3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Hordearii escreveu:
They have given no indication whatsoever that Maim is being removed. They specifically list only physical damage + support, not just all supported skill modifiers.

As I say it might be removed, but we have as much evidence for them removing maim from 2h maces as any other modifier.

I told you...
Bjorn_Angannon escreveu:
Armisal escreveu:
Just wondering, why does the guide suggest using a mace?

Other 2H weapons such as axe also has maim and +1 gems too.

I am sorry but you seem to be mistaken regarding maim.

of Shaping 68 15% chance to Maim on Hit
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Maim 1000
of Shaping 75 20% chance to Maim on Hit
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Maim 1000

is a Shaper suffix mod that can only be rolled on 2H mace (as far as two handers go; I haven't checked one handers).

check this site out;


As per the 3.9 patch notes, this Shaper maim mod in question will be removed from the eligible mods to be rolled.

I think my source - https://poeaffix.net/2h-axe.php#/ isn't accurate then
I want to ask, what about the "monster armor" buff? Up to 2762% at level 84, what does that mean exactly and how will it affect this build's dps? As far as i know max monster armour was about 950, x~28 that is 26.6k armour, does that work in the same way as it does on players? Several questions being raised here, would be helpful if you know, thanks!
Direktly from the Patchnotes:

You can no longer roll Chance to Maim and Maim Support modifiers on two-handed maces.
NNeto escreveu:
Hordearii escreveu:
They have given no indication whatsoever that Maim is being removed. They specifically list only physical damage + support, not just all supported skill modifiers.

As I say it might be removed, but we have as much evidence for them removing maim from 2h maces as any other modifier.

I told you...

And as I said many times, they might remove it, but we had no reason to believe they would. If they were just going to remove all "supported by" affixes from 2h weapons then they should have said that in the balance notes, rather than singling out Phys damage + supported by affixes. You're right by accident, which isn't deserving of bringing out the "told you so".
Última edição por Hordearii#7143 em 11 de dez de 2019 09:00:56
Hordearii escreveu:
NNeto escreveu:
Hordearii escreveu:
but we had no reason to believe they would.

You are very innocent my friend ... To believe in the goodness of GGG ... She doesn't like you. She doesn't like anyone ... Just the money you spend on packs hahahaha
osirisis42 escreveu:
Considering skeletons + zombies were an effective phys 70 hits per second (and pure physical), you really dont think the armour nerf is going to outright destroy them? Considering no way to actually give armour pen are we going to have to convert all our dmg to elemental???

Relatively speaking lvl 84 mobs are going up to about 140-150k armour from 4-6k. That translates into a direct nerf per hit from each source of physical damage. Your damage will be getting hit even with this speicifc build about 40 times per second, not just mitigated by a percentage. Rip Summoners? This is the only nerf that really hurts them.


Kinda worried about this ^^^
I managed to create this :

Can someone please help me in how I should proceed? I skipped beast league so i'm not sure what "beast imprint" means and the guides out there are not really clear.

Also, I don't have the recipe for +2 support gems, so i would love if someone could do it for me

Anyway, feel free to whisp me, thank you very much in advance.
so i used this build https://pastebin.com/x6th0Ekb
all league without any problems and could do all content

no 2 hand weapon nothing special just basic stuff.. this i belive was the first literation of the build

would it still work just as good now with the nerfs? maybe have to switch a couple nodes and 1 or 2 peices of gear?
rolandojuantamad escreveu:
Told ya, even if we get our damage reduced by 50% were still better off than pre 3.8 necroes.

See you and your hordes in 3.9 boys.

This build can’t be rolled by GGG for two reasons

1. It’s a necro build. Things are already dead. Therefore the build can’t be “killed” 😛

2. The build can use the shit ton of minions, gear, gems, skills and other things. There are sooo many options - both old and new to look at and try out. It’s hurting my brain to think about it all atm. To actually nuke it out of usefulness I believe they would have to alter basic game mechanics given this build is so versatile, which would be nigh on impossible. The boat is going in a pre-determined direction. It can’t be turned around (insert Stargate Universe reference here for those who know what I’m talking about).

Also GGG specifically stated on stage at Exilecon that they don’t nerf by design. They change things to make us think and tinker. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger right ? Sadly the nudist colony may have to disappear but who knows what will be next, especially with the new super gems (though I hate the fact they are gated behind the end bosses. Getting the right gems is going to be a RNG pain). Given the insane amount of xp to level them I’d be surprised to see these on the market (if they didn’t already make them account specific). Could probably retire on the sale of one level 1 alone 😀

BTW - if anyone thinks the mace is now useless I’ll take the mace off your hands for 20 chaos orbs. I’ll take HH for that cost too. Since you consider the build a dead end why keep it.

And lastly - what Rolandojuantamad said - see ya in 3.9. It’s going to be a blast !

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