Maybe it was brought up before but I think the new Elementalist is a strong contender versus Occultist for this build, as you gain Reflect Immunity, Mana Regen and even further reduced frost resistance via Frost Exposure.
Postado porFluxAureo#3142em 12 de jan de 2021 10:37:50
LesserForms escreveu:
Hey Clyde,.
Im probably gonna league start with your build.
I see the benefits of malediction, but why on earth would you drop profane bloom and say goodbye to the 40% chance to get explode? have I failed to see something here? IS it because you presuppose an explody chest?
Can you enlighten me? :)
Profane Bloom makes the build feel amazing, but not necessary overall to feel good. I think the build really needs a bit more tankiness to feel better. With this said though, Profane Bloom could be S-tier during the 10 boss challenge(s) if you can stack bosses together. If you kill ~2-3 of them, you're pretty much guaranteed to end up killing all of them from "chaining" Profane Blooms pops.
Malediction will be great for league-start and CI builds, but not so great for end-game LL builds. If you're going to push the build to LL end-game, you're probably better off picking up an Awakened Hextouch and opting for Profane Bloom. This assumes that you grabbing Withering Presence for +60% chaos resistance, which you could entirely drop and just get both!
finiarel escreveu:
Please not a manual cast curse :(
I love this build because it is "mono action".
Clydehart escreveu:
Sorry for the late responses, I am not all that active towards the tail-end of leagues. However, during league-start week, I'm pretty active and will be answering questions daily and updating the build right after the new Skill Tree/gem information is out.
TLDR so far: huge buff to the build in terms of survivability, but the dps is about the same. You can now drop Profane Bloom and grab Malediction (Enemies deal 10% reduced damage and take 10% increased damage + 15% curse effect), which allows you to run a second curse. I'll be working through the best way to incorporate everything over the next few days with a full build update planned by the end of Wednesday (EST).
No worries, there won't be manual cursing. It'll probably rely on Power Siphon + Hextouch + Frostbite + Enfeeble.
FluxAureo escreveu:
Maybe it was brought up before but I think the new Elementalist is a strong contender versus Occultist for this build, as you gain Reflect Immunity, Mana Regen and even further reduced frost resistance via Frost Exposure.
Elementalist will be a good alternative, but there are some issues/things to work through. It's a toss-up on the best Ascendancy nodes- you could use any of them and feel pretty good. If I had to guess: Shaper of Winter -> Liege of the Primordial (Flame Golem + Chaos Golem + Stone Golem) -> Mastermind of Discord -> Heart of Destruction.
As an Elementalist, you don't have stun immunity, which forces you to deal with the stuns as CI or go LL with Chayula's. This can be a problem on league-start since you have to go CI until you build enough currency for LL. Also, you don't have the free +1 curse and 10% reduced damage taken from Malediction. This can be offset with Awakened Hextouch support or the +1 curse near CI though.
With golems, gem sockets are in scarce supply- so fitting in 3 Golems will be tough.
Elementalist will have far less damage than Occultist while mapping/in packs since Cold exposure is not consistent with packs and you won't have Heart of Destruction active.
Postado porClydehart#5181em 12 de jan de 2021 11:18:11
FluxAureo escreveu:
as you gain Reflect Immunity
DoT can't be Reflect.
Postado porlordfratos#1059em 12 de jan de 2021 12:19:44
After reading the recent changes, I think we can play this build again as it is.
The 25 Cold DoT multi, is sad. But not unplayable.
Or did I miss something.
(Talking about LL End-Game)
Postado porBOOMJudge#1963em 12 de jan de 2021 16:31:39
BOOMJudge escreveu:
After reading the recent changes, I think we can play this build again as it is.
The 25 Cold DoT multi, is sad. But not unplayable.
Or did I miss something.
(Talking about LL End-Game)
Yeah, you lose 25% cold DoT multi (5% from the small nodes, and 20% from Frigid Wake). In its stead, you'll get 15% more cold damage and 10% increased cold damage, which actually turns out to be almost exactly the same depending on how much cold DoT multi you have on your gear (being a ~2% dps buff in most cases).
Postado porClydehart#5181em 12 de jan de 2021 17:10:36
Can I use Power Siphon instead of Frenzy without hurting the build much? (I prefer the MTX lol, also culling strike is nice)
Postado porDaMeeps#2073em 12 de jan de 2021 17:24:31
DaMeeps escreveu:
Can I use Power Siphon instead of Frenzy without hurting the build much? (I prefer the MTX lol, also culling strike is nice)
Yeah, you're actually in luck- the 3.13 version is going to be using Power Siphon instead of Frenzy now anyways!
Postado porClydehart#5181em 12 de jan de 2021 17:47:28
Hey dude, just wanted to cheer you on! I've been looking at ~10 builds or so over the past 48 hours trying to figure out what I want to play, and this thread really sold me on trying a cold based occultist. I think the last Occy I played was when Bane was released!
But I love the witch's VA, I love the occultist theme, I love cold damage. I'm a rubbish player but I still enjoy the game, so I really appreciate players like you who put this stuff together for the rest of us! This looks super fun to play and I'm looking forward to playing it. Your act by act breakdown is amazing. Exemplary work!
Postado porDeausx#3664em 12 de jan de 2021 20:55:59
Thanks Clyde.
I'm not planning to go LL, as I will re-roll the build to be a curser for party play. I just need it to complete the atlas :)
I will probably go profane bloom for the map clear. If everyone ends up finding out the new path is better, It's cheap to change a few ascendcy points. Can I by any chance add you in game if I have any questions?
All the best. good luck on league start and thanks for the amazing work.
Clydehart escreveu:
LesserForms escreveu:
Hey Clyde,.
Im probably gonna league start with your build.
I see the benefits of malediction, but why on earth would you drop profane bloom and say goodbye to the 40% chance to get explode? have I failed to see something here? IS it because you presuppose an explody chest?
Can you enlighten me? :)
Profane Bloom makes the build feel amazing, but not necessary overall to feel good. I think the build really needs a bit more tankiness to feel better. With this said though, Profane Bloom could be S-tier during the 10 boss challenge(s) if you can stack bosses together. If you kill ~2-3 of them, you're pretty much guaranteed to end up killing all of them from "chaining" Profane Blooms pops.
Malediction will be great for league-start and CI builds, but not so great for end-game LL builds. If you're going to push the build to LL end-game, you're probably better off picking up an Awakened Hextouch and opting for Profane Bloom. This assumes that you grabbing Withering Presence for +60% chaos resistance, which you could entirely drop and just get both!
finiarel escreveu:
Please not a manual cast curse :(
I love this build because it is "mono action".
Clydehart escreveu:
Sorry for the late responses, I am not all that active towards the tail-end of leagues. However, during league-start week, I'm pretty active and will be answering questions daily and updating the build right after the new Skill Tree/gem information is out.
TLDR so far: huge buff to the build in terms of survivability, but the dps is about the same. You can now drop Profane Bloom and grab Malediction (Enemies deal 10% reduced damage and take 10% increased damage + 15% curse effect), which allows you to run a second curse. I'll be working through the best way to incorporate everything over the next few days with a full build update planned by the end of Wednesday (EST).
No worries, there won't be manual cursing. It'll probably rely on Power Siphon + Hextouch + Frostbite + Enfeeble.
FluxAureo escreveu:
Maybe it was brought up before but I think the new Elementalist is a strong contender versus Occultist for this build, as you gain Reflect Immunity, Mana Regen and even further reduced frost resistance via Frost Exposure.
Elementalist will be a good alternative, but there are some issues/things to work through. It's a toss-up on the best Ascendancy nodes- you could use any of them and feel pretty good. If I had to guess: Shaper of Winter -> Liege of the Primordial (Flame Golem + Chaos Golem + Stone Golem) -> Mastermind of Discord -> Heart of Destruction.
As an Elementalist, you don't have stun immunity, which forces you to deal with the stuns as CI or go LL with Chayula's. This can be a problem on league-start since you have to go CI until you build enough currency for LL. Also, you don't have the free +1 curse and 10% reduced damage taken from Malediction. This can be offset with Awakened Hextouch support or the +1 curse near CI though.
With golems, gem sockets are in scarce supply- so fitting in 3 Golems will be tough.
Elementalist will have far less damage than Occultist while mapping/in packs since Cold exposure is not consistent with packs and you won't have Heart of Destruction active.
Postado porLesserForms#7751em 13 de jan de 2021 02:04:41
Clydehart escreveu:
DaMeeps escreveu:
Can I use Power Siphon instead of Frenzy without hurting the build much? (I prefer the MTX lol, also culling strike is nice)
Yeah, you're actually in luck- the 3.13 version is going to be using Power Siphon instead of Frenzy now anyways!
that frees up a gem slot so i dont have to use gmp/lmp but are we going to have a way to get frenzy charges cause my attack speed in heist felt so bad unless i had the frenzy charges.
Postado porDyslexicEvo#6831em 13 de jan de 2021 04:42:27