[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone
I dont understand why go Shavronne and presence of chayula?
That amulet gives lots of chaos res, but shavronne lets us not worry about chaos. Isnt using both redundant then? Im a new player |
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By default, chaos damage bypasses energy shields and hits your life pool directly. THAT is what Shavronne's prevents. We still take the damage, though, so resists against it are necessary.
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the gems and links section is really confusing me. you have different setups in your pob notes, then different setup in your chaos inocculation setup, why and when do i switch? the notes only go till act 4 and then its done but the ci gems are different. and then the gems on this guid for ci are different also. can someone explain?
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I found this guy playing SSFHC winterbrands ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CG1eT7kAFw ) and his comments say swift affliction is very bad for DPS. When I asked why, he says:
"On wintertide brand you wanna stack duration and cast speed (for stage frequency gain) as much as possible, for example - with average gear you reach 8 hits per second or 0.12 activations per second on tooltip screen, your brand attached duration is 6 second, for max DoT dps you need 20 stages (1 stage - 20% more dmg for brand), so with this numbers for max stages you need 2.4 seconds and with overall 6 seconds duration you will have 3.6 seconds of damage with full stages and "wintertide end's" debuff at the end (this debuff deals extra area cold damage over time (value copied from the removed "Wintertide" debuff) so its basically 4th brand for a 2-3 seconds). Swift affliction will reduce duration by 25% (and its not reduce its less that much worse) and lower your overall damage of a single brand (instead of 6 seconds you will have 4.5 second attached duration) and you need to recast brand often/wait again 2.4 sec for max stages, and it affect on "wintertide end's" debuff durations too. So i prefer to avoid swift affliction in WTB setups." TLDR basically swift affliction makes the brand duration too short to reach max stacks, so a DPS loss. He also says a new brand will push off an existing brand and starts with 0 stacks, thus a DPS loss as well. What do you think about his comments? |
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" I agree that Swift Affliction support is controversial, because POB doesn't clearly show the possible issue with it. POB just shows that it's the best support for DPS. But I don't agree with your TLDR because it's possible to get to max 20 WTB stages with Swift Affliction. But you could also look at this that you want to get the max "wintertide end's" debuff as often as possible and the Swift Affliction plays well with this approach. But I think overall WTB skill could have more damage. I played a CI WTB this league and while it's a super fun skill the damage is not there for the aspirational content. I'm not the best mechanical player so I need damage to do stuff and I barely did the Feared and I got to wave 27 Simulacrum on my only attempt. I know that going LL would give more DPS, but I think the char would lose some defenses in the process. Here is my POB if anyone wants to see: https://pastebin.com/Paid6vZz Última edição por Maniollo6#6394 em 9 de jan de 2022 23:37:42
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So I've been leveling with Shaks wtb/vortex version and just hit like lvl 60 or so. I have about 1 ex and maybe 120c. Can I go and grab a BBBBGG shavs for like an ex and also buy the prism guardian and get going with LL version when I get mapping or is it better to go the CI version until I can get the shavs, prism guardian, presence of chayula amulet at the same time?
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" I think the amulet is a BiS for the amount of ES and chaos resist it gives, but since you get stun immunity from bastion then you should be fine with other amulets. Since stun threshold is normally based on life, without stun immunity going low life would get you stunned a lot. You would have a lot less ES though, so more fragile and easier to get killed, but you can then get the aura and low life benefits. so if you are SC it's up to you Última edição por Chubbypuppy#3011 em 10 de jan de 2022 10:51:56
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" Thanks for your comment. I'm not sure if swift affliction would reach max stack any faster, since it just makes the duration shorter, but it would kill anything less than bosses faster because it does more damage. I think like you I would prefer faster damage as well, since it's better for mapping, and I spam brands a lot also so waiting for the brand to fall off on its own is probably not compatible to my playstyle. |
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Chubbypuppy, just keep in mind that the best helmet enchant for WTB is that one that gives +4 stages. I didn't have enough patience to grind it for myself (I did uber lab like 50 times anyway), but getting it would probably tip the scale to not use Swift Affliction and switch to Empower. Elemental Focus is an option with more DPS than Empower, but it would disable the chill of WTB and I wanted to keep the chill. I don't have access to a POB right now to confirm, but having the +4 enchant and going with Empower instead of Swift Affliction would probably result in only slightly less damage, but way better QoL because of longer duration.
Also, I'm not sure how accurate is the Wintertide Brand DPS Calculator posted in reddit somewhere, but I found it useful to approximately target cast speeds and brand duration. |
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Hi All, I'm speccing into this build (LL version). Questions: Seems like the OP stacked heavily into armour, but is then left with 6k ES which is quite low. Does the armour really make up for the loss of a possible double ES pool?
In fact, I'm really confused about the Max Investment LL gear...low ES, no chaos resist (-52%) seems like a recipe for dying all the time. Or am I missing something? Última edição por jsuslak313#7615 em 11 de jan de 2022 00:56:28
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