Giammafix escreveu:
enjoying the build so far!
died a few times in dangerous blight maps, I'm mapping very fast and safely, almost everything self-found (tabula included) and it's working like a charm even with random rares, I'm starting to make trades now that I have time.
I have a couple of questions:
- would femurs of the saint/ chober/ a +1 or +2 minion staff with 5 links be better than a tabula rasa?
- as a 6th link, is empower level 3 still better than maim/fortify? or should I keep maim until I have a level 4 empower to see a dps increase?
- can zombies maim with the maim support? or do we take it just because of the higher damage?
- also, I still see in the link section, Fortify as prioritized over Maim. Assuming we don't have a shaped mace with level 20 maim, do we still choose fortify over maim as a link?
- sorry if this question has already been answered of, I can't find it. Is Brutality support good? zombies don't deal elemental or chaos damage unless we got the triad gloves
thank you!
quoting my post again, if you can help me :)
thank you!
Postado porGiammafix#2456em 10 de set de 2019 16:48:21
Giammafix escreveu:
Giammafix escreveu:
enjoying the build so far!
died a few times in dangerous blight maps, I'm mapping very fast and safely, almost everything self-found (tabula included) and it's working like a charm even with random rares, I'm starting to make trades now that I have time.
I have a couple of questions:
- would femurs of the saint/ chober/ a +1 or +2 minion staff with 5 links be better than a tabula rasa?
- as a 6th link, is empower level 3 still better than maim/fortify? or should I keep maim until I have a level 4 empower to see a dps increase?
- can zombies maim with the maim support? or do we take it just because of the higher damage?
- also, I still see in the link section, Fortify as prioritized over Maim. Assuming we don't have a shaped mace with level 20 maim, do we still choose fortify over maim as a link?
- sorry if this question has already been answered of, I can't find it. Is Brutality support good? zombies don't deal elemental or chaos damage unless we got the triad gloves
thank you!
quoting my post again, if you can help me :)
thank you!
Can't answer your question regarding tabula and femur, as the updated version isn't added to PoB yet. however 6L is better than 5L chaber, and my gutfeeling is saying that 5L femur will be better than a 6L tabula, might loose a tiny bit of dps, but gains a ton of defences.
Level 3 empower isn't better than a 6th link, only if you have +2 to support gems.
Of my knowledge, yes they can maim.
No, we would prefer maim over fortify in that case, as fortify is less dps than fortify, and with the additional health to zombies they don't need it as much.
We don't run brutality cause it would ruin the chances of gaining unholy might, however the HC version will run it.
Última edição por Qlidascope#2925 em 10 de set de 2019 17:02:08
Postado porQlidascope#2925em 10 de set de 2019 17:01:33
Using Dancing Duo per recommendation from Khaze41 as well, it is crazy good and crazy fast. VERY cheap too; just buy the prophecy which is 4c now and 6s (no need for links!). If the skeles can be socketed into the 'endgame' mace, can do a weapon swap between DD and skeles for single target.
There are cheaper alternatives to Astramantis as well. Shaper amulents with % Attributes can get your str up to required levels (though dex may still be a struggle).
Postado porDrizzitT#4813em 10 de set de 2019 17:04:31
Looking at Dancing Duo and it really does make an excellent starter weapon. The Dancing Dervish is less than 1c, and the prophecy for it is 4c (does require a T13 map boss kill though).
Postado porAldonés#1294em 10 de set de 2019 17:10:22
jlh165 escreveu:
Looking at Dancing Duo and it really does make an excellent starter weapon. The Dancing Dervish is less than 1c, and the prophecy for it is 4c (does require a T13 map boss kill though).
Arsenal Map for the prophecy is a T6 map.
Postado porKronikle#1689em 10 de set de 2019 17:11:35
thanks for answering! :)
do we really need the chaos resistances for our minions, through the grave intentions path? I guess for the uber elder fight
Postado porGiammafix#2456em 10 de set de 2019 17:14:43
Just wanted to post real quick in regards to the power level of this build. Finally got a red-tier elder to spawn (Dude was being a jerk) and with 4 Link Zombies and 4 Link Skeletons I instantly phased him and just sat in the middle and occasionally summoned some skeletons.
It is very, very strong. Currently sitting at 1k Strength. I have a Saqawal's Nest in the bank, but it doesn't even want to get 4 linked let alone get 6 linked :P
Great guide. My build is a bit different but I used yours as a base and heavily for inspiration. The power level is off the charts.
Postado porMarioMCP#7885em 10 de set de 2019 17:18:16
DolphinCarpet escreveu:
I'm confused because Coronal Mace is 2ex+ and the other 2hand maces are only a few chaos? Is there some special benefit for using Coronal and paying the extra?
Also, I just finally put in Animate Guardian, but it seems to just cast without actually summoning anything. First time using this skill and I assume I'm missing something.
Just reposting to get help on this, appreciate it!
Postado porDolphinCarpet#0086em 10 de set de 2019 17:54:49
DolphinCarpet escreveu:
DolphinCarpet escreveu:
I'm confused because Coronal Mace is 2ex+ and the other 2hand maces are only a few chaos? Is there some special benefit for using Coronal and paying the extra?
Also, I just finally put in Animate Guardian, but it seems to just cast without actually summoning anything. First time using this skill and I assume I'm missing something.
Just reposting to get help on this, appreciate it!
I think you can use a staff (elder base ilvl80+) to obtain Fortify instead Maim + 18% block chance instead useless aoe, better APS for leap slam. This option shows a little more damage than Maim.
Correct me if I made a mistake.
Good options will be expensive anyway, that's meta
Última edição por MInielf#7483 em 10 de set de 2019 18:32:02
Postado porMInielf#7483em 10 de set de 2019 18:24:43
Could Iron Heart Crusader Plate being super OP on the Animated Guardian? Since it gives "Strength's Damage Bonus instead grants 3% increased Melee
Physical Damage per 10 Strength"?
Since we have so much strength?
Postado porxReidx#0253em 10 de set de 2019 19:08:51