[3.11] Durimon's Winter Orb Occultist Build, Stronger than EVER, Full Gear Crafting Recipe
Sorry, can i know what skill you use on your right mouse button? I can't recognize from the image in the video....
I believe the skill is called "Focus", and you can use it if you have a modifier that mentions it on your gear. (I personally have never used it so I have no idea how it works, I only really started playing in legion league.)
Sorry, can i know what skill you use on your right mouse button? I can't recognize from the image in the video....
It's focus skill, and it comes from "33~37% increased attack and cast speed while focus" mode on gloves. This is a must mod for bossing, so you need to look for glove like mine plus one suffix empty to craft the mod.
This build is a hidden gem - it makes WO playable again. <3 Still need to sink some more currency into the build to take to the next level, but able to clear T16s. I have about 10-12ex into the build right now.
This is the final build I'm leaning towards to maximize devotion stacks @ 96. POB shows 1mil DPS in my mediocre gear. POB: https://pastebin.com/DN4gCct5
96 Tree POB: https://pastebin.com/dBfnUvhF - I will use this once I have an Assassin's Mark ring to free up two nodes (+30 Dex/Str). These two nodes will go towards ES. I also want to slam my chest for a % Int or Spell Crit roll, if I'm lucky.
Militant Faith 5032
Última edição por EqOpHater#5412 em 26 de jan de 2020 03:40:11
Hello there,
thanks for your effort to make WO great again! However, I'd like to give you some feedback based on your PoB:
1) I see you're using Cinderswallow Urn and Yoke of Suffering, but you don't have any fire damage in your WO setup, proccing it only via Wave of Conviction - so extremely unreliable imho. Just craft adds fire damage on ring to get constant ~15% more damage vs all targets.
2) You're scalling damage via Power Charges extremely hard, but you miss great opportunity in form of Crown of the Inward with corrupt +1 to Maximum Power Charges (which is cheap).
3) In your PoB you have checked "Is the enemy Shocked?" which boosts your damage to some virtual, not real value. You have total 0 lightning damage (not counting Wave of Conviction proc), so you can't shock reliably, thus bonus from Yoke of Suffering is not working.
4) You can insert your Thread of Hope by using following code in PoB:
Thread of Hope
Crimson Jewel
Item Level: 86
Implicits: 0
Affects Passives in Large Ring
Passives in Radius can be Allocated without being connected to your tree
-10% to all Elemental Resistances
Allocates Breath of Rime
Allocates Heart of Ice
Allocates Light Eater
Allocates Practical Application
Allocates Arcane Focus
Overall, the concept is great, but still requires a lot of polishing or other kind of changes. I'm still not sure about amulet/helmet/gloves slot, it seems like you can get much more from those slots.
btw, @EqOpHater respect one Inner Conviction, they don't stack :)
This is unbelievably helpful comment. I must say thank you first.
Cinder. is needed not for DPS but for Survivablity. Without it, you will have difficulty fighting hell-moded meta-bosses. (you get es recover from mons it summons constantly.)
About the polishing part you mentioned, I usually post "minimum" of the build and let users decide and study how to develop. It's because I am usually busy working, and moving on to another new build when I am done posting the minimum version. This is also my personal belief that a good build is 1) cheap 2) expandable. I just want to provide a 'frame' and let wonderful people like you decide how to upgrade.
There are actually numbers of ways you can boost up DPS and increase survivablity without investing more currencies. I will post them when I am done with posting my new build, Occultist Arc Build. (See? I am busying making builds every time I get time to play POE. :) )
This build is a hidden gem - it makes WO playable again. <3 Still need to sink some more currency into the build to take to the next level, but able to clear T16s. I have about 10-12ex into the build right now.
This is the final build I'm leaning towards to maximize devotion stacks @ 96. POB shows 1mil DPS in my mediocre gear. POB: https://pastebin.com/DN4gCct5
96 Tree POB: https://pastebin.com/dBfnUvhF - I will use this once I have an Assassin's Mark ring to free up two nodes (+30 Dex/Str). These two nodes will go towards ES. I also want to slam my chest for a % Int or Spell Crit roll, if I'm lucky.
Militant Faith 5032
Just so you are aware you gain absolutely nothing by taking Inner Conviction twice. Keystones CANNOT under any circumstances stack if you have them multiple times.
Hello there,
thanks for your effort to make WO great again! However, I'd like to give you some feedback based on your PoB:
1) I see you're using Cinderswallow Urn and Yoke of Suffering, but you don't have any fire damage in your WO setup, proccing it only via Wave of Conviction - so extremely unreliable imho. Just craft adds fire damage on ring to get constant ~15% more damage vs all targets.
2) You're scalling damage via Power Charges extremely hard, but you miss great opportunity in form of Crown of the Inward with corrupt +1 to Maximum Power Charges (which is cheap).
3) In your PoB you have checked "Is the enemy Shocked?" which boosts your damage to some virtual, not real value. You have total 0 lightning damage (not counting Wave of Conviction proc), so you can't shock reliably, thus bonus from Yoke of Suffering is not working.
4) You can insert your Thread of Hope by using following code in PoB:
Thread of Hope
Crimson Jewel
Item Level: 86
Implicits: 0
Affects Passives in Large Ring
Passives in Radius can be Allocated without being connected to your tree
-10% to all Elemental Resistances
Allocates Breath of Rime
Allocates Heart of Ice
Allocates Light Eater
Allocates Practical Application
Allocates Arcane Focus
Overall, the concept is great, but still requires a lot of polishing or other kind of changes. I'm still not sure about amulet/helmet/gloves slot, it seems like you can get much more from those slots.
btw, @EqOpHater respect one Inner Conviction, they don't stack :)
Also I'm not trying to argue with you because you clearly have been playing this much longer than me. But you are incorrect about Yoke. Yoke allows Cold or Fire damage to shock.
"The modifier Your Elemental Damage Can Shock allows fire and cold damage to shock, but still requires chance to shock (for non-crit hits), or a critical strike (which inherently carries a 100% chance).
Traps, mines, and totems will benefit from the enabled shock, since this is an offensive modifier.[1] However, they will only benefit from Enemies take x% increased Damage if the ailment is applied by a self-cast skill due to the wording of you have inflicted."
Noticed something strange, you're using Transcendent Flesh and could perfectly be using Tempered Flesh since you're only getting the crit multiplier bonus.
Transcendent Flesh is 1.5+ Ex
Tempered Flesh is 20-30 Chaos
Maybe I'm missing something but PoB doesn't show any changes on stats when changing either for the other.
Última edição por maxine98#7458 em 5 de fev de 2020 23:01:30