3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game
Hordearii escreveu:
I trust GGG to make rational choices, even if they're ones I disagree with. Gutting zombie builds could be done from the base gem alone, they don't need to attack from every avenue, the former of which is what they're doing (if I'm right).
How I read the nerfs is that only one is directly aimed at Zombies, and that is addressed by the gem changes alone.
The others are pretty generic (and sensible) nerfs on certain game mechanics (feeding frenzy, multi-mod crafting, elder/shaper mod nerf and so on) that were deemed too strong, but this build just happened to use most/all of them.
Given how overpowered this build was in Blight, it is no wonder the mechanics used by it will be nerfed, and rightly so tbh.
Best guess? This build was so outrageously OP that it is probably still going to be pretty damn good in 3.9...
They can nerf the damage of my zombros by 50% and id still play the fucking build :)
Thats how powerful it is.
What rolandojuantamad said ! I'll play this build all day everyday unless they get rid of minions altogether. I played it with a Queen's Escape (QE) and later with a mace.
They've given some things a haircut for sure but so what ? In the QE only days of this build you could run T15 maps with a 4L and no body armour. UE with a 5L. Now horror of horrors you'll have to put some gear on to tackle the hard content. Elder and Shaper will maybe take us a whole 5-6 minutes to take out !
They may have nerfed some stats but they didn't reduced the number of zombies (Spectres yes but they were never the main force anyway). Skeletons are still there. So are Golems & skitterbots. There's still a f$%^& of minions to use. Golems seem untouched and if I recall Brunowa made a Golem specific build (4 Golems) so that might be something to try. Speed nerfs - that was never my thing with this build so no great loss.
It's all good. For those who think this build is "dead" - we'll wave as we go by on our way to Elder, Shaper and the 5 new end game bosses.
Edit: Besides all that the next "meta" build is going to be using a fishing rod, not these mamby pamby swords and maces and stuff. I've already started stocking up .... If you can do this to the minotaur with - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HLLBTyFT9ck - then I'm in !
Damn, I have two good bases but didn't get to craft further then 28% and 29% Quality.
Will the patch changes apply to standard immediately or is there still time until the end of the new league before the nerfs hit stanard? (Sorry for the questions, but Blight was my first league and I started this build only 10 days ago).
My understanding is that the changes to crafting modifiers will be universal at the introduction of the new league patch. So you have a few days to acquire some crafting resources and try and make that mace.
Damn, I have two good bases but didn't get to craft further then 28% and 29% Quality.
Will the patch changes apply to standard immediately or is there still time until the end of the new league before the nerfs hit stanard? (Sorry for the questions, but Blight was my first league and I started this build only 10 days ago).
My understanding is that the changes to crafting modifiers will be universal at the introduction of the new league patch. So you have a few days to acquire some crafting resources and try and make that mace.
Yes. The changes in the craft hit all but the already crafted maces. Anyone who wants one, at Standard, has to do it soon!
Fortify nerf = direct nerf to minions (Kingmaker)
Elder chest being rarer = weaker AG
Monster getting more armour = direct nerf minions
One less specter
Multimod nerf
2h weapons nerf
Shaper/Elder mod nerf
Now if you have a you will be miles ahead of normal Shaper's touch or other gloves.
The direct nerfs were already ok, but the indirect nerfs might be way too overnerfing.
Let's see full patch notes...
"There's no thing like random one-shots in this game. You only die because you take 353,456,237 hits in 0.2 seconds."
"The best items in the game should not be crafted, they should be TRADED." - Cent, GGG
Fortify nerf = direct nerf to minions (Kingmaker)
Elder chest being rarer = weaker AG
Monster getting more armour = direct nerf minions
One less specter
Multimod nerf
2h weapons nerf
Shaper/Elder mod nerf
Now if you have a you will be miles ahead of normal Shaper's touch or other gloves.
The direct nerfs were already ok, but the indirect nerfs might be way too overnerfing.
Let's see full patch notes...
The only one who corcerns me is the one less specter. The others only hurt league players.
Fortify nerf = direct nerf to minions (Kingmaker)
Elder chest being rarer = weaker AG
Monster getting more armour = direct nerf minions
One less specter
Multimod nerf
2h weapons nerf
Shaper/Elder mod nerf
Now if you have a you will be miles ahead of normal Shaper's touch or other gloves.
The direct nerfs were already ok, but the indirect nerfs might be way too overnerfing.
Let's see full patch notes...
I'm not following - why would these gloves would be miles ahead of normal shaper or other gloves for this build or any other ?
Fortify nerf = direct nerf to minions (Kingmaker)
Elder chest being rarer = weaker AG
Monster getting more armour = direct nerf minions
One less specter
Multimod nerf
2h weapons nerf
Shaper/Elder mod nerf
Now if you have a you will be miles ahead of normal Shaper's touch or other gloves.
The direct nerfs were already ok, but the indirect nerfs might be way too overnerfing.
Let's see full patch notes...
I'm not following - why would these gloves would be miles ahead of normal shaper or other gloves for this build or any other ?