Cold ANIMATE WEAPON Summoner | League-Start & Leveling Guide
" Excuse me but that PoB is one of the most ridiculous shit I ever saw. 8 ghastly jewels, all 4 rows? Helmet with enchant, +3 to gems, reduced mana reserve, nearby enemies take inc phys dmg, aspect of the spider, and minion life socket, AND life? That's a mirror + mirror fee, especially with nerfed fossils. Multimodded two-toned boots with ridiculous life. Rings+amulet with 35% minion damage on each. Insane stygian belt. 21/23 animate guardian. Even for nolifers this is extremely late game and not achievable by most players in a full league. |
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" Thank you for the clarification! My Supporter Pack list compensates for my small penis.
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" Dude, I didn't even LOOK at the gear myself and sure as fuck don't give a shit if you are unable to adjust that PoB to your own needs. I posted this because he asked about the tree and gem setup, not the gear. If you can't read (based on Ghazzy's PoB) I can't help you. The Ghazzy PoB has simply been used over the last like 8 pages of this thread to figure out cold vs phys versions. So changing the gear to be more realistic would fuck that comparison up. But please, come in here, having no fuckin idea whats going on, don't read any explanation or context and attack me for using the same base PoB that everybody else has been using to figure shit out. Holy fuck, some people... Also, the CiP's are not working. So if anything, even if you remove all that insane gear and the jewels, the damage is a lot higher actually. Add to that, that it is only a level 81 tree, because we keep passives for cluster jewels, which will add a lot of damage and life too, it is not as idiotic to use the gear as you might think. Última edição por Mecielle#3021 em 12 de mar de 2020 12:46:58
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" I'm not attacking anyone. I'm just saying that shit is not achieveable by most people, so to warn others if they look at that and think it's achievable or wonder why they deal no damage come league-start. If anything I'm attacking the creator, wtf @Ghazzytv? This could be taken out of context though, he obviously didn't intend it to be for a league-starter. It's not for me to decide but maybe you could at least add a disclaimer in your original post, especially since this is posted in a "League-start" thread. Última edição por Lejvingdude#1299 em 12 de mar de 2020 12:46:35
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" I edited my comment. He does intend it as a league starter. The gear makes up for the missing life and damage from the unspent passives (it is a level 81 tree atm, removing possibly useless passives like "Potency of Will" and "Righteous Decree" would even make it a level 73 tree!) we might keep for cluster jewels or spend on stuff like Heart of the Warrior. The ghastly jewels and damage on rings try to make up for the fact that the CIP's are not working in PoB yet. Of course +6 levels of AW will actually be a lot more damage than the jewels and rings can simulate. And to be perfectly honest, even if we end up with only 30% of the damage the PoB shows when we use shitty gear at league start, it is still around 5-6m Shaper DPS. Absolutely insane. Última edição por Mecielle#3021 em 12 de mar de 2020 12:56:55
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" Most of the gear on that POB doesn't even effect damage (although I agree its pretty ridiculous). Go look at the POB in the guide itself, and read the gearing section, as I hope most new players would do - rather than jumping to page 27 of an ongoing discussion about min/maxing damage types... The gear to make the build work is pretty easy to get. |
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As said above, the fact allone that the weapons in this POB build do nothing, means that these dps numbers are kinda realistic.
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" Alright, fair enough. I didn't mean to attack you personally though. If they are compensations usually they have names to indicate it, or at least "New item". Not "Grim oculus" or "Foe Veil, Bone helmet", that's what threw me off. The PoB was seen from me out of context, and I saw it at face value. I still think that helmet is ridiculous though, and I don't think that's a compensation for anything. I jumped to conclusions too fast here, my bad. I have no doubts this will be a good league-starter and the PoBs from OP will be just fine. Edit: oh there's still some good items here that's not league starter and not compensation. The boots and belts for example. Última edição por Lejvingdude#1299 em 12 de mar de 2020 13:02:28
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For anyone interested in the mana topic (I'm using the PoB of Mecielle):
Is there enough mana total for Sirus Mana wise i'm most concerned about Sirus. You don't gain any flask charges there, and the fight is quite long. Bladefall produces 18 weapons per cast, so you need to spend 16 mana per 18 weapons for bladefall, which means your mana cost for a single AW is 55+(1/18)*16=~56. One enduring mana flask gives you 1260 mana over all uses, which is 22 summons. Since you probably want to go to maximum AWS at the beginning of a fight, you will use 14/22 summons at the beginning of the fight. You then have desecrate+offering (10+30) mana that you want to keep up 100% i assume. Desecrate is 5 corpses, and we have 110% skill effect duration, so uptime on offering is 10*2.1=21 seconds. Then there's Flame Dash (20 mana), but i have no idea how many uses you have per fight on average, so let's put that at x. Looking at Sirus fight videos of high DPS characters, they usually take around 4 minutes. For the offering, we need to recast 240/21=12 times, so that's 480 mana for that. You have 161% minion duration on tree, which means AWS are gonna last 40*2.61=105 seconds each. So you would need to fully summon everything 3 times (42 casts), without considering that AW can die from damage. In 4 minutes you regenerate 10800 mana naturally, you start with 1270, together with the 1260 from flask, the -480 from offerings and the -20x from flamedash, that's 12850-20x mana. If you flamedash 100 (excessive?) times, you have 10850 mana for 187 casts. Minus the 42 casts you need to do because of duration, you can then recast dying AWs 145 times. I have no idea how squishy these things are (and thus how many recasts are necessary), but it seems like mana really isn't much of an issue global amount wise. |
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" Take off all of the gear. Leave the gloves on to fix the accuracy issue since accuracy doesn't scale because we leave the gem at level 1. You're at 500k sDPS with a 20/20 AW. Now. Add in the +6 from CIP and +2 from Necro it'll probably be significantly higher. Última edição por SparkleMotion#0929 em 12 de mar de 2020 12:59:00
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