[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone
" Less points, but it's way less ES. I switched them out since they were cheap and I could grab an extra jewel node to make up the difference somewhat but I still lost over 500 ES. Not a huge deal but the flat from Energy from Naught scales really well. Nachos? Yes.
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" Yea, your right Small clusters does provide a lot of flat ES, I might use these for another defensive build next league. for this build I was trying balance energy shield and damage 10k ES 9mil DPS goal. If your shooting for 11-12k ES then you should probably stick with the small clusters. If you are ok with 10k ES then you should probably use cobalt's to get the extra damage. I have 10,049 ES and my gear isn't even perfect. Remember +16 Intelligence on jewels also give around 80 ES per cobalt. I tested 4 cobalt and I gain 1000 ES and 650k damage with 4 Cobalt's with the followings stats (with my gear of course scaling might be different in your setup). +16 Intelligence 8% Increased Maximum Energy Shield 4% Cold over time Multiplier This season I ended up hitting my goal 10k ES and smashing my DPS goal at 11.4 million shaper DPS. If I was to spend 80ex and buy a new weapon I could break 13mil. Using my extra EX to build a Pathfinder instead for map clearing since the season is extended till Jan. Última edição por donbrawler#1981 em 17 de nov de 2020 22:49:41
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@donbrawler which weapon upgrade would get that huge increase if you don't mind me asking? I am currently saving for the +4 Shavs since I only play 1 build usually the whole way (I'm halfway to the 250ex cost) but if a weapon change could get that much.... :)
is it just a max everything? ie t1 spell dmg 109% t1 cold dot 38% and +1 spell skill gems? Última edição por kingkano#6857 em 18 de nov de 2020 12:52:13
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" Opal wand with these stats +18% to Damage over Time Multiplier +1 to Level of all Spell Skill Gems +1 to Level of all Cold Spell Skill Gems {crafted}Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers {crafted}Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill {crafted}+20% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier My perfect weapon would be Opal Wand or Opal Scepter (14.2mil dps with aspect enabled) +38% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier (Prefix) +1 to Level of all Spell Skill Gems (Prefix) +1 to Level of all Cold Spell Skill Gems (Prefix) +18% to Damage over Time Multiplier (Suffix) +35% to Chaos Resistance (Suffix) {crafted}Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill (Suffix) Ideal weapon rolls by priority +1 Spell Skill Gems (Prefix) +1 Cold Spell Skill Gems(Prefix) 38% Cold Dot Multiplier or 20% Crafted (Prefix) {crafted}Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill (Suffix) 18% Dot Multiplier or 40% Hatred Aura Affect (Suffix, Hatred is Redeemer only mod) Last Suffix could be anything useful (Intelligence, Chaos Res, Cold Damage) + 1 to spell and cold is what you want but After searching trade looks like my price was way off a month ago multimoded wand or scepters where 80ex and I didn't think they would go up that much. People are trying to sell them for 300ex + now. Maybe put a live search for just + to cold and spell and you could multimod your own as long as there is open prefix and open suffix Última edição por donbrawler#1981 em 18 de nov de 2020 21:26:10
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@donbrawler Thank you sir. I would need the almost perfect weapon to give a decent increase according to POB (around 1.3m). Otherwise I'd be paying 10s of x for a small 200k increase. Although there is the boosts that 'all spell skill gems' would give my other skills too.
I'll keep watching for something like that while I save for the Shavs. The +2 duration +2 AOE Shavs would give me a huge like +2m DPS. I could improve my cobalts too, but that's a small increase. After that I've pretty much minmaxed it to the hilt :). I'm still running grand heists for the cash for Shavs, but I'll switch to some 100% delirious maps after that for fun, since I will have really great DPS for them. This league I have accomplished the most ever in my time playing POE! First time beating Sirus - twice even. Got all watchstones, going to complete atlas. Love this build! |
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Well I finally got enough currency, and a kind soul who sold it to me a little cheaper for league end, so I picked this up today:
POB says I have 11.3m shaper/sirus DPS now. Looking forward to testing it out later on some bosses and 100% delirious maps! :) I feel like Empower instead of Hypothermia should be a huge upgrade by pushing my gem levels up. But when I test it in POB its like 20k more dps?? Última edição por kingkano#6857 em 21 de nov de 2020 11:57:57
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for 1st time after 1700 hours in-game I finished the campaign without stress and panic attack on 4links:D. my random Self-found/craft stuff: thanks @ShakCentral for this awesome build and Extremely detailed guide. Última edição por lordfratos#1059 em 21 de nov de 2020 12:16:03
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" Nice Shav's! Did you use a Level 4 Empower in POB? A level 3 won't add much damage. I added your character to POB and its not raising your dot dps by much which is weird. Your Vortex Tooltip changes by a lot using level 4 Empower shown below. So it should be me more dmg. Test it and see if bosses die faster. Since you have also have a lot of dmg now you could also try for more AOE and switch Efficacy for Level 21 Concentrated Effect. The bigger AOE makes clear really fun! With Hypothermia Deals 1029 to 1544 cold Damage Deals 2858.8 base Cold Damage Per Second With Level 4 Empower Deals 1432 to 2188 cold Damage Deals 3977.6 base Cold Damage Per Second Última edição por donbrawler#1981 em 21 de nov de 2020 20:02:47
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" Thanks! Yeah definitely level 4 empower. Very strange that the tooltip shows so much more but it doesn't reflect in POB so well hmmm. Oh well saves me some Ex ha. I can still get some more lv 21 gems (hypothermia, efficacy, etc) to boost a tiny bit, to totally minmax! Also change to Anomalous Vortex, might even do myself a favour with mana, since the divergent version casts more often. Thanks for the tip I'll check out Conc Effect. I thought that was for bossing since it reduces your AOE, but it sounds like it reduces AOE radius but spreads your damage more over that radius? so could be nice for clearing. I tried a couple of T17 100% delirium maps (trop island and summit) and it's pretty fun. A bit rippy still and damage isn't enough to zoom through but can definitely complete them no problem. A totally different challenge to heists. |
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How will this build do in SSF Endless Delve? Can't get wand craft and probably won't have access to anointments.
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