(HC/SC) Facebreaker + Cyclone - Fists of Fury Duelist [Videos Included]

Anyone gone for the CI route with this build? I decided to give it a go anyway, build at 51 looking like this:

Spent quite a few regret orbs to turn a dual wielding health based character into this one and there are still some wasted points in the tree but only some.

Farming merciless hillock with low life until I get some more ES (only 1700 at the moment) at which point I'll switch to CI (might grab Vaal pact depending on the dps later). Planning to get some key nodes from the ranger tree after that.

I know I can't equip some of the uniques that would help me with damage but I hope these are enough for adequate dps with proper jewelry and passives.

Cyclone dps at the moment is 770.
Última edição por halvd em 23 de jul de 2013 17:36:02
Well i dropped IR on my facebreaker, and do u know what? It gives me way more defences!

before patch i had 20k armour, after it was 15,5k.
When i dropped IR i still have 10k armour which gives me 49% reduction on 83 lvl and 34% evasion :) The only con i found is that i have to use granite flask on physical reflection elites. But its not a big deal:)
ericcol2p escreveu:
Well i dropped IR on my facebreaker, and do u know what? It gives me way more defences!

before patch i had 20k armour, after it was 15,5k.
When i dropped IR i still have 10k armour which gives me 49% reduction on 83 lvl and 34% evasion :) The only con i found is that i have to use granite flask on physical reflection elites. But its not a big deal:)

Did some estimates for my own character and I take more damage if I drop IR.

Ran a similar calculation for your case and overall damage taken is about 5%-10% less without IR. I think this is because your armor doesn't drop as much as mine if you drop IR.

IR seems to be better for overall damage reduction if you have high amounts of evasion-converted armor and low amounts of pure armor. Conversely, dropping IR seems better for overall damage reduction if you have high amounts of pure armor and low amounts of evasion-converted armor.

Peak damage taken will be higher if you drop IR regardless though, so expect stuff like reflect to hurt more. (I think you need 2-4% more leech? Will vary case by case again. It seems to be a lot higher for me.)

(^ This is all conjecture. Feel free to post your own theories.)
Toupy - Lv93 Facebreaker Cyclone Duelist
Última edição por Myrthr em 24 de jul de 2013 12:56:36
Great build, ty. I took Abyssus+Lioneye remorse. But, i had some problems with mana and auras' so i put cyclone on bloodmagic. atm got 4700dps on cyclone. Heading to more :)
One problem i had - choice of chest armor. So i decided, since i have huge armor shield i took Carcass Jack cause of aoe. Now thinkin of taking blood dance or just armor boots with resistances and life. if you have any suggestion how to improve my build\gear i will be very greatfull.

current gear:
If you have some currency, try to recolour your 5l to 3RGB because Melee Physical Damage is far more damage than Faster Attacks.

I would also recommend having a Bringer of Rain handy for use in dangerous 70+ maps.
this build still good for current patch?

thnx or is there an better one with differnt class?
Still perfectly fine, stronger than ever infact.
And Duelist is personally my favourite for Facebreaker, very strong starting nodes.
Hey ppl... I was/am trying a kinda different approach on the original build. But seems have hit a wall. So could use some advice or suggestions to what to do next.

I run the following (lvl 86):

My plan is as follows:
<Helm - Abyssus (RRGB)> ///Alpha's Howl Switch
Purity + Hatred + Determination + Reduced Mana

<Boots - Darkflay Boots (GRRR)>
Enduring Cry/Immortal Call/Enfeeble/Increased Duration

<Rare Vaal Bucker (32% block) (GGR)>
Grace + Enduring Cry + Blood Rage

<Gloves - Facebreaker (RRGG)>
Frenzy + Faster Attacks + More Phys. + Multi Strike

<Rare 6L Armor>
- Blind
- More Phys.
- Conc. Effect
- Life Leech
- Blood Magic/Added Fire

Items: Rare Vaal Bucker (32% block) (GGR)
+Flat Evasion
+6% Block (38% total)

Armor: Glorius Plate/Astral Plate 6L (RRRGGB)
+Flat Armor
(Bonus: str)

Rustic Sash
+Flat Armor
(Bonus: str)

- I need alot of gear to be able to make this work. But so far it seems the -50% armor from Acrobatic is a VERY HARD hit and wondering if it's worth it? anyone who can guide me with why this seems worse than the original? 'cause I've put alot of work into it.

What Armor amount should I go for, to be able to run endgame maps 70+ with ease? So far I feel forced to use Bringer of Rain and it's kinda hard on my armor amount with Acrobatic.
Última edição por LePenseur em 10 de ago de 2013 07:31:47
If you are speccing into Acrobatics, forget all about armour and focus on getting Block nodes instead. You are pretty much forced into using Bringer, because the lack of armour + Abyssus penalty will mean you take big damage whenever you fail to evade/dodge.
I'm starting a duelist facebreaker cyclone. Just wanted to know if frenzy is a viable
single target attack or if infernal blow is a lot better ??

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