3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Ok guys so it's time to do some challenges, cos why not?

We are the King of Summoners, so I figured why not kill Shaper with JUST ONE ZOMBIE?

I don't think I even touched a flask other than my Quicksilver flask... and no use of convocation or any of that jazz.... JUST LET THE 1 ZOMBIE DO HIS THING!

I don't think my life ever budged from 100%.

And imagine having 15 of these bad boys!

Shaper down using JUST ONE ZOMBIE!


Última edição por brunowa#6253 em 22 de out de 2019 07:39:27
BowWizard escreveu:
To be both efficient and actually make some chaos/exalts to improve this build, what maps and level of maps are the best to run ? Should I go low T's (with less XP generation) and run more, but chisel and sextant the crap out of them or go higher tier maps, no mods and run less per hour (but more XP). What should an "average" map run time be based on the original build config ? Some maps like core and carcass seem to be a pain. I can't run smoothly through them so take far more time in them then I should. About 5-8 minutes based on POE Mapwatch stats.

Also should I chisel and sextant the crap out of every map or just go plain vanilla. Am I looking at hundreds of maps to see some healthy exalt returns ? I really do suck at currency generation atm.

What I am currently doing is this:

Alch and go T15's through Niko and get sulphite
Spawn Uber Elder
Kill Guardians
Kill Uber Elder and hopefully get watcher's eye to sell (most are 7+ex so just one drop keeps you going for a long time)
Run Delves farming for fossils/cities
Run a few more T15's to spawn Uber Elder again.

That's just me at the moment. I'm finding delving cities to give a tonne of T16 maps too which you can either run or sell.
brunowa escreveu:
BowWizard escreveu:
To be both efficient and actually make some chaos/exalts to improve this build, what maps and level of maps are the best to run ? Should I go low T's (with less XP generation) and run more, but chisel and sextant the crap out of them or go higher tier maps, no mods and run less per hour (but more XP). What should an "average" map run time be based on the original build config ? Some maps like core and carcass seem to be a pain. I can't run smoothly through them so take far more time in them then I should. About 5-8 minutes based on POE Mapwatch stats.

Also should I chisel and sextant the crap out of every map or just go plain vanilla. Am I looking at hundreds of maps to see some healthy exalt returns ? I really do suck at currency generation atm.

What I am currently doing is this:

Alch and go T15's through Niko and get sulphite
Spawn Uber Elder
Kill Guardians
Kill Uber Elder and hopefully get watcher's eye to sell (most are 7+ex so just one drop keeps you going for a long time)
Run Delves farming for fossils/cities
Run a few more T15's to spawn Uber Elder again.

That's just me at the moment. I'm finding delving cities to give a tonne of T16 maps too which you can either run or sell.

Thanks for all of this. What level of delve should I aim for for the T16’s ? I try to run Delve as often as possible as rewards and XP are good, much more so then rest of game. I’m currently at level 230. I’m guessing I should delve deeper but at some point there is a level where reward/risk starts to cancel each other out !
BowWizard escreveu:
brunowa escreveu:
What requires 600 Int?

Sorry I forgot to include the quote - Garb of Ephemeral requires 600 strength and intelligence to use. How would an AG get that much Int either from main character or otherwise ?

The AG does not give a fuck about stat requirements. As long as the item is ilvl100 and below, gucci boi can equip it
rolandojuantamad escreveu:
frostzor27 escreveu:
So for AG would be this?

Southbound is better if you go for stitched because it gives higher life, but you cant go wrong with the regen of the meginord if you have baron because your AG will have atleast 500str too.

My AG already is using southbound and Victario, so I'll keep it and equip Kingmaker, chest and mask after I use the 20% quality recipe so I don't lose my items...

Immortal AG is more of a saving money so you don't lose 3 ex worth of gear when it dies, right? I hate losing money, and with a lot of shit that can happen in this game that happens a lot.

BTW, reflect maps are still a no with the build right? I remember my minions suiciding in reflect back in Betrayal...
"There's no thing like random one-shots in this game. You only die because you take 353,456,237 hits in 0.2 seconds."

"The best items in the game should not be crafted, they should be TRADED." - Cent, GGG
frostzor27 escreveu:

BTW, reflect maps are still a no with the build right? I remember my minions suiciding in reflect back in Betrayal...

Yes, zombies are a pain in the ass to resummon, so i got these gloves

Now reflect mod is just extra quantity. True alc and go playstyle :)
rolandojuantamad escreveu:
frostzor27 escreveu:

BTW, reflect maps are still a no with the build right? I remember my minions suiciding in reflect back in Betrayal...

Yes, zombies are a pain in the ass to resummon, so i got these gloves

Now reflect mod is just extra quantity. True alc and go playstyle :)

I got two Triad Grip but I doubt I'll beat RNG and get 4 white sockets... Maybe 3 from Vorici will be viable.

RNG is being a PITA this league for me. 3 ex to get base mace to craft, and still have RNG Blight challenges to go...

Wish there was a way to pay for certain affixes, would be a better sink than Zana mods.

Anyway I'll finish act 10 today and will start mapping... Kinda tired of my ED/Cont failing blight encounters and maps T.T
"There's no thing like random one-shots in this game. You only die because you take 353,456,237 hits in 0.2 seconds."

"The best items in the game should not be crafted, they should be TRADED." - Cent, GGG
Note that you can craft "Equipped Animated Guardian drops item on death" on your armour. So craft that on any rare body armor and equipped it on yourself. Get to a boss, could be UE or shaper or HOGM or any boss. Offer your AG to the boss. Let him beat the crap out of him. I'm sure he'll beat the crap out of you too. Get your items back. This is good if you want to re-gear your AG. At least you could get your items back.
Kazm0t escreveu:
Note that you can craft "Equipped Animated Guardian drops item on death" on your armour. So craft that on any rare body armor and equipped it on yourself. Get to a boss, could be UE or shaper or HOGM or any boss. Offer your AG to the boss. Let him beat the crap out of him. I'm sure he'll beat the crap out of you too. Get your items back. This is good if you want to re-gear your AG. At least you could get your items back.

No you misunderstand that mod. It wont affect you. It simply means that specific item will drop if your ag dies. You will still lose kingmaker and other items.
I dont get it. It specifically state "equipped animated guardian". What am I missing here?

Edit: I think you misunderstand me. I meant let your AG die so you could get back whatever items you equipped him. So in case you want to change his gear, at least you'll still have the items you gave to him before.
Última edição por Kazm0t#4233 em 22 de out de 2019 11:16:13

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