3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game


Having fun with the build, but i'm having problems getting 1k strength with everything

are you supposed to always have at least 1k stregth no matter which gear conifguration you go for? i want to use shapers touch, but cannot because i won't have enough strenght, anyone care to look at my build to see where i should get more?

I realize im low level, but if anyone has some pointers, thanks

Linus1985 escreveu:
sexy_potato69 escreveu:
im about to do my first sirus fight. i have the tanky version of this build. is there a special gem swaps for sirus or its the same?

Recommend replace 1 gem in yuor 6link zombies with deathmark for sirus it will help you a ton.

thanks alot man, i ll definitely do

Guys, im lacking some dmg or idk I have to run over mobs like 2-3 times or they just dont die also my hubris gives me 50% lighting ressitance is it correct? It doesnt show any minion damage in tree
brunowa escreveu:
T19 Fully Juiced Map Getting DEMOLISHED by Ranged Spectres:



Ok I'm doing ranged spectres now. This looks crazy good.
I ve tried to go tier 13 blight maps, but ruined all of them, on last minute my zzzzombies cant protect all sides. Any suggestions what can I do? (playing with meteor towers)
P.S hero in my profile
Elorathiel escreveu:

You think it might be viable or even good to swap out minion damage or awakened damage for:

To get some chaos damage synergy with:

You would want to use triad grip to convert all damage to chaos damage. But even then your DPS will probably still be lower than with dread banner and impale. You can test it POB.

See my chaos conversion vid from 3.9 which did exactly that. You can also run despair aura for greater chaos damage.
Tom1nside escreveu:
Well after some days of testing i realised that the best setup (for me at last ) is the full speed with queens escape . and for spectres the buff setup ( 2 x marvers vulne 2 x chieftains for frenzies and one host for power charges ) . For mapping , for bosses , for blights , for legions and for breachs . I tried also with shields + minion 1h skeptre and with anothers 2hs like femurs or soulwrest nothing can defeat the escapes movement buff ( plus the +1 everything + skelies duration ) . tried also with dmg spectres ( slave drivers - Baranite Thaumaturges - cannibals etc ) my conclusion is that im gona stay with the ''frenzied zerg army'' setup . ( ps im usin + 2 all gems chest - so using queens escape still got 30lvl zombies . )


Yes, I really think most people underestimate the power of minion movement speed. It demolishes content.
natek12345 escreveu:

Guys, im lacking some dmg or idk I have to run over mobs like 2-3 times or they just dont die also my hubris gives me 50% lighting ressitance is it correct? It doesnt show any minion damage in tree

Vaaling your raise zombie to 21 and getting an Empower 4 will serve you well.
Just started this build. I cant find more detail leveling guide, just passive tree and couple skills. At the moment I am in A4 and only using :
Raise zombie+ minion dmg
Summon skeletons + minion dmg + melee splash
Summon raging spirit+ minion dmg + melee splash
That's all I use and it starts to take a while to kill mobs. Should I start using auras etc at this time? If I get 4 link what else to link to these?
In general, what else should I start using when leveling?

evolite escreveu:

Having fun with the build, but i'm having problems getting 1k strength with everything

are you supposed to always have at least 1k stregth no matter which gear conifguration you go for? i want to use shapers touch, but cannot because i won't have enough strenght, anyone care to look at my build to see where i should get more?

I realize im low level, but if anyone has some pointers, thanks


Yes, always go for 1000 strength.

Alberons warpath boots will serve you well.

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