[On Hold] Bane Occultist - League Start/SSF Viable - All Content

ohnpeat escreveu:
I will admit - my nemesis are the 2 'Delirium' bosses - they are stupidly hard to kill even when you run away from them :)

p.s. I threw your build into PoB and you're seriously down om Bane damage - it puts you around 230Kdps (I have 576K like-for-like) and that's entirely down to your Bane "just" being Level 20.

Seek +gem levels on Wand and Shield, Corrupt the gem to 21, Body Armour offers 1-5 gem levels (depending on your budget) and then Empower replaces Void Manipulation (not before Gem level 23/24/25ish) for even more dmg...

Thanks for the response! I went out and bought a Skin of the Loyal body armour (the only thing I could find with + to gems that didn't cost like 90ex.)

It has +1 to socketed gems and +2 to curse gems (also +2 to auras, but that's not really useful). And I also bought a lvl 21/23% bane, and switched the void for my empower. It's not max level yet, but I'm out of currency atm (until I sell the old gear I guess, even though I liked the reduced damage of the Fenemous Shroud :) )

Path of Building (which I clearly don't use enough) now says 401k damage for Bane, so I guess that's already quite an improvement!
I did one map to test with 2 delirium orbs and managed to defeat both Phobia and Kosis in it. (I did die twice at the start of the map since I did seem to have lost some survivability)

ohnpeat escreveu:
Sirus is a shitfest tho - it's not a damage fight, it's a "don't get hit" fight surely?

I must admit that it was my first Sirus fight (though I watched a video to prepare). "Don't get hit" is fine, but with the damage I was doing... Dodging shit for 2 min is a lot easier than for 10 min obviously :)

ohnpeat escreveu:
Also - use Wither Totems as they're super effective for single-targets - they also tease Sirus around which can be handy - things even attack them!

I'll start using those again, I had removed them since I was testing out the Fortify for extra survival.
ohnpeat escreveu:
OK - I know this is silly but I had to try it.

I really wanted a CWDT setup which wasn't in a weapon but I had

Helm - 4 Auras
Chest - Bane
Hands - 3 Curses and Flamedash
Feet - Wither Totem

So I wasted some currency and fed a Hungry Loop a Spell Totem, Multiple Totems, Increased Duration and Faster Casting supports - slotting in Wither to finish it

The problem is, a ring is a good source of res and life - res I've managed to fix (well - I'm 1pt of Lightning short!) but I'm down 400+ life and that's noticeable (deaths!!)

It's an option tho - if you have 25-30c to buy 4 Level 19.9 jewels and a ring - but I'd just made 5K life (7.1K with Mom) and that was comfy...

I have bought the required gloves but haven't got around to equipping them as i would have a huge deficit on resist (-44), not to mention max life (-80+). Still farming for enough currencies to spam for good resists on belt & amulet.

Recently i got a medium cluster jewel that focuses on max life. Haven't tried it. Currently using one that focuses on ES.

I should also purchase Empower and start leveling it since it takes forever to get it to functioning levels.

Thanks for the ideas.
After much thought, I've decided I'm using too-many uniques - never a good idea as it means you cram-in stats to rings etc.

Windshriek boots are clearly the weakest - they have AoE and +1 curse and that's not enough to be taking-up a whole slot...

I therefore found some 'cheap' boots with 30% movement and life on them AND I found an Amulet which already had "Whispers of Doom" anointed (180c of materials - amulet was 20c!) so I'm back-up to 3 curses...

The AoE range is notably smaller but it doesnt' make THAT much difference (it's still quarter of the screen!) - 5K health, 7.2K eff. health (well, I need a BIT more ES) to make that work properly

I am running-out of upgrade which aren't 'silly money' tho - the death penalty usually means I stick around 91-92 so no-more tree points - hmmmm

Ah well - next stop might be a Cluster Jewel rework - maybe...
Hey Guys, played the build to 92.
It is ok for Mapping. Not the fastest, but it gets the Job done (T16s 20% delirum)
I did clear wave 20 simulacrum.

single target is meh though.
Anyone killed AL8 Sirus Life based?
Tried it like 3 times. Last Phase always kills me. DIE -> Dead. (have shit system..like 30 FPS)
Even switched vixens for more survivabilty. (Max Chaos res and more life)
Have like 5200k life and 1500ES.

Anyone have suggestions for upgrades?
Última edição por diggeDinga#3981 em 12 de abr de 2020 11:22:07
diggeDinga escreveu:
Hey Guys, played the build to 92.
It is ok for Mapping. Not the fastest, but it gets the Job done (T16s 20% delirum)
I did clear wave 20 simulacrum.

single target is meh though.
Anyone killed AL8 Sirus Life based?
Tried it like 3 times. Last Phase always kills me. DIE -> Dead. (have shit system..like 30 FPS)
Even switched vixens for more survivabilty. (Max Chaos res and more life)
Have like 5200k life and 1500ES.

Anyone have suggestions for upgrades?

Iam using (and having) almost the same stats and setup as yours, but a staff instead of wand/shield. 6-Link ED is still not the best for Singletarget, but strong nevertheless. Tooltip shows 130k DOT for Bane, 250k for ED. Iam using Cluster Jewels for damage and life bonuses instead of the big HP cluster in the bottom left of the tree and also removed some of the pure chaos damage points, because the jewels damage bonuses are higher.

And yes, iam a relatively new player, sorry for any missing buzzwords or such :3 As this build is discontinued i try to figure out stuff myself.
diggeDinga escreveu:
Hey Guys, played the build to 92.
It is ok for Mapping. Not the fastest, but it gets the Job done (T16s 20% delirum)
I did clear wave 20 simulacrum.

single target is meh though.
Anyone killed AL8 Sirus Life based?
Tried it like 3 times. Last Phase always kills me. DIE -> Dead. (have shit system..like 30 FPS)
Even switched vixens for more survivabilty. (Max Chaos res and more life)
Have like 5200k life and 1500ES.

Anyone have suggestions for upgrades?

killing him for 3 weeks now
feel free to check my character, i am not following this guide though. Started with cutedog tree and then rerolled into acrobatics (can sometimes tank his die laser too). Sirus is easy, using staff with ed, but probably i am able to kill him even without it. Overall your gear looks decent, dunno if you are using cluster jewels but they do give a lot of damage, also awakened swift affliction is very good, +10% multi with 20% quality.
Sunw1sh escreveu:

killing him for 3 weeks now
feel free to check my character, i am not following this guide though. Started with cutedog tree and then rerolled into acrobatics (can sometimes tank his die laser too). Sirus is easy, using staff with ed, but probably i am able to kill him even without it. Overall your gear looks decent, dunno if you are using cluster jewels but they do give a lot of damage, also awakened swift affliction is very good, +10% multi with 20% quality.

You build seems really solid, i always liked dodge but didnt know it would be possibly for this build. For sure giving it a try!

Speaking of that: Which points from the tree would you remove for us poor souls wo are unable to level above 93 right now? :D
Última edição por Ancharakh#7240 em 14 de abr de 2020 00:42:52
Sunw1sh escreveu:
diggeDinga escreveu:
Hey Guys, played the build to 92.
It is ok for Mapping. Not the fastest, but it gets the Job done (T16s 20% delirum)
I did clear wave 20 simulacrum.

single target is meh though.
Anyone killed AL8 Sirus Life based?
Tried it like 3 times. Last Phase always kills me. DIE -> Dead. (have shit system..like 30 FPS)
Even switched vixens for more survivabilty. (Max Chaos res and more life)
Have like 5200k life and 1500ES.

Anyone have suggestions for upgrades?

killing him for 3 weeks now
feel free to check my character, i am not following this guide though. Started with cutedog tree and then rerolled into acrobatics (can sometimes tank his die laser too). Sirus is easy, using staff with ed, but probably i am able to kill him even without it. Overall your gear looks decent, dunno if you are using cluster jewels but they do give a lot of damage, also awakened swift affliction is very good, +10% multi with 20% quality.

What's the item level of your large cluster jewel for it to have 3 notables and a jewel slot? That medium cluster jewel with two slots? Better than the uniques i have seen on trade.

Thanks for sharing. Gives me something to look forward to when it comes to cluster jewels. Your staff with means stats looks like something i can never afford even with ten years of farming. :D

I missed out on the last few leagues so i have no idea on this Awakening business. Again, it's something to look forward to.
Última edição por biaXamseng#0802 em 14 de abr de 2020 09:23:03
Can someone check my profile and tell what to change?
I tried my first Sirus A4, went all the way to last phase but failed it miserably all the time..
Ancharakh escreveu:

You build seems really solid, i always liked dodge but didnt know it would be possibly for this build. For sure giving it a try!

Speaking of that: Which points from the tree would you remove for us poor souls wo are unable to level above 93 right now? :D

either jewels, or life, i also think i just switched to zealotry from aspect of spider, so it is possible to remove aura nodes too. Sry for late response, not checking threads that much, not many people post ideas. Trying to push more damage\aoe, lost survivability for dps. Not sure if it was worth it, spider version with 6.5k hp\atziri boots was the safest so far i think.
Shadowstitch is a pain if you want to change gear, but probably the cheapest option for +3 corrupt
biaXamseng escreveu:

What's the item level of your large cluster jewel for it to have 3 notables and a jewel slot? That medium cluster jewel with two slots? Better than the uniques i have seen on trade.

Thanks for sharing. Gives me something to look forward to when it comes to cluster jewels. Your staff with means stats looks like something i can never afford even with ten years of farming. :D

I missed out on the last few leagues so i have no idea on this Awakening business. Again, it's something to look forward to.

2 sockets are rolled on jewels ilvl 75. That jewel is pretty easy to roll, scour\alch(or chaos) spam, passives itself are mostly damage and only 2 sockets are must
Yeah, staff is hard to get and upgrade, there are none on poetrade pretty much. I got it randomly for 2 ex with +35% multi and +3 gems and no other mods, had to link and multicraft myself, but in the end it still was very lucky.
Rihmis escreveu:
Can someone check my profile and tell what to change?
I tried my first Sirus A4, went all the way to last phase but failed it miserably all the time..

+1 gems on amulet, +16\+1 isn't that expensive, 2-4 ex~
corruption on chest would push damage the most, +2 curse\aoe\duration gems is pretty easy to get on a lot of things and they are not that expensive. Void manipulation is better than empower 3 in your case. Awakened gems give additional damage, on a lot of your gems there is no quality. 21 lvl bane with no quality is better than 20\20 bane. Overall your damage is very low, i didnt use soulrend personally but i think selfcast ed will always outperform it. ED uses same gems as bane, except empower instead of despair.
Última edição por Sunw1sh#1470 em 16 de abr de 2020 06:50:33

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