Karmoth666 escreveu:
deimoss98 escreveu:
What do you think about the new Hydrosphere skill? Does it have any potential to replace anything from the current skill setup?
same here, i would be very interested, if this could be in any form possible? thanks to king shak and community
I would say no. It would only be useful if we could keep it shocked while not keeping it chilled, so it doesn't mess up EE. As we drop cold snaps and vortexes everywhere, it will probably be chilled all the time, pulsing with cold hits and messing up EE.
Postado porPrypcio#5727em 14 de jan de 2021 05:33:03
fusionshogun escreveu:
The CI gear + tree in PoB has uncapped resistances even though the rings have high value triple res. Where are we supposed to get more resistances with the CI version? Am I missing something?
Pretty sure there's room on the gear for more resists.
Postado porLittleGrim#4265em 14 de jan de 2021 05:36:20
LubangPantat escreveu:
Hi, I'm planning on playing a vortex occultist for the 3.13 league start, but I am undecided between a normal vortex build such as yours, vs a coldslinger build? Could you explain the main differences and why I should choose either? Or does it not make too big of a difference? Thanks
I would imagine that Coldslinger would be better for leveling but once you can invest that Self-cast will be better.
Would be curious to get Shak's thoughts on the matter. Is there a reason you don't recommend spellslinger leveling?
Postado porlivejamie#0512em 14 de jan de 2021 05:53:14
Prypcio escreveu:
Karmoth666 escreveu:
deimoss98 escreveu:
What do you think about the new Hydrosphere skill? Does it have any potential to replace anything from the current skill setup?
same here, i would be very interested, if this could be in any form possible? thanks to king shak and community
I would say no. It would only be useful if we could keep it shocked while not keeping it chilled, so it doesn't mess up EE. As we drop cold snaps and vortexes everywhere, it will probably be chilled all the time, pulsing with cold hits and messing up EE.
It only pulses when frozen, not chilled. So, I think we only get an initial pulse on creation (cold), and then lightning pulses if we manage to shock it, or cold pulses if freeze it with a hit, which seems unlikely. I think the potential upside to it is just its duration compared to frost bomb for the -res, but I think frost bomb will still be better.
Curious to see people's thoughts though.
Postado porKirenaStern#2922em 14 de jan de 2021 06:47:52
I can't decide between this build and BB Chieftain. Which one would adapt best to the playstyle of Ritual especially the multiple bosses? I'm concerned about boss damage...
Postado porDaLuch#0237em 14 de jan de 2021 07:02:59
donbrawler escreveu:
ImrickjamesB escreveu:
I tried the current 3.13 PoB with Elementalist and it seems to be stronger with equivalent gear/tree( simed with the Ci lvl80 tree and ci gear
Anyone tried to sim witht he new PoB updates getting the same results?
I went with :
Shaper of winter/mastermid of discord and Heart of destruction
I was curious since other thought Elementalist might be strong and have been testing this morning and my CI POB looses 2mil dps, LL looses 4mil dps with the new changes.
I even tried modified life version with golems and its garbage compared to Occultists.
You loose to much going Elementalist.
1. Cold Dot doesn't benefit from 5 out of the 6 Golems which give Attack and Cast Speed, Critical Hit Chance, Accuracy and life Regen.
3. The only useful Golem, Flame Golem only gives 15-20 increased dmg compared to loosing 15% more Cold is already a big no for me.
3. No Double curse unless you spec 3 points on the tree. Not to mention Occultists struggles with gem links so fitting in a Extra golem is giving up a gem socket that is needed.
4. Huge loss in defense by loosing Vile Bastion with no energy regen that forces you to use more points on the tree for Wicked Ward or have two Medium clusters to make up for loosing Vile bastion.
5. The damage boost from Heart of Destruction is not up 100% of the time
cold dot elementalist don' use golems, they use shaper of storm to get at least 15% shock all the time with the initial hit of your skills, so 15% more damage, and bastion of elements for extra defence. Goratha is actually going cold elementalist, but life based with MoM. He tested the numbers and elementalist really have more DPS with this setup. So it is an option, not so good for ES early on tho.
Postado porThe_Marked_7#3782em 14 de jan de 2021 07:36:50
If you see this..(small) request,heh...
PoB leveling tree breakdown.
Much more convenient then pictures which dont have ''big'' nodes names on them,heh..
IF you have time/will to make them.
In any case, thx :)
Higuey escreveu:
I can't decide between this build and BB Chieftain. Which one would adapt best to the playstyle of Ritual especially the multiple bosses? I'm concerned about boss damage...
for this league, we need a build that can make enemies slow down and deal damage over time (DoT). above that, you need to move around all the time. fighting with few bosses at once gonna be rough
sorry for the bad English dude :D.
Postado porlordfratos#1059em 14 de jan de 2021 08:08:26
goooooooooooooooood stuff will play vortex whole 3.13
Runslingan! The Power Of ~^S.W.E.D.E.N^~
Postado porRunslingan#4280em 14 de jan de 2021 08:33:05
Is there something wrong with the PoB link? It says "this build uses an unrecnizable skilltree" if I try to open it. PoB doesn't find any updates if I search either.
Postado porBundesHeinz#7437em 14 de jan de 2021 08:33:08