[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone
" Hi man! I imported your build into Path of Building, and took a look at your gear, tree and gems. Currently in POB you have 2.2m dot dps, and a bit above 1.4m shaper DPS. I'll start with gear and gems: 1. Quality your gems! None of your damaging gems except Vaal Cold Snap has quality. It's very important you add quality to them. They are all level 20, so you need to either buy 20/20 (or better) versions, or flip them with the GCP recipe. If you flip them you will lose a lot of DPS, but quickly gain it back as you level the gems. You can flip them by selling the gem + 1 GCP to a vendor, and in return you get the gem lvl 1 but with 20% quality. 2. Use blessed orb on your Shavronnes until itæ's 10% spell dmg, it's just 5 % but Blessed orbs you should have a ton of so it's no loss! You could also consider using some divines on your Shavs if you have, to get a slight better roll on it. 3. Maybe drop 1 or 2 of the unique flasks (not Rumi's) and add in some flasks you can add handy modifiers to. Even though you have a corrupted blood-jewel you can still be bled, so antibleed is important. I would also run a anti-curse flask, as being hit by silence or a curse can really mess you up. 3. Your rings and belt is kind of potato. I would look into upgrading these. While still being capped, what you want to look for on rings is: High flat ES, Spell dmg/%cold dmg, %Energy shield, attributes you might need (dex/strenght), resists etc. You can also get Aspect of the Spider on rings and/or belt, if you need. You can also craft Spider with beastcrafting on a item if you find a good belt/ring without it. The belt could be a huge upgrade, as it currently gives you way less ES than what you could get. You want high flat es + %energy shield. Also very important: Add quality to your belt and jewellry. This can be done with catalysts, and it can boost the stats of the item with 20%. Most people use defense (for ES) catalysts, or resist/attributes. It really depends what you need more of! If you don't need extra resists or attributes from the ring, use defense catalysts. If you can craft faster start of ES recharge that's also great. When searching for items one the POE trade website, you can search for an open prefix on the item, making sure it's either there already or can be crafted on it. 4. Higher ES helmet and boots can also be looked into. It depends on your budget! :-) 5. Better jewels. The normal jewels you have could definitly be upgraded. Get ones with %ES (6-8%), and then look for these mods: Spell damage while holding a shield, area damage, damage over time, spell damage, damage over time multiplier, cold damage over time multiplier, %increased cold damage. If you can get 2 of these with ES on a jewel it's good! Even just 1 + es + maybe res or strenght/dex is better than the current. 6. To boost your QOL and defense you could also look into a Watchers eye. One that JUST gives faster start of energy shield recharge while affected by discipline is not that expensive at all! Alright, moving on to your passive tree. 1. You are very overcapped at the moment, even without flasks. Even after upgrading some gear you should have a decent amount to play with. If you can be +10 overcapped in every resist or more, get a Thread of Hope! Place it where you currently have your Intuitive leap. Take the following passives with it: Breath of Rime, Heart of Ice, Arcane Focus, Utmost Intellect, Wicked Ward, Arcanists Dominion. I also rerouted your tree a bit with the extra points we get from that. Look here: https://gyazo.com/dccd2907c8f7b6c8ed8787fdaef8c57d If you ditched or moved the jewel you have for corrupting blood (currently in left side cluster), you could rather add a new small one with Energy From Naught. That would give you more energy shield. Big boost. You could also add it to the medium socket on the right side that's currently open. Over all, these changes boost both your damage and defense. If you could get a jewel (any jewel you can use, really) with 1% reduced mana reserved corruption on it, you could also gain some extra points by: Speccing out of Sovereignity completely. You gain 6 points on this. Spend 3 of them by taking the two first small nodes in Leadership here: https://gyazo.com/ecbaeb1606a8b5bc817e8d702d9b32db This leaves you with enough life and mana still, to run every aura you currently have :-) The remaining three points you could use on Energy Shield nodes for example, for some extra ES! As you see, there's a lot you can do! I would definitly start by getting quality on your gems (not auras), as this adds alot of dps. If you could upgrade to some ES-heavier rings and belt too, that would be great. Getting a thread of hope and better jewels would also give you a boost in terms of points spent and this frees up taking more ES or damage nodes, depending on what you need. If you have questions or anything, just DM me here on forums or in game (if im online @SilAndTheVortex). Silsamazing - lvl 100 Witch
SilAndTheVortex - lvl 100 Occultist |
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" Wow thank you for such a detailed answer, apreciate it! I'll start with gems right now and move further on a list. Every advise seems clear, but I'll dm you if I get more questions. Thanks again! |
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You guys are awesome. Any chance someone can give me an idea where to go from here? I'm level 78, I lost my last occulist at 88, but this one is already better geared and I'm not sure what my next step should be...
Thanks! |
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" Oh boi, I'm not much of HC player, so hard to say really. Gear is harder to get and all. Have you considered running a rare shield with es on block or just extra block/spell block over Prism Guardian? I know it's a big DPS loss, but that or other helm would boost your ES a bit. You also have a lot of unreserved mana due to running Heretic's veil, so it might be better to just run a normal high es circlet, that could perhaps also cover some resists and thus freeing up other gear to be more ES heavy, or even some dmg mods on jewellry? You would still have enough mana left fot the curses, and you have free gem slots as well. You could also just fit in another sort of defensive aura, maybe. You could also run some defensive setups in your sockets, like tempest shield or phase run or something. Since it's hardcore I would maybe also get shock removal on one of those flasks. Again, I'm not much of a HC player, but yeah. I'd def prioritize defense over offense. Silsamazing - lvl 100 Witch
SilAndTheVortex - lvl 100 Occultist |
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Since this has turned into the build help part of the thread mind taking a look at where I am and giving suggestions for the most efficient ways to upgrade?
Here's my PoB: https://pastebin.com/yP5WHsQY I'm planning to grab prodigal perfection next time I level up. Gear:
I think the two-stone ring, boots, gloves, and belt are the most obvious upgrades. Just trying to figure out what the most important things I'm missing are and then the headache of resist balancing while making changes. I like the Prism Guardian build for now, although could see going for the high ES shield with %ED on block at some point in the future if I make a lot more currency. Sitting at about 6-7 ex right now though. |
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" Nice build, and nice POB :P Your gear is good, and I agree on the suggested upgrades. I would also look into replacing the Watcher's Eye, a good cheap one is the one that gives faster start of ES recharge with Discipline. It's a big QOL that means you start recharging fast, and with Wicked Ward it does not stop either. I would also put the gloves on the list. If you can get any fingerless ones with cold dot, es and some res. The ring you should def upgrade, get some high flat es with res and maybe attributes so you don't have to spend the point on Practical Application. Belt can also be upgraded to higher flat ES and %ES. You're pretty much at the minmaxing spot now. If you want some real real minmaxing I have a suggestion, because it really bugged me that you had to travel aaaaalll that way to Sovereignety. I removed that, took the nodes down under Witch ES-wheel, ditched the Curse cluster (which wasnt amaaazing), and put 1% Reduced Mana Reserver on 2 jewels (can be any any of the uniques or clusters you could use) and BOOM, you can now run all your auras: In the endgame tree this gives you about 1 mill (I think?) more DPS and some more ES, plus more Dexterity (YAYYY) and AOE. You lose some Resistances, gotta get that on better gear upgrades. You also gotta ditch Faster Casting (not a huge loss tbh). Here's the POB suggestion: https://pastebin.com/mNyDgyYB Again, this is minmaxed woopadop, but it is totally doable. The reduced mana jewels arent that crazy expensive, depending on what kind you find (getting Cluster ones would be doable). I paid 6 ex for my Thread of Hope (but I think they are a bit more expensive now) - max roll. Energy From Withing with it is also 6 ex. The ones on cluster idk, but should be less expensive as the Herald-people are not interested in our kind of cluster jewels. Tab in another lvl 4 Enlighten, and that's definitly an endgame goal. But it does boost your DPS a lot. This paired with some general gear upgrades is definitly in the end a really nice build. If you are interested in imagining a minmaxed Vortex with Block, you can look here - in case I can tempt you to switch ;-) : https://pastebin.com/BAkEh4mh PS: I have CI specced for the Lethal Pride, not EB - but for clarity in POB I spec EB, which is why I have 124/123 points. Everything else is correct in terms of damage and ES/surviveability. Silsamazing - lvl 100 Witch
SilAndTheVortex - lvl 100 Occultist |
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Thanks - some really good directions to look into. Took a look at the modified PoB and looks like an interesting take as well saving some of those travel points.
Found this eye for 7 ex which also increased my DoT dps by ~7%. Maybe I'll splurge and try to divine a better ES recharge roll. 57% increased Cold Damage while affected by Hatred 33% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge while affected by Discipline 6% increased maximum Mana 4% increased maximum Life 6% increased maximum Energy Shield |
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" Not bad at all, and getting two mods is helpful. In the end you want to get one with malevolence dot + something else or ES on Clarity + something else, so might be worth spending it elsewhere. If not, it's still a good upgrade! Silsamazing - lvl 100 Witch
SilAndTheVortex - lvl 100 Occultist |
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So worked on this build for past couple of days, and its by far the best build I have taken up this league (I have done approx 8 over 3 94+ characters)
My current kit is;
My character sits at 13,546 Energy Shield on LowLife (Just got my watchers eye with clarity and no bleed while using malevolence) I am currently using aspect of the spider - Wanted to use Hatred but to get it to work I am sacrificing a lot. Feedback: The build is excellent, recovery speed 30% makes clear speed so much sweeter. as the build says, the movement speed is also crucial. I have killed everything under awakening8 so the build can do anything you need it too. Currently looking to upgrade my helmet and belt next but at the moment its upgrading because I can, not because I need to (: Última edição por MisterTorgue#6400 em 28 de abr de 2020 12:00:29
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" It's currently at 1.5m dps, which is on the lower side. If you just gonna run straight forward maps that's alright, but for juiced maps, Simulacrums and bosses it might be a bit potato. I'd also recommend getting a second curse. Malediction is really good here, and allows you to add in a offensive/defensive curse. You have the mana available for it, too. Just do a 4-link with Blashpemy and Enlighten. If you really want to run Hatred that's also possible with reservation enchant. You are also wildly overcapped in Fire and Light res. If you balance your resistances a bit more you could run a Thread of Hope and gain a lot of extra points which you could spec into more damage. Moving your cluster could also make it possible to run Kiloava-jewel for max block. Just getting the Thread of Hope and speccing Growth and decay + extra jewel socket by Shadow, plus the dmg/ES nodes there is GG. Example: https://gyazo.com/c2136a1bdc6a7ba8275af95b4a38d467 Getting another curse over Aspect of the Spider also gives you much extra damage. If you get Frostbite on a ring you could even run Hatred (or Spider if needed). ES is good, but damage can definitly be increased alot. Really depends on your budget :-) I'm running the rare-shield version too, with 12.8K ES, but I reach 7M DPS - it's absolutely doable, depending on budget, of course! Silsamazing - lvl 100 Witch
SilAndTheVortex - lvl 100 Occultist |
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