3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Did someone also encounter Sirus lag here? I`ve done him deathless 10+ times at A8 but just now encountered massive lag spikes last phase (complete freeze for 2-3 sec) which caused me to die once. Any fix? Couldnt find anything good when searching.
Mubbsy escreveu:
xcom77 escreveu:
Hi, im new to the game and start using your build. Im away from t16 maps, but i have a question about boots - im using same Alberon's Warpath, same gems in sockets, but cant understand how they work - i cant cyclone, cant desecrate, cant do spirit offering. Any advices, what im missing?

Do you have cast while channeling in?? You didn't list it so I gotta ask cus you're set to private. Only other likely culprit of it is you are not using a weapon which can use cyclone (maybe a bow or something else like that).

Chaudblitz escreveu:
Got a few questions about the Weapon Crafting:

-Would a Solar Maul work the same as a Corona Maul when crafting?
-Is there a budget version of what a crafted weapon would be?
My two ideas are:
Fortify / + 1 to level gems / Minion attack speed
Fortify / Minion Damage / Minion Attack speed

Would that be expensive as a craft?

Why im asking, just got a Solar Maul 6L with the exact socket color necessary. So I was thinking in using it as my weapon of choice. Im using a Femur right now, but zombies are linked to the chest. So the weapon is not doing much for me right now

Solar maul is fine if you have it already, only reason people flock towards Coronal Mauls is because they have a not totally useless implicit of 6% increased area of effect (which I believe helps our auras slightly), and fall into the pool of 2 handed axes/swords/maces (which are much easier to craft). But 6% increased area of effect is not a big boost and totally not necessary.

Fortify, +1 to socketed gems, and minion attack speed would be a viable starting point, and if your weapon isn't full of other prefixes and suffixes, you could easily remove the craft, and multicraft it at a later date when you have the 4ex and 4c for the good mods.

Fortify + Minion Damage would be very difficult to hit a good tier of minion damage and Fortify, and you'd burn a HUGE amount of bound fossils (or essences if you're cheaping out) rolling for fortify while putting the minion damage on (as it comes from special sources only). My guess would be hundreds.

Basically don't go this route. It's expensive, and probably not even as good.

Costs for rolling Fortify and +1 Socketed Gems is probably gonna be:
- a couple hundred alts to hit fortify (and some augmentations too if they don't roll prefixes)
- Regal to make it rare
- You may want to risk annuling away other affixes now as the next step costs 1ex. You might nuke fortify though and go back to spamming alts again. In a perfect world you'll have only Fortify on a rare item, but if there's 1 other useful suffix on there, leave it because that's even better.
- 1ex to put cannot roll attack mods on there
- 33c for Farric Wolf Alpha Beast
- 50/50 shot at beastcrafting +1 socketed gems to it. There are a few outcomes here depending on suffixes you had prior. If you had no suffixes, then the only suffix is cannot roll attack modifiers, so that will be removed, and 1 of the 2 prefixes will be added. If it is endurance charges, you have to try to annul it away, recraft cannot attack mods for 1ex, and try again if anul luck was good. If you had another suffix, there is a 50/50 shot that it gets taken out instead, and a lucky anul might net you another shot at the beastcraft without spending another 1ex. If your only suffix remaining is cannot roll attack mods and you need to try to anul, you could use a Farric Lynx Alpha for about 10c to remove a prefix and add a suffix for a 50/50 shot that doesn't remove your 1ex craft. Totally preference as there's a lot of variables and your budget coming into play, and this 2nd method WILL add a suffix that you will be stuck with unless you spend another 2ex to clear suffixes later (so hopefully it's good). If at any point in this step you nuke Fortify, scour and return to step 1 of alt spams.
- 4c to craft minion atk/cast speed

and then for a scouring, 4ex, and 4c, you can upgrade it to the big boy version down the road.

If you hit +1 socketed in your alt spams you can try to beastcraft the fortify the same way, but the chances of hitting it are 2/9, so you'll likely burn quite a few ex retrying if you go this method, so personally I'd just aim for fortify on alt spams and save yourself this headache.

Oh thanks. I got one extra question about Avian. I've read the guide on 413 and my main doubt is when do I craft Aspect of the Avian? Or if I go with the beastcraft route to guarantee the +1 Skill I can't use another beastcraft to get Avian?
And to get the Aspect I just have to buy the Saqawine Rhex beast, kill it to access the bird boss that gives the buff?
Cyrom escreveu:
Say i dont care if my AG dies (using cheap-ish version) Can i link Maim support (instead of minion life) to AG/Raise spectre and would it work/be effective? Not sure how much they hit mobs tho but i do see them attack bosses so they should end up maiming right? (mainly want to free up a gem socket)

I hope 3rd time's the charm :p
Cyrom escreveu:
Cyrom escreveu:
Say i dont care if my AG dies (using cheap-ish version) Can i link Maim support (instead of minion life) to AG/Raise spectre and would it work/be effective? Not sure how much they hit mobs tho but i do see them attack bosses so they should end up maiming right? (mainly want to free up a gem socket)

I hope 3rd time's the charm :p

The AG is not there to be a Melee minion for you. While he might attack he may not do so very frequently to make a real difference. Maim linked to the Carrion Golem is the better option cause that little puppy loves to jump into the action.

Give it a go though and see if it works for you. A lot of this build's current state is thanks to the experimentation of others.
pabro escreveu:
dokterr escreveu:
pabro escreveu:
Hi everyone,

the build is awesome. The only thing that is butchering my minions are cortex bosses and some burning dmg from phoenix. Does anyone have the same problem? Any solutions?

Thanks in advance

Only time I really lost minions was to Sirus because of the storms, and some phases in the Shaper fight because I didn't bother using convocation to bring the Zombies/Spectres back to me lol.

While I have no trouble with Phoenix, I've died a few times to Minotaur because of that falling rock nonsense; couldn't see the aoe on the ground because of all the minions on the screen.
Purely bad luck, because some of the deaths were in those 'don't leave the map' type of Zana missions.

So you're saying that you did cortex bosses and your zombies didn't die ? I mean the ones that appear one after another. I've checked up your profile and there are just minor differences in our chars but nothing that i could see that's deciding why your zombies are ok while mine are not :)

Yeah did a few cortex maps, even had a bottled faith drop. There's a chance that my skell and vaal skells could've been soaking up some damage as well? I can imagine that the melee ones happened to be closer than the zombies. I could do a few more and see what's up.

fwiw, using a combination of either 2+2 Host & Carnage Chieftain, or 2 Carnage, 1 Host, and Hellion.

Ignore the extra empower gem that's sitting in my Baron, previously used it because I didn't have a Spectre 21 at the time, but also leaving it in place to level up because I didn't have some things for the budget AG (who I previously lost in a Phoenix fight which had no mana/life regen, and I couldn't unsocket in time lol).

But if you find out why yours are dying, I'd like to know.

And for others, I'd like to know what else I can do to sort out my build/gear. Well, aside from the 20 quality on the rest of my gems. Have yet to do the aura build, but also thinking of just moving to ES.

Currently sitting at almost 6k HP and 3xxx/56xx-ish ES.

Still thinking about redoing my two rings + belt to try and get as much res as possible.
spammmm escreveu:
Thank you so much aldora! this is my first season of poe so i'm still trying to figure a lot of this stuff out. Much appreciated advice!!! and my str is only 576 but ive been following the path of building where to put my points im really struggling in that area as well. The gem i still have socketed for skeletons is from the budget version i just made the switch today to the speed variant so ill work on that as soon as i can. Life leech in general is applied to my zombies attacking and ill get the benefit? How could i boost my str besides passive skill points i know you said the belt i can get some str ther. once again thank you so much for the info!

Hang in there, there is so much to learn in this game!

There are two key mechanics in this build that make it work for us:

1. Cyclone, CWC, Desecration and Spirit Offering (when we have Mistress of Sacrifice from the Lab). This keeps our ES refreshed and thanks to the Shaper gloves and strength stacking, we have a big ES pool.

2. The Baron helm. Once we hit 1000 Strength damage from our Zombies becomes life for us. So we really want to hit that 1000 mark.

How to get 1000 Strength when it seems so far out of reach? I only have a little over 1000 Strength now but I'm not heavily invested on amazing jewels or anything like that. In fact, I only have one Efficient Training. Here's the key items from my inventory:

It's important to ensure your feature items have good strength rolls to begin with, they really add up. So aim for The Baron with 35+ Strength, Alberon's make sure they are at 18% increased Strength, aim for a higher strength roll on your Efficient Training Jewels if you can and if you're using Astramentis try for 90+ to all Attributes for the main roll. The more of these you can get at higher numbers, the less pressure there is on rings and belt to get the strength.

For your gear specifically, if you have a few Divines hanging around I'd throw a couple at your Baron and Astramentis. Statistically you're likely to improve your current roles (which are both on the lower scale), but be prepared for RNG to screw you over.

The Efficient Training Jewel gets me about 140 Strength in the lower slot next to Quick recovery, the upper slot gets a little less but still close. The belt is around 100, boots are around 100, one ring is rubbish and the other at 60 which helps. The amulet is actually better than I originally thought and gives about 130 strength all up so on par with a good Astramentis but only in the strength department. Astramentis would still be the better option.

So if you allocate the Might wheel, improve your rolls on The Baron and Astramentis, switch to Alberon's, add a better belt and upgrade your rings just a little you should be pretty close to that 1000 Strength mark. As you already have two Efficient Trainings you may not need to upgrade everything in your gear, so start with the affordable easy items first and see how close you can get. So you may only need a Heavy Belt with a couple of good flat Strength rolls, you may not need a % increased attributes one.

With your rings I noticed you have Phys attack damage leeched as life crafted on them. You're probably leeching about 8 life a hit with Cyclone which I reckon you'd hardly notice. If you can get 1000 Strength you won't need leech yourself so on your new rings craft something else instead.
I am almost out of money after upgrading to the new gear. I only had a couple of divines left for the Lethal Pride but I think I hit on semi decent one for now

4% increased life
20% to fire resistance
1% Life regeneration
.4% of attack damage leeched as life (this looks meaningless)
Chaudblitz escreveu:
Oh thanks. I got one extra question about Avian. I've read the guide on 413 and my main doubt is when do I craft Aspect of the Avian? Or if I go with the beastcraft route to guarantee the +1 Skill I can't use another beastcraft to get Avian?
And to get the Aspect I just have to buy the Saqawine Rhex beast, kill it to access the bird boss that gives the buff?

If you choose to go aspect of the Avian, it can be added whenever, as long as you have a free suffix. This means if you get your weapon with +1 socketed gems and fortify, and it has suffixes, you will have to wipe them all (as multi craft, avian, and minion atk/cast speed are going to be your 3 suffixes). You will need just the 2 prefixes of +1 gems and fortify. You can achieve this by being lucky in the first place with your rolls, getting really lucky with anul (wouldnt advise), or spending 2ex on the suffix "prefixes cannot change", then scouring the weapon which will leave it with just the 2 desired prefixes, clearing all suffixes.

The beast for aspect of the avian you want is "Saqawal, First of the Sky". Rhex is a boss portal that can lead you to that beast, or you can just buy it for 15c instead of 20-25c for a Rhex and save some time and money.

Ideally, I would add avian at the end after you have everything else on your weapon, just in case something goes wrong so you're not investing into it.

Another note about avian is to make sure you have the mana reservation for it. Reason I don't run avian is because I have 97% of mana reserved already with Sovereignty and lvl 4 Enlighten, while running pride, dread banner, vuln/blasph, and purity of elements (I have chaos res watchers eye for PoE). If you aren't going to have mana allocated in your build for it, you're better off with another suffix. If you're running Saqawals you're probably good to use avian 100%, but if you're not, then maybe wait on adding the avian skill until a later date, as you can add it anytime as long as there's a spot for it, and evaluate which skills you want to use and how much free mana your end build will have. That way you're future proofing your build.

"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Última edição por Mubbsy#5748 em 26 de jan de 2020 14:36:46
Can someone evaluate my witch to help me in my next team update.

Actually now i run w 109 % Minions dmg in my weapon craft. Is mandatory update my weapon for + 1 forty + gem?

Última edição por Sefirotcler#2142 em 26 de jan de 2020 14:37:39
Sefirotcler escreveu:
Can someone evaluate my witch to help me in my next team update.

Actually now i run w 109 % Minions dmg in my weapon craft. Is mandatory update my weapon for + 1 forty + gem?


According to PoB which isn't totally accurate as it has no clue what your Lethal Pride is doing, switching from your current weapon to a fortify one would net you a whopping 2.19% increase in damage. There's other sources at work like minion damage when you've use a minion spell recently that don't get calculated I'm pretty sure so maybe closer to 3%, but still very low. If you can sell your current one you might only end up paying a few ex more for the upgrade though.

Also if you ever swap to impale from minion damage (not saying you will), then you lose a lot of minion damage, and fortify probably is worse for your DPS unless it gets drastically boosted by something like Elegant Hubris.
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Última edição por Mubbsy#5748 em 26 de jan de 2020 14:47:25

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