[3.10] 🐉 Dragon's Breath Elementalist - Incinerate
" It applies because it's a hit based spell. |
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Have you considered a crafted staff with +2 fire gems + cast speed and multimod spelldmg/chaos hybrid, double dmg and %non chaos gained as chaos monocraft. This seems to net quite a bit more dps especially if you manage a high cast speed roll.
This might even be cheaper since 6L staff base costs almost nothing and multimod 2 Ex. With decent rolling luck I would argue the total costs should not exceed 3-4 Ex max. Última edição por Seraaz#1951 em 3 de fev de 2019 11:57:45
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I love the build and playstyle, I've been jonesing for an Incinerate build ever since max block Scion Incinerate was meta a couple years ago.
The damage is nuts, but defense against physical damage is pretty lacking. I've had quite a few instances of just getting one-shot by Syndicate mobs in T15/16 even with the 7.5k life. You ever think about adding Crab Aspect over Spider? |
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" Yes you are absolutely right and I just bought one shaped staff to craft it myself. Dmg boost will be significant around 20% more and higher with focus mode. We will see what ill get out of it when im done. Maybe ill be lucky to get arcane surge and +2 lvl gem. :) I considered this option before but i didn't want to over complicate build at the start. Because not everyone have all recipes unlocked (me included). Martyr of Innocence is very strong, easy to get and will remain as a starting point for those who don't want to craft. I will add prob tomorrow crafted staff as an option for those who want to squeeze out more dmg. " I'm glad you like it and that you are having fun. Phys damage will always be the problem prob for everyone that are not Juggernaut. I got one-shoted in Delve with my other char Ele Hit Scion with 9+K life. Things like that are always going to happen sooner or later. I personally didn't have any problem so far with Syndicate unless i'm playing with one hand and smoke with the other. With flasks up + Vaal Grace + Vaal RF + 10% projectile avoidance + 8% phys red. (both Lunaris) + 3 endurance charges you can fry Syndicate on T16 pretty fast, get capped dodge chance and you have to be really unlucky to eat one-shot. Little dancing around with Syndicate is certainly necessary. I never said that build is bulletproof. :) Dunno about Crab aspect. Main problem with Crab is that it's kinda unreliable. Any hit with phys dmg and you lose all of them. Feel free to try it out. Última edição por TorsteinTheFallen#1295 em 3 de fev de 2019 19:43:46
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" Here is the crafted staff, and with it comes some pros&cons. PoB shows over 4 million dps while focused + release. I tested it on Shaper. Burst damage boost is certainly noticeable, but here comes the downsides: -because of +2 fire gem and more cast speed, Incinerate is now lvl23 and with it comes more mana consumption. With more mana consumption jumps from 5 to 8 mana per cast which is over 50% more mana consumption. Preloading to 8 stages while not leeching is not possible, even though i have -10 mana cost of skills on my Watcher's Eye. -10 mana cost on Watcher's will be mandatory then. Lvl 4 Enlighten should be a good addon too. -one more button to press xD -total crafting cost for me was ~5ex I will include this into the guide and put some videos so everyone can chose what they want. Última edição por TorsteinTheFallen#1295 em 4 de fev de 2019 08:55:27
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" Nice staff you have going there. The main reason why I was bringing that up was also the cost. Since martyr is not really used commonly there are very few/rather expensive 6L on the market and doing a 6L yourself does not have the same value as 6linking another item. One option would maybe to go for +2 Fire and Atk speed/double dmg hybrid to avoid the extra button and the additional mana costs could be covered with a - mana cost to skills craft on either ring or/and amulet. I do agree with the sentiment that it makes the overall gearing more complicated. Última edição por Seraaz#1951 em 4 de fev de 2019 09:55:21
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Did you consider yoke of suffering yet? It would be a 15% inc dmg taken multiplier as long as we have any amount of cold/lightning damage added to the spell and offer some nice resists too. It is not the cheapest currenty and has no life on it though.
Furthermore I would like to emphasize the value of Ngamahu's Sign during leveling. With high cast speed incinerate has really nice ignites per second and thus you can regain quite a bit of life :D |
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" Martyr is ~3ex 6L. Not many on the market cause it's league end and not many players online. It's a good easy fix. Here it is, the best combination of mods I could come up with. Has basically same dps as +2 staff without mana cost increase. Damage is little bit over 4 million buffed. Ofc it can be pushed even further getting combinations of Arcane surge lvl20 mode/ 20% Double damage chance/+2 to Level of socketed gems together but thats far from easy to make and it goes to GG gear realm. Also it would require to further reduce mana cost (prob at the cost of life) to not being gimped by lack of mana. Anyway i don't need to explain experienced players what to do. :) This crafted staff is easy to make and leaves rest of the build untouched. Ill add Ngamahu's ring to leveling as an option. Tnx for your suggestions. :) ps The main problem with Yoke is that it was expensive af early on (started from 7ex). Rare amulet gives 10+% more damage and life. Damage wise it's little better than rare. Also with Yoke you lose potential slot to craft aspect. Última edição por TorsteinTheFallen#1295 em 4 de fev de 2019 12:31:27
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" Oh yeah you are right, I forgot about aspect tbh. The staff seems nice. Gives me the same dps as this one WHILE focused though: +2 to Level of Socketed Fire Gems 38% increased Cast Speed Can have multiple Crafted Modifiers 75% increased Spell Damage 12% chance to deal Double Damage Gain 34% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage I do agree with the additional 3 mana costs but since often a good choice for a ring is going from a pure warlord mark base and multimodding from there I think it is definitely possible. And the additional 38% cast speed are just godlike in terms of clear and feeling and overall QOL, I think :D It is however really really difficult or rather expensive to get a +2 fire gem 38% cast speed staff to multimod though Última edição por Seraaz#1951 em 4 de fev de 2019 13:01:58
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" Damn that's a nice staff. ^^^ With new crafting recipes/Shaper staves combinations are various. I would like to leave build as simple as I can. Like i said, step by step and we are getting into GG tier gear and further gear/build modifications. To someone who wants something like that I don't need to explain how to further mod the build (like youself). :) Tnx for all the input! |
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