3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game
WarmongerJ escreveu:
brunowa escreveu:
WarmongerJ escreveu:
Dumb question, but when do I get my 11th zombie? I have 1100 str and a level 21 raise zombie. Do I get it at 1500 str?
Death Attunement and Lord of the Dead
That's the thing. I have both.
So I am trying to figure out where I am missing a zombie from. I removed my baron and realized I only lose 1 zombie in doing so. I have 1112 str so shouldn't I lose 2 zombies in doing so? I'm confident I cant raise a 11th zombie and made sure I have death attunment, lord of the dead, and a 21/20 raise zombie (if that matters). Is this some sort of bug or am I just missing something?
@Bbrunowa 4th specter is found :D Arena Master from Drox maps.
Nice! Next time I'm doing Drox I'll try grab one and test it out!
From waht I can see its huge attackspeed modifier my own modifier goes from 251% to 371% attackspeed mods, I Get 40% movement speed and the damage increase seem to be roughly 25% increased.
So I am trying to figure out where I am missing a zombie from. I removed my baron and realized I only lose 1 zombie in doing so. I have 1112 str so shouldn't I lose 2 zombies in doing so? I'm confident I cant raise a 11th zombie and made sure I have death attunment, lord of the dead, and a 21/20 raise zombie (if that matters). Is this some sort of bug or am I just missing something?
hmmm... strange indeed?? I looked over your profile and I didn't notice anything off?
And YES that IS Al-Hezmin getting SMOKED in 2 seconds in 3.10, using just 11 zombies.
Note in the video above I simply swapped in Minion Damage on Al-Hezmin purely to see how fast I could kill him. Leaving in Minion Speed will make the fight last about 2.5 seconds instead of 2 seconds :P
This setup incorporates Ranged Spectres in a Hungry Loop ring. There are a shitload of different ranged spectres to choose from to mix up your gameplay. My favourite is Frost Sentinels found in Act 8 - Lunaris Temple. I still have not found any new spectre that outperforms them.
This is amazing!
That Hunter kill looks better and faster than clear speed build. Is it that powerful?
What's better for fast clearing, this or the speed setup? as this looks pretty damn fast and strong
Yes it's pretty epic fun :)
It's basically the speed setup with hungry loop thrown in so they are very similar in speed and DPS. Speed would have higher DPS purely because of frenzy and power charges.. but this is really only needed or best on end-game bosses like Sirus.
Nice! Next time I'm doing Drox I'll try grab one and test it out!
From waht I can see its huge attackspeed modifier my own modifier goes from 251% to 371% attackspeed mods, I Get 40% movement speed and the damage increase seem to be roughly 25% increased.[/quote]
How often is it cast?[/quote]
It cast it all the time including in hideout. seem to be about 8 sec cooldown on the spell.
Can you please be more specific about what watchers eye jewel enchantments we need on the gem for the speed build you said purity of elements or clairity but theres like 10 different purity of element ones? Is it the minus elemental dmg when running purity of elements or which exactly is the one? Also same thing for clairity.