[3.10] Aziire's Kinetic Bolt Elementalist - Thor and the Golem Gang! | League Starter

The author has really created an amazing build here. Just wanted to share my progress and thoughts. Obviously delerium encounters are not easy, Ive made a few changes to help with survivability of both myself and my golems.

I've dropped Kinetic Bolt for good, as awesome as it is, I miss the Culling and Power Charge generation from Power Siphon. Also Siphon auto targets and its single target DPS with Barrage seems to me to be better. I also find it easier to target boss mobs.

Ive pathed to the left side of the tree, picking up Spiritual Aid. (Note my current tree is in progress, saving up for regrets... Ill post a POB link once I've some time if anyone is interested). Unfortunately Golems will never survive without % Life Regen, I think around 10% is the magic number for immortality so this build may require you to pick up some Primordial Harmony which will help their DPS anyways.

I favor single wand so I've gone the shield route, anything here will work. I've gone for something with defense and price in mind, I am sure there are much better options. Use this to balance your defensive and offensive capabilities as needed.

This will be a 5 golem build just as soon as I can afford Anima Stone

Spellslinging is awesome, Wave of Conviction/Arc/Ice Bite generates my frenzy charges, reduces elemental resistances even further, clears trash mobs really well, and helps quite a bit with single target, which I feel is most important with the delirium mechanic as most Mobs seem to be Life HEAVY ....
This is Mana intense and as a result I'm currently swapping between 2 spell slinging with 1 herald, and 1 spell slinging with 2 heralds.
Once uber lab is done Triple heralds with precision and spell slinging should be possible with taking sovereignty.

Also I picked up Eldritch Battery until I can afford Devouring Diadem

Still using pretty trash gear and I've just got into maps but the delirium encounters feel great. Will update the tree to include path to spiritual aid.

Let me know what ya think!

Edit: Example tree for lvl 81 character. Plenty of room to expand into cluster, more defense or offense etc...


Also if you dont like reviving your golems sacrifice is a good option
Última edição por Joomin#1194 em 15 de mar de 2020 23:11:35
What about two spellslinger setup.
Is there any reason to get third herald and swap something? I didn't get to endgame but just asking in advance. Thanks
Or 2 heralds are enough? I was thinking about third one
Has any one pick up on the the fact that this build is based on 2 item that convert lighting to cold damage without ever converting from physical to lightning. this build would have ok dmg from the wand and crit nodes but waist a lot of time on elemental stuff. if you followed this exactly you would be doing pure physical dmg. There also the fact that this build take 2 endurance charge node and uses immortal call but has no way to get endurance charges. Even as a theory build, and yes a theory build. all links are for 3.9 and the 3.9 skill tree. pob does even use kinetic bolt, it uses blast. it make no sense. i think they thought the base dmg was lightning because it looks like lightning, but yet has kinetic in the name? idk. felt like a moron for using this through act one
Última edição por L5Nk#7841 em 16 de mar de 2020 00:22:56
Does Spell Echo do something with Spellslinger-Arc?
"thor" and the golem gang. thor is the god of lightning not physical dmg. KINETIC bolt does phys dmg, not lightning.

for those of you duped by this build you can still fix it, kind of. swap out your heralds for wrath/lighting herald. Just keep in mind a lot of the dmg here is crit, not elemental and you have not way to get endurance charges. only power charges. swap the endurence nodes for power and use steel skin in cwst not immortal call. dont convert directly to lightning, look for "Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage." if you convert directly from phy to lightning your phy dmg will become 0 and you get nothing added as extra since theres 0 phys
Última edição por L5Nk#7841 em 16 de mar de 2020 01:26:57
You guys are savages. 5 Full pages of responses lmao. If you are one of these responses go Sub to YouTube and help a homie out :D Also thanks to everyone who is wholesome and genuine. There is no such thing as a dumb question, I will answer them all. I only get tilted by dumb questions with snarky responses. Enjoy :)

Quick question, probably obvious answer but im slow. Does Kinetic Bolt benefit from weapon modifiers "Adds # to # (Elem) damage to Spells".

I know it benefits from % increases provided from passives but im curious if it is also affected by item flat spell damage modifiers? Thanks!

It would be cool if it did, but sadly no. It only applies to the very literal "% Increased as Spell Damage".

I've gotten to act 4 so far, and got good uniques with bad sockets. I've been clearing well without the spellslinger arc, as wake of destruction is just fantastic.

This build is super fun so far, hopefully the golems will help make me less sqishy

Yeah Wake of Destruction is honestly an insane Unique. I always use it when Levelling an Attack Skill. You should definitely try the Spellslinger combo though, it is crazy as well. Super fun :)

I noticed in your lvling guide you use the Spellslinger/Arc combo but in the final gem build you do not have that anywhere. Is it not needed or did I miss something?

Yep so still going through and figuring out the Endgame Gems in practice. When I theorycrafted I didn't realise how good Spellslinger was going to be. I've switched my main Gem setup to that of the guide, however I am still using Spellslinger instead of Wrath. I will have an update in a day with the Endgame setup.

Something is bugging me about the gem links for KBolt, and I can't put my finger on it, to be honest. Would any of the following be better for damage than some of our current links? Maim (instead of Elemental Damage with Attacks?) or Impale? Am i missing something else?

In a normal build with mostly Physical Damage these would be better, however we mostly scale Elemental Damage. Also as a Witch we are nowhere near any Impale Effectiveness Nodes so it feels like kind of a waste if we were to even try a more Physical Based build.

Hey, i've been playing this build as my starter, and it felt really good, now i have all the items you recomend, besides cinderswallow and the big helmet, feels really op, also the damage you get after getting the last lab is immense.

Was just wandering, what's the catalyst that boosts the rings converted damage?

Edit just bought the helmet, even tho I have to divine it! :D


Love hearing that you are going well with the build, and clearly crushing it if you got most the items already. That helmet burst in price like no tomorrow haha. The Catalyst needed is the Turbulent Catalyst as it improves Elemental Damage modifiers. This includes the conversion.

what about this build on a occulist with double curses by spellslinger? would be also a good option? there's so much good nodes on that ascendency

Yeah Necro is cool but I really wanted to play with all the Heralds and Golem boys.

Any idea by now how this build will perform in endgame? With proper investment of course.

I think it will work fine. I have had no problems with small investment, and will push through Red Maps and upgrade as necessary. Some people in the forum are much further ahead and seem to be powering through.

Another question... instead wrath, wouldn't be better to invest on spellslinger+arc(or any other gem) and use 3 heralds?

I don't use Herald of Ash personally even with the Spellslinger setup. Still reworking and figuring out the End Game setup. Ideally trying to figure out a way for Wrath, both Heralds and Spellslinger.

I was thinking to use 2 spellslinger one with wave of conviction, the other with Arc or Glacial cascade. Sounds good in theory...

Edit: I was watching yesterday's Mathil's Twitch and he has something that's calling my attention he is using wand + shield to use Shield Charge + Fortify Support

Its sounds good, maybe for early maps. What do you all think?

Yeah 2 Spellslinger sounds awesome. Wave of Conviction is awesome, and the rest sounds fun. So many cool setups with the Gem. I like Dual Wanding so I will stick with it.

Just got to mapping, having an alright time with clearing but I seem to struggle a lot on yellow mobs and bosses, the single target feels really underwhelming and it makes me worried for late game, any advice?

I'm also using Arc + spell singer + controlled destruction in replacement of CWDT for the time being.

I also skipped CWDT lmao. If I get hit I'm going to die anyway. Will probably try and add it before Red Maps though. I'm not having any trouble with Bosses personally. For Wands grab a plain Imbued Wand and use a Shrieking Essence of Wrath on it. Craft Attack Speed or Flat Cold Damage if you get an open Prefix or Suffix. These are better for when you first enter maps.

I am having a tough time wit Uber Lab he seems very resistant to ele damage even with almost 40% ele pen, anyone else having any issues with Lab have any thoughts?

I'll be trying Uber Today, but I haven't previously had problems with Single Target. Look to upgrade your wands like I described above.

Whaaat.. I bough the wands that was recommended from the Trade search from the author...

What exactly is needed on wands?

I'm sorry I didn't disclaim properly. Those wands were based around an End Game setup. Instead upgrade your wands using the method described above.

Volley seems to be a lot better on kinetic bolt setup, I'm even doing more single target than using barrage, so I switched out barrage and it's amazing, recommended, I'm 75 at the moment we'll see what happens, seems a bit on the squishy side though (2k1 hp) but I have a tabula so hoping that'll change, nice build anyway !

Will have a test of this, thanks! The life scales a lot better as you Level up a little. I'm currently at 3.7k HP at Level 85ish. Still not heaps but a lot better than 2k.

Hey, i am still leveling and i had summon phantasm linked in and wanted to switch in barrage with it now, and noticed, that it wont work, because minion gems do not work with barrage. its a somewhat hard thing to notice, and i was wondering, why barrage wont work with the skill, but if you say, that volley is better i will try it with volley, or even take away the phantasms for mow

Volley is 100% better. You will notice a world of difference by switching. Use the Gem setup that I describe in the Levelling Cheat Sheet in the guide.

i dropped barrage so fast. It feels awful to play and the damage feels even worse than that! also instead of running wrath i've been running a second spellslinger with glacial cascade, and cwdt setup with tempest shield since i haven't found a helm to utilize immortal call, we're seriously stat starved, you have to look for strength/dex on rings/ammy. But yeah just wanted to chime in and say i don't think barrage is the thing to do here. i threw in added cold in it's place for now, and i slice through bosses 100x faster than if i used barrage.

Will test out Added Cold, I personally really like Barrage but we will have to see. Yeah Wrath is very awkward to fit in, working through that stuff now.

Running Wrath + the 2 Haralds leave me with 0 mana.
How do you get that setup to work?
I have used Spellslinger setup without wrath, which works great.
Also at level 50 i cannot have 4 golems alive, since casting the 4th, kills of one of them, so max 3. What do i need to have 4 going ?

Make sure to grab the Golem Commander point on the tree. Follow the Levelling Trees I have linked and you should be fine.

ok, i have to retract my statement a little bit. Map bosses get obliterated (sub 1 sec) right now. Only problem are metamorph bosses...but what's new?

I'm thinking if it is worth to get to point blank (5 skill points) to further ramp up the boss dmg.

Yeah it starts going hard in Maps. You are crushing it with the Character, nice Gear :D 5 Points is quite a lot imo. Those could be spent on Cluster Jewels etc. I don't think it would be worth it personally.

Hearing that golems die to everything late game.. just started mapping but worried how true this is and if it’s worth investing heavily if that’s the case. Without golems we’re pretty weak.

Mine are going fine at the moment. If we grab Primordial Bond on a Cluster Jewel, and later on a Stone Golem enchant or something it should cover all the bases. I usually only have to recast them if I do something really stupid.

My biggest issue with this build is the golems die constantly.

Try and get a Primordial Bond notable on a Cluster Jewel. This gives them a lot of extra Life.

Figured I would give this until maps before making a decision, but I'm going to re roll as assassin. I feel like there isn't going to be an acceptable way to increase the defense enough for end game.

That is a shame, but Assassin is fun :) I found with the new Cluster Jewels getting Life is a lot easier.

Playing this currently with Spellslinger during leveling.
I use it as a 4 link. Spellslinger-Arc-Spark-Balllightning. It is too much fun. I will try to use it as long as i can and see if it is viable even if you have to sacrifice Herald of ice and stuff. Will definitely play around with more spells. Thanks for this nice base guide i can always fall back to.

Glad you like it! I am enjoying it a lot as well and looking forward to testing out different combos of Spells.

I'm starting to die A LOT during delirium encounters on ACT10, this is starting to become annoying =(
the damage also on bosses doesn't seem strong enough, even with so many aura, golems and support gems, also I'm using 2 of the 'strongest' wands for my lvl right now, this kinect bolt gem need a buff ASAP

If the League Mechanic is slaughtering you then ignore it for a couple Levels and come back to it. It murdered me in Act 9 so I skipped it until Mapping and now crush through it. They are very strong as is though so keep that in mind.

Pretty fun build so far! Does pierce do anything for this skill? I tried using it on a gem but the skill happens so quickly I couldn't tell but was still really curious.

Pierce would prevent the initial forking of the skill, so ideally no we don't want Pierce at all. The link in the guide was for End Game, I didn't disclaim this properly. This is more ideal when you have Flat Elemental in a lot of other slots like Abyss Jewels.

VL 82 so far did some of the elder slayers.
Dying a ton to delirium mobs.
Dmg is pretty good but i just don't see a way to make the defense side of the build even remotely enough to survive higher tier maps.

Scaling Life through Cluster Jewels has been my main goal so far. It has helped enormously already.

How would Piscator's Vigil be with this build and flat lightning damage on abyss jewels and jewellery?

It would be a decent option. If you have all that Lightning Damage on Jewels and Jewellery then you are probably better off looking at the Trade Link for Wands in the guide. This has a weighted Sum perfect for those that have a lot of Elemental Damage on Attacks elsewhere.

Kinda bad Pantheon advise on front page, heads up. You want Lunaris with avoid projectiles that have chained. It's a must for any build with minions, or you'll go splat against anything shooting chaining projectiles. So, Solaris is pretty much out, yet he prefers it. /shrug w/e I guess

Sassy. Thanks for the comment, a very large portion of people that will follow a build guide never upgrade their Pantheon. Shit I have never upgraded my Pantehon. I try to cater to a general audience and not an epic 1337 gamer such as yourself

How does this build generate any endurance charges for immortal call?

Would it be worth it to get Overcharged?

Even without Endurance Charges Immortal Call is a solid option. Overcharged is really good. Refer to the Cluster Jewel sheet for what is best.

I have a 5 link now what would be a good set up?

Check the gem section.

Not going to quote this as it is huge. Thank you for the constructive criticism and feedback. Good to hear how you have played. Devouring Diadem is an option I considered, and would help heaps for different aspects of the build. It is a mega expensive option though and we lose so much Health in the process. A super good item though. The feedback on the minions has been super helpful and will help me solve the problems people here are struggling with.

What about two spellslinger setup.

Yeah if you can afford it it can be cool. I'll probably use Wave of Conviction alone in the end game.

Is there any reason to get third herald and swap something? I didn't get to endgame but just asking in advance. Thanks

2 Heralds are enough for us as we don't really care about Fire Damage. Use the spare mana towrads Spellslinger until you get a Wrath setup.

Has any one pick up on the the fact that this build is based on 2 item that convert lighting to cold damage without ever converting from physical to lightning. this build would have ok dmg from the wand and crit nodes but waist a lot of time on elemental stuff. if you followed this exactly you would be doing pure physical dmg. There also the fact that this build take 2 endurance charge node and uses immortal call but has no way to get endurance charges. Even as a theory build, and yes a theory build. all links are for 3.9 and the 3.9 skill tree. pob does even use kinetic bolt, it uses blast. it make no sense. i think they thought the base dmg was lightning because it looks like lightning, but yet has kinetic in the name? idk. felt like a moron for using this through act one

Bruh it is Act fucking One. I have literally a whole Levelling Cheat Sheet walk through for you to follow and you still can't make it through without complaining? Now to address some of the shit you talk.
  • I convert Lightning to Cold because I stack Lightning Damage on items. We don't build physical damage, so we don't need to convert it. This isn't like a Spell or a normal ass Attack that comes built with things like Physical Damage on the gem.
  • I don't take a single Endurance Charge node. You are confusing these with Frenzy Charges.
  • Theory at first, because the skill didn't even exist before two days ago. Everyones build was theory. Now it is working in practice. Level 85 and still going strong.
  • Skill Trees are 3.9 because Path of Exile didn't have the 3.10 skill tree till after League Launch, which was once again two days ago. In the past two days I have spent 6 hours responding to forum and YouTube Comments, 3 hours making neat infographics and cheat sheets, 3 hours recording videos for the guide. On top of trying to play the League. The tree is practically identical.
  • PoB uses Kinetic Blast as PoB only updated yesterday with Kinetic Bolt. It even says in the text on PoB that this is just a replacement for now.
  • No I didn't think the skill was Lightning, I call it Thor etc because its thematic with the fact I scale Lightning Damage.
  • I now feel like a moron for even replying to your comment

To address what you say below. I didn't try and dupe anyone. I just assumed people can read.

Does Spell Echo do something with Spellslinger-Arc?

No it doesn't as Arc isn't being Cast it is being Triggered.
What is your opinion on the taste of hate with this build?

Also, would stacking lightning damage be better or stacking cold with lightning?
Since the build converts lightning to cold. What difference would it make if I did the latter or the former?
Última edição por cuty101#5978 em 16 de mar de 2020 01:51:09
Bruh it is Act fucking One. I have literally a whole Levelling Cheat Sheet walk through for you to follow and you still can't make it through without complaining? Now to address some of the shit you talk.

ahhh, no. it took me until the end of act 1 to realize that this build has some serious flaws.

I convert Lightning to Cold because I stack Lightning Damage on items.

the only lightning dmg your getting is from lightning herald and added lightning. that is not even enough lightning dmg to apply elm aliments by itself. not worth going elementalist or using 2 ring slots for. that is unless you go for Shaper of Desolation Notable with negates the dmg req for applying elm aliments and makes the rings redundant.

We don't build physical damage, so we don't need to convert it. This isn't like a Spell or a normal ass Attack that comes built with things like Physical Damage on the gem.

yes, you build spell dmg. but the out put remains phys not lightning or anything else. the fact is your doing phy dmg with a phy attack. to say anything else is saying you can replace the spell with anything. Which i agree. if you drop kinetic bolt for arc and swap the frenzy for power. this would be a great build. but this isnt an arc build. is it/

I don't take a single Endurance Charge node. You are confusing these with Frenzy Charges.

your right, but you still have no way to get frenzy charges either. only power charges.

I now feel like a moron for even replying to your comment

fully agree and second your motion
Última edição por L5Nk#7841 em 16 de mar de 2020 02:32:12

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