3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Scarecrow519 escreveu:
I am loving this build, switched over from a golemancer that I gave up on. I am just shy of 1000 str though. what should I change to get there? My character is public and I don't know how to post my gear inside this box lol.

thanks for sharing this build and keeping up with all the questions, you are a Rockstar!

Get strength on your belt.. you can easily get 80+ strength on that cheaply.

Use a Brawn jewel instead of your Hollow Oculus Jewel (your current jewel gives nothing because it requires you to deal damage, which you don't because your minions do it instead).

You will easily be over 1000 with those tweaks (or even just one of those).
Cashyk escreveu:

So would you recommend swapping both weapon and body armour? I bought a 6-link BBRRRR Queen's now and will try that. I reckon the +1 zombie and 40% damage increase will mitigate the 2 levels lost for my dead guys.

Now I need to start saving for body armour to support the Cyclone version!

Biggest improvement for you now (albeit expensive) is getting the mace + level 4 Empower.
nam204 escreveu:
My current item

9k eHP, 3 curses and ready for deep delv

Looking forward to hearing how you go delving!
tkwondave escreveu:
lzrproof escreveu:

@tkwondave: My spectre setup is 4 x frost sentinel. They clear everything on and off screen. I killed UE with them.

Thanks for your input! I'll try those again.

ArisFuser escreveu:

First and foremost, min 5L your chest and your Queen's. That´s a must.

Thanks for your reply! I just did that. Cost me around 80 c total. Wasted money as I could have just bought it for that price but oh well...

Do you have any further suggestions? I wonder what I should save up for now, have another ex lying aroud.

Still wondering, what exactly to change in my skill tree, kind of lost there.

Thanks in advance!


Best spectres are all listed in the guide.. both melee and ranged. With your current setup you would have to use melee because ranged spectres have no support (you will need at LEAST a 4 link of Raise Spectre, GMP, Faster Projectiles, Spell Echo for that to be effective).

With your skill tree, you don't need to spec into Soveriegnty with what you are using... that's for if you are going all out cursing/auras like I currently am. Your setup doesn't account for that.

For where you are, simply stick with the original tree in the build guide and you will kick ass! Use any left over points to spec into Arcane Focus like you already have.

SirVest escreveu:
lunnnar escreveu:
Ok, boys. I was balancing my necro since the start of this guide, and i finally made it.

So, what I have here:

- 193% movement speed
- 1200 + strength
- 5.3k life/ 5.3k es (7.2k with Spirit Offering)
- 16 zombies
- immortal minions. Yes, you wont loose any of your zombies in ANY no-phys-reflect MAP MODE!!!
- almost capped ele res w/o spirit offering/ capped with it

I don't think that there is something better for any mapping/bossing for now.

This is the showcase, but i'm pretty messy with buttons, cause it's my very first video, and i'm a little bit nervous, lol :)

(empower lvl 3 on video that is why 15 zombies there)

POB: https://pastebin.com/GuH4wzCG

The core items are:

I've tried every available armour and came to a conslusion that this on is the most op. Tons of sthength, ele res, life, 10% to max es, +1 zombies.
And yes - Zealot's Oath - is total crap :)

Glorius Vanity - gives me 20% of max life as extra ES, 4% life, 1% chance to block, 30% increased Aura effects.

Minion Speed Gem - There is no any profit from your MS if your minions are slower than you. They should be much more faster to provide efficient clearing even without Convocation. When i put it in my weapon, damn, the difference was HUGE.

- Haste (i won't ever change it for smth else),
- Flesh and Stone (We are running in front of our army and blind enemies - that is what we want)
- Discipline (ES boost). You can try Watcher's Eye with Discipline bonuses. Can be swithed to Purity of Elements if you are lazy to cyclone Spirit Offering to cap ele res.

You can just quicksilver + phase run any map, any modes (exept phys reflect), and cast spirit offering in dangerous situations/ hard bosses.
You can even switch for 18% str boots to become REAL TANKY, but I never do this, cause i'm lazy, even vs Uber Elder. Actually, i've come to an idea, that speed is better for surviability than any other defensive boost, cause there is very hard for enemies to hit you when you are extremelly fast.

Actually i don't know how to improve this build with the cost of less than 50ex+, so i share it with you as it is. If you have any ideas - please tell me.

However, it's not viable for deep delving competition due to low chaos res. Now i'm on 600+ and have no any problems, but idk what will be on 1k+. If you want to go REAL deep - the best idea to my mind is to switch to scourge arrow raider. Necro is just for fun there.

I took inspiration from your build and now I have 2 astral plates I crafted(neither are quite as good as yours but they work) and I swap between the two.

I have a setup with your skill links for mapping - 1264 str for 17 zombies
Sitting at 204% ms when flasks active - similar defenses to yours(slightly less ES)

Then on my delve setup I swap body, boots, and belt. I run the dual curses tempchains/enfeeble, have 15k EHP, 1501 str for 18 zombies, and 72% chaos resistance.

Zooming around maps with 200ms feels so amazing. I do feel a noticable difference in defense. Sometimes legion or blights can wreck me depending on map mods in a juiced T16 but overall still basically immortal. Whenever I want to boss or delve I swap to my delve setup and I am immortal.

My other plate has 12% strength, 114 max life, 10% max life as max extra es, 21str/15quality(I opted this route cause getting T1 Str + 12% strength seemed impossible and I still hit 1500 with this, so I figured the ~150 extra armor was better than a few points of str)

Nice work guys it sounds like you have both nailed your setups for both speed clearing and delving... great stuff and thanks for sharing so others can test and replicate!
SirVest escreveu:
lunnnar escreveu:
Ok, boys. I was balancing my necro since the start of this guide, and i finally made it.

So, what I have here:

- 193% movement speed
- 1200 + strength
- 5.3k life/ 5.3k es (7.2k with Spirit Offering)
- 16 zombies
- immortal minions. Yes, you wont loose any of your zombies in ANY no-phys-reflect MAP MODE!!!
- almost capped ele res w/o spirit offering/ capped with it

I don't think that there is something better for any mapping/bossing for now.

This is the showcase, but i'm pretty messy with buttons, cause it's my very first video, and i'm a little bit nervous, lol :)

(empower lvl 3 on video that is why 15 zombies there)

POB: https://pastebin.com/GuH4wzCG

The core items are:

I've tried every available armour and came to a conslusion that this on is the most op. Tons of sthength, ele res, life, 10% to max es, +1 zombies.
And yes - Zealot's Oath - is total crap :)

Glorius Vanity - gives me 20% of max life as extra ES, 4% life, 1% chance to block, 30% increased Aura effects.

Minion Speed Gem - There is no any profit from your MS if your minions are slower than you. They should be much more faster to provide efficient clearing even without Convocation. When i put it in my weapon, damn, the difference was HUGE.

- Haste (i won't ever change it for smth else),
- Flesh and Stone (We are running in front of our army and blind enemies - that is what we want)
- Discipline (ES boost). You can try Watcher's Eye with Discipline bonuses. Can be swithed to Purity of Elements if you are lazy to cyclone Spirit Offering to cap ele res.

You can just quicksilver + phase run any map, any modes (exept phys reflect), and cast spirit offering in dangerous situations/ hard bosses.
You can even switch for 18% str boots to become REAL TANKY, but I never do this, cause i'm lazy, even vs Uber Elder. Actually, i've come to an idea, that speed is better for surviability than any other defensive boost, cause there is very hard for enemies to hit you when you are extremelly fast.

Actually i don't know how to improve this build with the cost of less than 50ex+, so i share it with you as it is. If you have any ideas - please tell me.

However, it's not viable for deep delving competition due to low chaos res. Now i'm on 600+ and have no any problems, but idk what will be on 1k+. If you want to go REAL deep - the best idea to my mind is to switch to scourge arrow raider. Necro is just for fun there.

I took inspiration from your build and now I have 2 astral plates I crafted(neither are quite as good as yours but they work) and I swap between the two.

I have a setup with your skill links for mapping - 1264 str for 17 zombies
Sitting at 204% ms when flasks active - similar defenses to yours(slightly less ES)

Then on my delve setup I swap body, boots, and belt. I run the dual curses tempchains/enfeeble, have 15k EHP, 1501 str for 18 zombies, and 72% chaos resistance.

Zooming around maps with 200ms feels so amazing. I do feel a noticable difference in defense. Sometimes legion or blights can wreck me depending on map mods in a juiced T16 but overall still basically immortal. Whenever I want to boss or delve I swap to my delve setup and I am immortal.

My other plate has 12% strength, 114 max life, 10% max life as max extra es, 21str/15quality(I opted this route cause getting T1 Str + 12% strength seemed impossible and I still hit 1500 with this, so I figured the ~150 extra armor was better than a few points of str)

Well done!!! I just can't figure out where did you get 155 dex to run Haste? You have only 1 ring with dex + some passives in tree.

I continue to test different things in order to improve defence maintaining speed, and wasted tons of ex for it :) Aul with Haste - is shit, 1-handed wand with 120% increased minion damage + Atziri's Reflection is shit too. I'm afraid there is no way to avoid Cycloning Spirit Offering, cause it is too much powerful, thou i hate it. We are not Slayers from Legion Leaugue, we are Necromancers from Blight :)
Última edição por lunnnar#1499 em 3 de nov de 2019 05:10:25
ok guys, another setup you may want to try.

We normally run with Raise Zombie - Empower - Feeding Frenzy - Minion Damage - Melee Physical Damage, Multistrike...

Instead, try Raise Zombie - Empower - Feeding Frenzy - Minion Speed - Melee Splash - Pulverise.

Same colours so you can easily swap.

Why that new setup?

It scales area damage more effectively and we have faster zombies. The purpose of this is to make our clear speed EVEN FASTER!...

It can also help in killing off those stragglers that sometimes get left behind too because of the area damage.

it's actually pretty hard to see any difference because the regular setup clears so fast anyway... but I'd love to get your thoughts on how it feels for you?

Bossing is still incredibly good too... don't notice any difference on guardians, although Uber Elder is perhaps SLIGHTLY slower.

Overall, it feels damn nice but regular setup feels damn nice too so it's probably much of a muchness.
I would like to try this build in the 6L-Spectre-version.

Is there a reason why I shouldn't run it with the Geofri's Sanctuary? I'm wondering why you are suggesting a Tabula or Vaal Regalia there. 3Blue3Green shouldn't be to hard to roll on a Geofri's, or am I wrong?

Thanks in advance :)
Última edição por Lhaza#0586 em 3 de nov de 2019 08:26:03
brunowa escreveu:
BowWizard escreveu:
I've bumped off UE with my current build but I feel my zombies aren't snuffing the life out of things quite fast enough. I'd like to get to the 2 second Minotaur but I assume I'd have to swap gear to the Uber stuff which I can't quite afford. Is there anything I can do to pump up DPS and get closer to snuffing the bosses in T16 maps quicker or have I squeezed everything possible as is ? Gear shown below. I cannot get the second ring to add in. Profile is public so you can take a look there for that spec (unless I figure out what the second ring co-ordinates are and add in by hand here). Thanks for any tips and tricks

Nice! You're pretty much done for the basic build... the biggest DPS boost will come from getting/crafting the mace. That will get you to the 2 sec guardian kills :)

Also what spectres you using? Melee spectres are much stronger for your current state and will have a big impact on boss killing (2x carnage chieftans at least).

I’m using 2x carnage chieftains and 3x undying evangelists for spectres. I did use helions and undying evangelists but they weren’t keeping up so be the time they got to things monsters were already dead and curses and taunt don’t work too well on dead things 🙂. Would the offensive spectre setup be the route to go now perhaps ?.

I guess I’ll bite the bullet and get the mace. I have just about everything needed but I’m crap at crafting so I need to find some help with it, especially the hard parts.
Lhaza escreveu:
I would like to try this build in the 6L-Spectre-version.

Is there a reason why I shouldn't run it with the Geofri's Sanctuary? I'm wondering why you are suggesting a Tabula or Vaal Regalia there. 3Blue3Green shouldn't be to hard to roll on a Geofri's, or am I wrong?

Thanks in advance :)

Yep 6L Geofri's is good. I'll need to update that part of the guide as I wrote it while I was still wearing Queen's Escape and Astral Plate armour which is much harder to get those colours.

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