💀3.15💀 iLL3aT’s Cold Skeleton Warriors/Archers/Mages ❆ League Starter ❆ All Content ❆
hi , i have some trouble to with DPS of my skeleton
anyone can look and tell me what i doing wrong ? thx for support :) PS: i import my character on POB and my skeleton total DPS is 84258 BUFFED ... Última edição por fyrosis#3889 em 29 de mar de 2020 06:25:22
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Potentially 100M ?! I don't know how you get 100M...I would say 1M instead, my Necro 3.8 could kill Shaper faster than I kill Drox with this build :( Impossible to find convoking wands +1, no one in poe.trade.
I have 7k eHp, vs. Sirus I died all the time even I dodge and run all the time, mostly from the skill attack where you are stuck in ice corridor and he throws big balls and lasers :( I like this build because enemies are frozen, it's a good defense but actually it is too weak and damage are too low, I really don't see how to increase damages, if I cannot find a way I will go back to Baron/Shaper/Geoffry. |
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The problem is, the monster are harder.. you die often as in 3.9.
I don´t know how often i died in t7-11 maps or delve on instant damage income. Often it is not oneshot it is a oneshot with multiple hits. You can´t any chance to react. I am at 200k damage/skeleton with three offering, hatred and charges at ~5K eHP. My gear isn´t realy good, but it is ok. Now i will try to get more defence. Última edição por the_Arkain#5116 em 29 de mar de 2020 14:27:44
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i crafted a +1 minion wand and change a little the passif tree , i play with 3 offering + blasphemy setup and i upgrade from 84k to 128k my skeleton in POB
i don't have really problem with 5300hp i can farm all tier with all mod but not no regen :) |
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Yeah, damage definitely doesn't seem to be a concern. I'm just finishing up my level 3 gear - following the guide - and I'm at 600k DPS per skeleton. This doesn't include any sort of non-passive buffs (power/frenzy charges) or non-passive debuffs (EE, etc).
That number is using Feeding Frenzy instead of Elemental Focus as well. Swapping out for EF boosts that number to 900k, unbuffed, per skeleton! 100M is definitely the perfect situation that 99.9% of us will never achieve, but that doesn't mean this build can't put out some stupid numbers for a relatively low investment! :D I still die occasionally since this league is rippy, but I'm at around 8k eHP with maxed chaos res so I don't feel squishy. |
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Really enjoying the build. Been experimenting with the Baranite Cleric's aura. Do you know if it benefits the build?
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Hi Guys,
I'll respond to all of the posts like I do in the next one, but I figured I'd share this which I'd been working on this morning. I said potentially 100M still in the title...here is the PoB for that: https://pastebin.com/UtaPgKUD 13.1m/skeleton x 12 skeletons = 157 million DPS. Now keep in mind that this is an end game version of the build, with gear costing about 200 exalts. It's made up of a combination of my 3.9 gear with the mirror tier items deleted/edited, as well as just some realistic pieces. This is a glass cannon level 100 variant: some damage can be given up for survivability, but this is just a showcase. Notes: -Wands cost about 35-40 ex each, helmet maybe 30-50 ex to craft (depends on availability of base really, or one with no minion life can be substituted for cheaper), body is my 3.10 200c chest, large clusters are about 4 ex+, mediums 100c, all gems maybe 60 ex, bottled faith - 15-20 ex, AG all pieces 5 ex. -This gear is all realistically possible, with no one of a kind items. The helm is the closest to this, but I crafted three of them in 3.9. -I wanted to work in some fettle small jewels, but I am too point starved. I figured a 1 point jewel socket was great value so I just went with generic ghastlys. -A blessed rebirth jewel is probably a good idea for any build stacking the renewal keystone. This plus leech on ghastly jewels (up to 20% of minion life per second) should keep renewal up most of the time. -Crit is effective if you have a ton of currency. If not, skip crit and use the normal tree or a renewal based one. -Pretty sure they broke Thread of Hope on PoB again. You have to manually write in the annointments and subtract two usable passive points. -Steelskin in an unset ring is the chosen guard skill here since there is no armor stacking for (V)molten shell. -As mentioned in the main PoB, chieftain charges are not up all of the time, so keep in mind that DPS could be lower. -Frostbite is in the trigger wand, but I assumed that it missed - I did not check it off for this calculation. Now my current build in 3.10: https://pastebin.com/dTGDzGnD 772969 DPS/skellie x 11 skellies = ~8 million DPS. Notes/Rambling I'm playing with different spectres, so I do not have chieftains and charges, otherwise DPS would be 1.26/skellie. My wrists hurt, so I'm trying to click as little as possible - no frostbomb & no triple offering for me this league even though they would be upgrades. The minus 10 cold resistance is from elemental army. I don't have an AG yet, but plan to get one as soon as I get another +1/+1 wand. I have a crit setup but do not copy that unless you are going for the one above - the multiplier on it is horrible since I have not enough multi nor chance at this point. My build is pretty glass at this point, but the damage and freeze is enough to speedrun tier 16s with no issues, and was able to do that starting at around 2 ex of investment (two +1 wands and a +1 amulet). So far I've killed up to A7 Sirus (haven't played enough to get to 8 yet) and a few shapers. Shaper vid: How I do the mob phases is pretty much my T16 speedfarm playstyle. Remember that shaper takes reduced damage for the first eight seconds, so it's not an accurate judge of DPS anymore. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2yA8P90aY0&feature=youtu.be 3.15 ❆ Cold Skeletons guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2774965
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You ever do impale/skele melee builds? I've done it for a while but since this league I can't make phys/skelees remotely close to what I used to do. Since you know a lot about minions as well I wanted your opinion.
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Whew, lots to write. Can't wait til the tenth or so when my project is done and I can update the guide...
@Duindain - Glad to help(ish) haha. Stuff that affects minions is very specific in its wording, so unless it makes a lot of sense, most mods don't help them. @K4P0T - Nice progress on your gear. Crafing +1/+1 wands hurts me every time, though in theory you make money doing so. RIP for your AG though - hope he had a name and a proper burial. Nice helm too, that one's worth a pretty penny. Vaaling is all RNG though - got 2 21 spectres in 6 attempts. =) @Siza1337 - That chest is actually pretty nice. A mini seven link never hurts, and casting using life instead of mana sounds nice. Nice wand, gloves, and boots too! Regarding spectres - Hellion is good, bishop as well. Two new ones that are good are Arena Master (Drox mob: Pro: 40% increased movement, attack, cast speed - ~5 second uptime, Con: ~7 second downtime. Shield banging sound is annoying AF) and Baranite Cleric (Baran mob: Apparently a small aura that gives 20% of physical as lightning. This is about 5% extra damage but the aura is apparently quite small. You can try this out in PoB by pasting in the line: You and nearby Allies gain 20% of physical damage as extra lightning damage) Regarding jewels - You want renewal for sure. More about crit in the post above. I believe minion accuracy is accurate as they buffed it in 3.9. @Dioktis - I just threw mine in my +2 hat for now. The -4 levels to spectres nerf is pretty bad. Apparently you can use a level X (as in I don't know the level yet) clarity to give them the full uptime instead of blood magic. The benefit would be that you can move them to your hat since two one links is easier than one two link - but I'll test and see later. @Ripzoo - Thanks! @LukBRG - Something is wrong with your PoB since it shouldn't be like that. Multistrike and melee splash should never be together since they kinda anti-synergize with each other. @ActiveSlay - Thanks for looking at Nonoffmaniak's build. Agreed. @Ninoffmaniak - You can potentially not run feeding frenzy and put in deathmark or minion speed instead if damage is an issue. Your gear looks good. @fyrosis - Pick up a 21 vaal summon skeletons for a few C. Otherwise other than +2 wands and +2 chest (they're quite cheap this league it seems), you should be doing fine as everything else looks good. I wouldn't use elemental focus except for on endgame bosses and bosses with phases that freezing stops (looking at you Malachai). Post a pastebin since I suspect it is much higher than that. I also reroll all no regens. Waste of time to swap in a mana flask unless I have to. @Xandharba - 150m with chieftains, a little under 100m without (see post below yours - note that it is the endgame version though - level four, and you have just entered level two gear). However, you're not really following the build at all - the six link should be substituted to include melee phys and elemental damage with attacks at least, and minion damage instead of minion speed. If you have about 50c, you can also pick up a pair of +1 wands, including one with trigger on it, and then aim for a +1 amulet. At that point, the character is worth about 2 ex and should be able to do everything. @the_Arkain - 5k hp is rough, I was at 5k up until a few days ago. The solution I found though, was just to move faster with all flasks up. the chill and freeze takes care of the rest. Of course one shots are still one shots until health goes up though. @CLloyd0 - Nice gear! Check out the post two above this one for the fancy new glass cannon PoB. Unfortunately there isn't a way to stack a lot of defenses with too many of the new jewels. I wish they made the jewel socket free or something in the transition. @Winkie244 - Throw this into your PoB somewhere to simulate one: You and nearby Allies gain 20% of physical damage as extra lightning damage For the hypothetical build, it added about 5% more dmg. Decent for sure, but I heard the aura area is small. No issue for bossing, but perhaps useless while mobbing. @dhise - I did one in 3.8, but I didn't have impale and didn't know better. In 3.9 I would say cold was much better at both mapping and bossing, but the buff to cluster jewels (rotting claws) closed the gap to the point where I am not sure who is the higher DPS bosser without a lot of PoBing (cold will always be the better mapper). I do plan to add a phys variant to the guide since it looks like no one is taking over Viperesque's mantle. They key thing for phys builds is rotting claws - about a 30% more multiplier just by adding impale chance and outside of aura stacking, probably the most broken new notable. In short - links: Skels/melee phys/brutality/impale/minion damage/multistrike for bossing. Substitute splash for multi for mapping. Auras: Hatred, flesh and stone (flesh) linked to maim, generosity linked to dread banner. Single large cluster jewel - renewal, rotting claws (optional but expensive third: call to the slaughter): two medium jewels: Both with renewal, one with Blessed rebirth, and one with Feasting fiends. Either two fettle smalls, or just generic ghastlys. 3.15 ❆ Cold Skeletons guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2774965
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Hey, sort of following the build, kinda wondering if there's a good way to craft +1 /+1 wands aside from scour/alch or chaos spam or do you just have to buy them. Is fossil crafting with bound fossil a better alternative/higher chance (I suppose faceted fossil is a thing but you might just buy a +1 /+1 wand instead considering its price) or do I miss something.
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