[3.10] Aziire's Kinetic Bolt Elementalist - Thor and the Golem Gang! | League Starter

I'm using GMP for lvling and it's working pretty well
I just want to say thank you for setting up and linking the Items with their weighted values for trading. What a huge convenience. Thank you!

Also for leveling ive been using Spellslinger > Frostbolt > Vortex > Hypothermia with a socketed Frozen Trail.
Última edição por Joomin#1194 em 14 de mar de 2020 23:40:09
Something in the back of my brain here. We're stacking a lot of wand damage, ele%, and Spell damage. And the guide mentions wanting flat lightning on wands (for scaling). I'm just thinking, given that spell damage is treated as 150% of that amount in attack damage, that the order we'd want to htink about is wand physical damage, then Flat damage on wand (physical, then lightning), then spell damage and as far as nodes, spell damage followed by wand damage with ele% last. I'm tired, so I may be mis-thinking it. This may need some reworking on the tree, I'm just not smart :)
Here’s my field report from leveling up to Act 9:

Leveling is a breeze once you have Arc with Spellslinger (I have mine linked with spell echo and lightning pen). Packs just get obliterated. Get 2 of the highest dps wands you can find and go to town. I’m actually using 2 Moonsorrows now.

2k ehp with fairly trash gear. Only started dying consistently once I hit Blood Aqueduct delirium encounters. They fkn hurt.

I’ll reserve judgement overall till I get maps, but I can tell right now it might be a tad squishy. Leech isn’t goin to compensate for all the burst dmg.

I have to commend Op tho as this is the best-formatted build guide I ever read. The links to the store should be standard for every guide!
Última edição por meatpuppet#4245 em 14 de mar de 2020 23:53:16
Yeah golems sperg out a little bit but they are so worth. Like you said, the damage buff is insane. It was a super clean levelling experience minus Delirium which is pretty brutal.

I use Kinetic Bolt in my chest piece and have a Spellslinger combo in my wand. Because Kinetic Bolt is a Wand Attack it will trigger Spellslinger regardless of what gear it is linked with.

I'm not sure how they will go but we can definitely get them fairly tanky. With Meat Shield + Primordial Bond Cluster Jewel they will be fairly beefy, on top of getting a Golem Enchant Helm later down the line. You can 100% pour everything into this guy. Characters like this are made as currency dumps. I'll get some game play record soon, Delirium is killing my fps so it may be a few days before some quality game play.

Going good so far, probably further than me atm! The Spell Damage is better yeah and the first Jewel you have has better notables by the sound of it anyway. Olbiteration is a nice find while Levelling, and a Stygian Vise nice and early is super good. I go the Golem Ascendancy points first more for the Elemental Immunity it provides. You are right though in that Mastermind of Discord would be better to get Auras etc setup better.

Karui Ward is your best friend. Costs like 1 Chaos at most and provides both the Dexterity and Strength in order to go through the whole Acts. I also grabbed a +30 Dexterity point to help me until I was further in the Shadow section.

It is viable in 3.10, the trees have very minimal difference. I will update them when I get a good moment to do so, but the first few days of the League are very time consuming.

Delirum and being a Witch caused me a lot of deaths too. Look at the Cheat Sheet and make sure you are using the Gems I have listed. This will help immensely.

You are probably far further than when you posted but check the Cheat Sheet or Levelling Video I recently uploaded.

Yeah Spellslinger is super cool, looking forward to trying whack combos.

Tooltip with Barrage always looks really bad as there is a big Less Damage modifier on Barrage. The good part about it is that Projectiles are fired sequentially, meaning all of them can hit. This boosts damage immensely compared to usually only have one or two at most hitting a Boss while using GMP. Barrage + GMP is a good combo though as it is a huge source of additional Projectiles.

Definitely link Barrage and maybe swap out Energy Leech. Early on Energy Leech gets cucked because you won't out Leech Blood Rage. So you get barely any benefits from it. Once you hit 0 Energy Shield the Blood Rage degen will prevent you from being able to Leech it back. Other than that I have heard Glacial Cascade is good, I will be doing testing today as I finally have time to keep playing.

Some of the Cluster Jewel notables provide the ability to Shock Enemies that are Chilled, which is how I plan on achieving this. Other than that spell from our Spellslinger will have a 100% Chance to Shock with our Call of the Brotherhood.

Fair enough, it is definitely experimental. Going one Call of the Brotherhood is completely fine, and in some cases might even be better as you can get more benefit from Shock this way. Almost every Elementalist has to path through Pendulum, it is just an annoying part of the Ascendancy.

You are right but it reaches a point later in the game where you get far more benefit by having %increased mods on the Wand rather than Physical Damage.

Awesome to hear the build is still pumping away at the later Levels, looking forward to getting there myself as well.

I'll be updating the Gem section but you are right. Kinetic Bolt won't be able to Shock however Arc will. I didn't realise in theory how good Spellslinger + Arc was going to be. Other than that we can grab things such as Cold Conduction on a Cluster Jewel. This makes Enemies we Chill also be Shocked at the same time, which is perfect for us and our fat Cold Damage

Hypothermia is always a beast support in Cold Damage builds. If it was me I would opt for this, Added Cold Damage or Faster Attacks. Either one should be fine.

Yeah sorry I haven't updated the Gem section. I didn't realise how good the Spellslinger combo would be so I hadn't planned for it. If you follow the Cheat Sheet you should get a good idea of what gems to use. I have only just entered maps myself so will be testing out Spellslinger today. Managing the Forum guides consumes a lot of my time.

Thank you! Yeah it takes a bit, but I also have scripts etc to help me with all that stuff so it isn't as bad as you would think. I'll add a disclaimer though that these Wands are far better for End Game. Early in maps getting something with Flat Lightning Damage and Attack Speed will be more beneficial. I'll add a change to reflect this in the gear section.

I'll be playing with a lot of different spells and testing them all out. Wave of Conviction and Glacial Cascade are my biggest interests at the moment.

Delirium is man handling everyone at the moment. I have only just reached maps so give me a day and I will get back to you with solutions. Someone mentions below but upgrading your Wands will help immensely. The Wands I linked in the guide are more ideal for the End Game when we have a lot more benefits. For early game look for Flat Lightning Damage and Attack Speed. I'll update the guide to reflect this, and add a disclaimer. Sorry if buying Wands through my current search caused you issues.

Yeah GMP was awesome. GMP + Barrage was the combo I personally rocked.

Thanks for appreciating the trade searches. I've always felt like they are a massive Quality of Life, and no one has mentioned them befoe hahaha so it feels good to get the recognition now. I'll look into that Spellslinger combo, it sound interesting.

You could be right. When I was doing testing in the Path of Building Phys Damage just was not doing much at all. This could be a case of the Spell Damage increase not calculating properly due to PoB not being updated. We will have to wait and see, probably missing out on quite a few things.

The Arc combo was actually so juicy it is insane. The build is looking to be pretty squishy, and Delirium is a savage. I don't think the usual play of Offense is your Defense will work this league, so I will have to update on the fly. Thanks for the compliments on the formatting, I spend a shit load of time trying to make it as clean as possible.
From here on out I will start to quote the replies so that is much easier to see what I am replying too. This will take up more forum room but will provide much more visual clarity.

Pls help build sucks

Do A), B) and C) and build no longer sucks.
Quick question, probably obvious answer but im slow. Does Kinetic Bolt benefit from weapon modifiers "Adds # to # (Elem) damage to Spells".

I know it benefits from % increases provided from passives but im curious if it is also affected by item flat spell damage modifiers? Thanks!
I've gotten to act 4 so far, and got good uniques with bad sockets. I've been clearing well without the spellslinger arc, as wake of destruction is just fantastic.

This build is super fun so far, hopefully the golems will help make me less sqishy
I noticed in your lvling guide you use the Spellslinger/Arc combo but in the final gem build you do not have that anywhere. Is it not needed or did I miss something?
Something is bugging me about the gem links for KBolt, and I can't put my finger on it, to be honest. Would any of the following be better for damage than some of our current links? Maim (instead of Elemental Damage with Attacks?) or Impale? Am i missing something else?

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