fun - You will never get bored - All content (everything deleted) - lvl 100 is a piece of cake - Headhunter will make huge smile on ur face :) - All map mods can be done (physical reflect is tricky because you need to swap gloves (Triad Grip) but im just rerollng it thats why i put this into pros and cons) CONS: - Min-Max is VERY EXPENSIVE - Some people dont like lazy builds (u do nothing, golems delete everything) - Physical reflect can and also cant be done :) to finish physical reflect map you need to swap gloves (Triad Grip). Im not doing it , just rerolling mods on map. Other map mods doesnt matter just go. Ice Golems vs Stone Golems (question for my 2nd guide): Ice Golems got more single target dmg (boss killer) compared to Stone Golems but Stone Golems got aoe melee attack approximately 20 units in radius skill also they taunt all mobs when they use it. Ice Golems overall dmg and attack speed is higher then stone golems. ![]() Using spells , summoning
First we summon 6 ice golems or 7 ice golems (if you use Clayshaper) + 1x stone golem + 1x chaos golem + 1 lightning golem). Use phase run for faster mapping and makes u "invisible". Keep in mind more frenzy charges you have longer phase run u got (stone golems grants us frenzy + power charge because we r using shield and Necromantic Aegis). Flame dash is our next movement skill (we skip obstacles also this is great movement skill to juke nukes such as shaper / uber elder fights). Turn on hatred and dread banner (this is our dps boost for golems). Last one is Storm Brand we are using it for cast curse and also trigger Elemental Equilibrium. Since we are using Hatred (golems got extra cold dmg) so Elemental Equalibrium will make -50% cold res on mobs = more dmg for us :) Use Only Vaal Haste for more dmg (dont use Haste because you will reserve mana) Leveling , skill tree etc - SOON
. LEVELING ![]() PATH OF BUILDING (very important check 1st)
1) Path of building link (so you can copy link and see whole tree/gear/skills etc) https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding/releases 2) Im using Path of Building version made by LocalIdentity1. Why? Its always updated also we dont need to use selfmade jewel to calculate ascendency https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/deon82/localidentitys_path_of_building_v141514_fork/ PATH OF BUILDING 3.10 with Cluster Jewel (very expensive) - 02.04.2020
The best cluster we can use for build is voices. We use 3 passive or 1 passive version. Keep in mind atm 2.04.2020 voices with 1 passive cost 2 mirrors. I will put here version with only ONE voices jewel with 1 passive. Of course we can use 2 or even 3 of them but they are very expensive. 1)Convoking wand version with 2 curses - (2.5mln meele hit + 4mln slam) x6 https://pastebin.com/TvEe4SM9 2)BIG YOLO version max dmg (NOT HC viable)(very expensive) - (3.3mln meele hit + 5.3mln slam) x6 https://pastebin.com/DQY7SYAJ PATH OF BUILDING LINKS for 3.10
Normal version without Cluster Jewels 1) Clayshaper version (cheap) - https://pastebin.com/PtpdfdHL - Ruthless Clayshaper version (cheap - ALTERNATIVE - Impale) - https://pastebin.com/NvGRYuj0 2) Convoking wand version -https://pastebin.com/H1seDwxV - Ruthless Convoking wand version (ALTERNATIVE - Impale) - https://pastebin.com/12wQhMCH 3) Convoking wand version with 2 curses - (2.2mln melee hit + 3.5 mln slam dmg x6) - https://pastebin.com/7jHEfaxV Convoking wand version with 2 curses (ALTERNATIVE - Impale) - https://pastebin.com/ms5VJu97 4) BIG YOLO version max dmg (NOT HC viable)(very expensive) - (3mln melee hit + 4.7mln slam x6) - https://pastebin.com/eRDrEQxr - Ruthless (colours 4red 1blue 1green) Popor BIG YOLO version max dmg (NOT HC viable)(very expensive)(ALTERNATIVE) (3.1 mln melee hit + 5mln slam x6) - https://pastebin.com/i8rFZBwq - Impale (colours 3 red 2 green 1 blue ) ![]()
HELMET Look at helmet with only Armour or Hybrid (Armour+Evasion) , dont buy with energy shield or only evasion 1 - means cheap ; 4 - high end 1) Get any rare helmet with life + resistances 2) Get helmet with +1-3 level of socketed minion gems + life + resistances 3) Non Elder Bone Helmet (enchanted) with +2-3 minion gems , high life , resistances , minion life can be crafted on bench 4) Elder helmet with +2-3 level of socketed minion gems , +x lvl minion life , life , resistances 5) Elder helmet (enchanted) with +3 minion gems , lvl 16-20 minion life , high life , resistances 6) Elder Bone Helmet (enchanted) with +3 minion gems , lvl 16-20 minion life , high life , resistances 7) You can also add as suffix ( -% physical dmg or -% cold dmg) my helmet on Metamorph (i was a bit lazy , didnt made +3 because i tried to craft -% phys dmg) : Enchants : Ice Golem dmg 40% Alternative : Flesh offering attack speed (only if you have Convoking wand with auto cast there) or Stone Golem buff 150% (more life regen) CHEST: IMPORTANT : We go with 3 red 1 blue 2 green socket (impale+dread banner) or (alternative - RUTHLESS 4red 1blue 1 green and we swap dread banner for war banner) 1 - means cheap ; 5 - high end 1 - Tabula Rasa 2 - Any 6L rare chest with 3 red 1 blue 2 green socket or (alternative - RUTHLESS 4red 1blue 1 green) 3 - Corrupted Tabula Rasa with +1 lvl socketed gems 4 - Skin of the Loyal with 3 red 1 blue 2 green socket or (alternative - RUTHLESS 4red 1blue 1 green) 5- Rare Astral plate or Redeemer with +1 supported gems or (alternative - RUTHLESS 4red 1blue 1 green) This is our BIS. You go with Astral for extra res or you can go with Redeemer 6 - YOLO MAx DMG version Corrupted Skin of the Loyal with +1 to all gems (the biggest dmg you can have , overkill) with 3 red 1 blue 2 green socket or (alternative - RUTHLESS 4red 1blue 1 green) 7 - Rare Astral Plate (LEGACY because MAIM only for standard users) +1 , maim , life , life % Rare chest - We are looking for +1 lvl , life , life % , resistances. Keep in mind you can craft on bench life % / mana % (prefix) WEAPON 1 -We get ClayShaper for extra minions life + extra golem 2- BIS Convoking wand with +2 , minion dmg , minion attack speed , auto cast SHIELD Victarios Charity - huge dmg boost for our golems , free frenzy + power charge BELT Stygian belt 1- We go with life/mana/resistances 2- BIS Hunter version (because life %) 3- Headhunter BOOTS Keep an eye on Armour boots! or hybrid (Armour + Evasion) 1 - cheap // 3 - high end 1 - any rare boots with life , resistances , movement speed 2 - Two-toned high life , 30 % movement speed , resistances 3 - Two-toned boots with high life , life % or mana , 35% movement speed , resistances I went with full resistances , didnt care much about movement speed :). There is a lot of options with boots atm such as hunter version etc. But always BIS is Two-Toned so keep an eye on them because they gives you free extra resources. RINGS 1 - Essence Worm with Hatred 2 - Rare ring with high life , resistances and mana for our MoM 3 - Vermillion Ring with life / resistances / mana 4 - BIS Vermillion Redeemer with minion damage AMULET The Primordial Chain Get as low rolls there as u can -> low rolls means more dmg , more life for our golems This is where our fun beggins! We can put extra node from skill tree on our amulet. Of course some of them are expensive such as +1 Curse (Whispers of Doom) or Ravenous Horde Keep in mind Awakened Curse on Hit lvl5 gives u +1 extra curse so you can have 3 curses with Whispers of Doom or 2 with Ravenous Horde. 3rd curse you can get from corrupted gloves (such as enfeeble , temporal chains etc so u can mix them like u want) GLOVES This is our choices: ENCHANT : Commandment of Reflection BIS 1 - Grip of the Council (biggest dmg) 2 - Redeemer rare gloves with minion dmg! , life , resistances (extra dmg , more life , easier to cap res) 3 - Command of The Pit 2 socket (tank mode since we use 2 extra jewels) 4- ONLY TO FINISH/COMPLETE PHYSICAL REFLECT MAP ![]() 3.9 Metamoprh league gear
gloves : only for physical reflect maps such as Uber Atziri (you can use 4white sockets or what ever you want i using 2r2g because colours r good for me :) Old gear - Legacy atm
EHP (life+mom) : 7721 + 114 excess mana LIFE : 5405 MANA : 2430 Unreserved / 2794 mana ![]()
KEEP IN MIND AWAKENED GEMS are expensive so you start with normal version :) Helmet - Summon Chaos Golem lvl 20 (lvl 21 high end), Summon Stone Golem lvl 20 (lvl 21 high end), Summon Lightning Golem lvl 20 (lvl 21 high end), Empower lvl 3 (level 4 - high end) "this is our buff helmet Chest - Summon Ice Golem lvl 21 (lvl 20 is fine too but lvl 21 gives us more dmg also got more life) - Minion Damage Support 20 - Impale Support - Melee Physical Dmg - Multistrike - Empower 3 (level 4 gives us big dmg boost!) ALTERNATIVE : We swap Impale support for Ruthless Weapon - Clayshaper - Phase Run (level depends on ur dexterity) - Vaal Haste (level depends on your dexterity - quality very important) - Incrueased Duration lvl 20 = ALL QUALITY 20% GEMS Or Dash + Vaal Haste Or if you use Convoking wand: Shield - Clayshaper (dread banner - generosity (linked) , flame dash) = ALL QUALITY 20% GEMS or (if you have Awakened Curse on hit lvl 5 ALTERNATIVE: We swap Dread Banner for War Banner if you are using Ruthless Ring - Essence Worm -> Hatred Boots Flesh offering 11 -Convocation 9 - Steel Skin 13 - CWDT 6 or we use here 2 curses + storm brand + awakened curse on hit ENCHANT : Life/Mana regen BIS but you can use others too :) Gloves - Depends on what u choose Clayshaper -> punishment or vulnerability - curse on hit - storm brand - culling strike or Convokation version below KEEP IN MIND : If you use Clayshaper mix gems to make it work or if you use Convoking wand with autocast we use a bit changed setup. Everything will be in Path of building link if you somehow are confused. I use Vaal Haste for extra dmg , Phase run for fast running maps , Dread banner + Generosity for extra impale/dmg too. CLAYSHAPER VERSION - 1)cwdt 6 - steelskin 13 - flesh offering 11 - convocation 9 put it into gloves or boots 2)weapon -> vaal haste - phase run - increase duration (all linked) 3) shield -> dread banner - generosity (linked) , flame dash 4) boots or gloves -> punishment or vulnerability - curse on hit - storm brand - culling strike ![]()
We are looking for high life , high mana (for our mom) and Blind + Taunt. You can also use Hinder but only if you want use it on ur tree or you took Command of The pit 2s 8 or 9 Primordial of Harmony -> Keep an eye on Golem Dmg 20% also high rolls on golems have % increased cooldown recovery speed because stone golem second attack . If u get enough reduced cooldown his skill will be reduced below 2 seconds (9 = more dmg / use 8 if u want 1 extra jewel. DONT LOOK AT Golem SKILLS % HAVE INCREASED CD (useless because u can cast golems faster which is useless for us since our golems dont die) 2 or 3 x - Primordial Eminance -> Keep an eye on 20% golems attack speed 1 Primordial Might -> Keep an eye on golems life % (rest doesnt matter) 1 -> Anima Stone KEEP AN EYE: Corrupted Blood is BIS. So corrupt your jewels to get it :) ![]()
BANDITS KILL ALL PANTHEON Lunaris + Shakari -> mapping , bossing Lunaris + Yugul -> Uber Elder or Shaper ASCENDANCY 1) Liege of The Primordial 2) Elemancer 3) Shaper of Desolation 4) Beacon of Ruin (for more dmg) or ALTERNATIVE : Paragon of Calamity + Pendulum of Destruction MOM CALCULATOR Its very simple 1000 life means u need 430 unreserved mana (MOM) = 1430 EHP If u want u can use GHAZZY mom calculator https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bE0mOtgYsmDx-v2G-6iq-bOsiLp7I_yGMFHYHS__dxw/edit#gid=690621205 ![]()
![]() Ice Golem Golemancer Build - BALANCED - ALL CONTENT -Everything Dies-Huge Damage https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2305121 and Stone Golem build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2782044 YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/user/bamper123/ IGN- Ciasna_Muszelka/NaughtyGolemancer Última edição por bamper1#0539 em 2 de abr de 2020 09:03:23 Último bump em 10 de fev de 2022 04:11:25
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The build looks great :D I have always wanted to try a golem build but was scared away by the cost to get it going. After watching a streamer on twitch Theuberelite on twitch playing a golem build it looked like a blast then I found your guide :D I was just wondering how would you go about leveling a golem build and when is the best time to switch over to golem. I have a few ex saved up to help get the build started hopefully that will be enough to get it going till I can afford the better gear.
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" Thank you :) Well "budget" version aint very expensive. You can buy the cheapest primordials on poe trade. Well i started this league as arc selfcast witch and than at lvl 75 i switched to golemancer. Thats for lvl 70 tree
ofc u can go to the left and skip 2 jewels on the bottom (right side). The full version of the tree u got here. ![]() Here u have my lvl 97 tree
![]() Ice Golem Golemancer Build - BALANCED - ALL CONTENT -Everything Dies-Huge Damage https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2305121
and Stone Golem build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2782044 YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/user/bamper123/ IGN- Ciasna_Muszelka/NaughtyGolemancer |
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Hi! Nice build, i want to try it, but this is my first time golemancer
Can i start playing this build (as a golemancer) from level 34? The cycle of life and death continues. We will live, they will die.
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" Well :) if you already bought primordials , tabula rasa and 1st lab is completed you can try. If not , keep leveling with any other skill till u get primordials and tabula rasa. Ice Golem Golemancer Build - BALANCED - ALL CONTENT -Everything Dies-Huge Damage https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2305121
and Stone Golem build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2782044 YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/user/bamper123/ IGN- Ciasna_Muszelka/NaughtyGolemancer |
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if you have a bit of currency you can get the ball rolling at 34, starting with a primordial chain and 2-3x primordial harmony. heres how i do it:
>level 1-34 with whatever skill is currently op. i started league as arc+ele focus+controlled destruction in a +1 sceptre but if you have currency then 6l herald of agony with quill rain for rain of arrows+poison spam is straight up broken. >lvl34 you go with flame golem+lmp+minion dmg+ele focus as the base 4l with controlled destruction+minion speed if you have 5/6l. run with all flame golems. you can do lab at this point pretty easily though i grind to the next stage before doing so. >lvl38 you wanna swap out lmp for gmp and a blue gem (id suggest speed, never minion dmg or ele focus) for echo. >lvl41 you equip dual clayshapers. run 1x stone golem (from the mace itself, should be higher level than your own stone golem gem) and the rest flame. >lvl52 you want to drop a clayshaper for victarios charity (making sure youve taken necro aegis first of course) >other than that its chasing either jewel sockets for more harmony stacking or nodes to boost survival (life/mana) i run with one stone and the rest flame golems until i have at least 5 harmony and the anima stone socketed, with a primordial might ready to go, which is when ill swap to ice golems. as for getting the str needed for clayshapers early on, i usually follow pathing similar to this: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.5.1/AAAABAMAAAQHBLMRLRzcJbIo-iycMtE1kjwtQYdFR0yzVcZakWD4YoZqrGvbbRl4DXyDfRiCx4Nfg8yD248anr2iAKasqH2qqbXytz64k8Bm0B_T-9i934rpAuvu7Irv6_no_go= which gives 94 str from tree, and with a careful planning jewel socketed west of witch start, will give more than enough dex for early levelling while you path to the dex nodes. then you can just equip a heavy belt (belt of the deceiver is a nice choice) and benchcraft some str on either rings/gloves/boots to get to 141. feel free to take mom whenever you feel its necessary. i usually run purity of elements+haste+war banner while levelling so dont take mom until late in the story, if ever. same story with ele equilibrium, take it when you feel your dmg is dropping but its 1 point so i usually take it after ive gotten 3 harmonies socketed. been playing golem builds since the primordial jewels were introduced and ice golems are probably the best iteration of it so far with the introduction of the necklace. hope that helps. |
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Hey, i can't find your Helmet and Body Armour, how does the mirror service work and how much does it cost.
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" Hi. Well im using them thats why they are not listed on poe.trade My IGN is Ciasna_Muszelka so if u want i can do a mirror service for you. Ice Golem Golemancer Build - BALANCED - ALL CONTENT -Everything Dies-Huge Damage https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2305121
and Stone Golem build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2782044 YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/user/bamper123/ IGN- Ciasna_Muszelka/NaughtyGolemancer |
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" I would change a bit tree but thats a good start :) cheers Ice Golem Golemancer Build - BALANCED - ALL CONTENT -Everything Dies-Huge Damage https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2305121
and Stone Golem build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2782044 YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/user/bamper123/ IGN- Ciasna_Muszelka/NaughtyGolemancer |
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Do u have any videos to showcase the build? :)
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