3.10|Stress-Free PoE| SLOW-MO ZOMBIES |Use Any Items You Want|1 Button Gameplay|Easily Customizable
"Dang M_atrix! That sucks. I love hard games that really need to be earned, but I've heard that it's pretty insane...even with the recent changes they made. I wish I've had the time to play more this league so I can experience what you're taking about. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Hey dmitriyh25! I agree with Gravepact for sure! I also really like Golem Commander. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Thank you everyone for being so kind and helpful to each other. You make this PoE Community the best :).
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Yes. You can usually cast it every 2-3 groups of monsters (depending on the clear speed and monster density) But the best example is Legion encounters. I always do it like this: cast Vaal skeletons, pop the monolith and then cast Vaal arc. The whole screen lights up. You break the legion enemies and once they become alive - you have your Vaal Arc back and you can cast it once again on the moving enemies. This way I can pop more enemies and kill them more quickly when they start to attack. So in other words - you can basically cast Vaal Arc every 12-15 seconds, more or less. Vaal arc is EXTREMELY good in temporal incursions. You go through Alva's portal, run to the architect, pop vaal skeletons and vaal arc, kill everything much more quickly and you will always have the time to fully clear it and unlock the doors you want. Última edição por M_atrix#2043 em 29 de mar de 2020 13:25:09
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Just wanted to say this build has been good,on console especially^^. Though I did "tweak" it a little. Skeletons,carrion golem for the main damage-both with feeding frenzy and triad grip used as well. End result-shield charging skeletons,that cut down everything XD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u28oXZK1HuA Última edição por xXAcidik58Xx#8806 em 29 de mar de 2020 16:39:42
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" I know life is my Achilles Heel right now but it was either life or resists, so I decided for resists. But I adapted my play style a bit and it's going a lot better now. I also acquired my bone armour today, merciless lab was a lot easier than I thought due to amazing minion damage on Izaro. So I'm back on track now! |
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Has anybody experimented with cluster jewels on this build and can give some recommendations?
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I'm a bit stuck. I just got to the end of the story A10 and due to killing the boss (Kitava or whatevcer it's called) my resists are terrible:
Chaos: -40% Light: -39% Fire: -13% Cold: -19% I have prioritised getting items with the right sockets/colours for the gem links so my gear is mostly white/blue. I added a couple of affixes for resists where I could and I upgraded my gloves from magic to rare, I could add another affix. But the problem is I don't really know how to progress from here. Do I just run white maps? Delve? Or do I need to trade for some new gear or maybe do some crafting? I found the crafting in this game... well, it's a lot to learn. I accidentally burned a lot of currency when I was clicking the Craft button thinking that it wasn't working grrrr... Anyway, I'd be grateful for any advice on how best to progress from here. I have about 140 chromatic orbs and 4 chaos orbs now. Is there a good guide on crafting? Easy to follow? The ones I found via Google were not an easy read - too many decisions that seem to rely on knowledge I don't have. Última edição por SpontaneousCombustion#3458 em 30 de mar de 2020 11:04:04
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" Hi SpontaneousCombustion! You'll not survive with the missing resists. You should not look for socket colors because they are easy to craft with chromatic orbs. I'm sure you picked up some essences on your journey? With those you can upgrade a white item to a rare with a guaranteed suffix. You should also have picked up a number of jewellers orbs, which you can use to craft more sockets onto an item. Three or four sockets are very easy, six sockets are really hard to get and 6 links (orbs of fusing) are extremely costly to achieve. I that case buying is better. But don't look for the perfect rolls, they are expensive. I bought a white 6 link and crafted it with my highest level greed essence. I got lucky with mine, can't promise you get as lucky. But definitely better than a white or blue item with no useful suffixes on it. I wonder how you only have 4 chaos orbs, which level are you and did you run deliriums? If the item levels of your rare drops are 60 and over, you can exchange a whole set of unidentified rare armour (2 rings,1 amulet, 1 belt, 1 chest, 1 gloves, 1 boots, 1 helmet and either one 2-hand or two 1-hand weapons, can also be shields) for 2 chaos orbs per set. Last league I might have made around 500 chaos that way. You can also run Harbor Bridge for delirium back and forth. It's linear and short and you can earn quite a bit of currency there. As you can in the delve, if you picked up some sulphite. Do have a look at the vendor recipes on the wiki, useful stuff: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Vendor_recipe_system Don't forget to add some mods to your items at the crafting bench, it's very good to find more resists. If you have blessed orbs, you can reroll prefixes and make for example 13% chaos resist up from 9% on an amethyst ring. But do that only if you like the rest of the stats already. I agree that Poe crafting is overwhelming and I'm by no means an expert! But I did learn some tricks on YouTube videos. And got advice here on the forums. I'm not sure if I solved any of your problems or if I only gave you more questions. Do keep asking in that case because it's a steep learning curve. Última edição por Elocara#5289 em 30 de mar de 2020 15:12:24
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" What a superb response. Thanks for taking the time. I knew of some of the recipes but I wasn't sure that's what I should be doing. Your post helped just by knowing that doing some of the things you suggested are not "the wrong things" (in that I'd be wasting what currency I do have). Good to know re the chromatic thing (I never tried it because it sounded like it could make things worse). And yes I did some delirium on the way - assuming that's just doing the mirror thing - but ignored some as well but they never got much out of them even when I followed the fog for a long time so I stopped (I'm level 72 atm). I must have been doing something wrong, there seemed no way I was getting any chromatic orbs dropping. I guess I'll start farming the rare recipe (I always identified the jewellery because mine was bad - and those item types don't seem to drop very often - so I gues I need to stop identifying stuff). Is there a way to get more rare rings/amulets to drop? I'm sure I'll have more questions! Thanks again, off to the crafting bench!... Última edição por SpontaneousCombustion#3458 em 30 de mar de 2020 19:25:06
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