[3.14] Volatile Dead Spellslinger Necromancer | League Starter | Beginner Friendly
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Why in PoB there a ~3 points waste on warcry and we dont have it as a skill?
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" Enduring Cry. |
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How would swapping out Cremation for VD on bosses help with Single Target?
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Hey, enjoying the build. Did a crit VD slinger last league, and wanted to compare. So far it's doing really well. Lvl 85 atm, and just had my second death on the character just now to a t15 palace boss inhabited by a ghost... I went with an Incandescent Heart chest for an nice fat 20% ele damage as extra chaos damage. With the chest buff, plus atziri's flask, and 6% fire as extra chaos mod on my shield i'm getting 41% fire damage as extra chaos which is a very nice dps boost as well as a ton of extra leech from the flask effect.
Couple things I wanted to mention: One, and not really a huge deal but... quality on Inspiration adds duration to the inspiration charges. You have quality on the inspirations in your slinger links, but no qual on the inpiration in your barrage links. Since barrage is the skill that actually creates the charges, you should have your quality gem in that link to make them last a little longer, and not in the slinger links which only use the charges created by barrage setup. two, for the regular jewel slots on the tree, i got one jewel that has 6% chance to knock enemies back on hit. since this build does lots of little hits, both with VD and with your barrage, you will notice a lot of monsters and even many bosses getting knocked back, giving you a nice extra layer of defense. I just did a t14 mineral pools map and the Merveil boss was completely pinned against a wall from my barrage and VD balls until she died. Some bosses are immune to knockback, but it's nice defense vs mobs and non-immune bosses. it was a nice enough added defensive layer that i got a second jewel with knock back just to double the knockback chance. That, that is, is. That, that is not, is not. Is that it? It is. Última edição por JugJugJug#2801 em 25 de jul de 2020 04:44:43
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So, I only really have one problem with this.
I'm not sure if I want to play any other build ever again. Is there a support group for this? :D I want to rock right meow
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" I'll keep an eye out for knockback now, ty for this, and for the quality inspo linkage. I want to rock right meow
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I dont know what to do next on my VD Spellsinger Necro https://pastebin.com/RwnjizJq Should i change helmet for a 30% Spellsinger CDR and stay with VD 6 link Or maybe on 6 link i should remove Hyphotermia and Concentrated Effect and add Detonate Dead and Inspiration and stay with the helmet and get shield with reduced mana reservation and move herald there? And ofc i will try to get +1 all fire gems on shielda and change it. Última edição por goompas#2169 em 25 de jul de 2020 12:23:40
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" Very first and biggest problem i see is that your gem links have gone pretty far astray from the actual build guide. You should have 3 separate spellslinger links, but you're using up a lot of your mana reserve with herald of ash.... losing the extra spellslinger setups is killing your dps not boosting it. 3link spellslinger-spell cascade-desecrate 3link spellslinger-DD-inspiration 6link spellslinger-VD-spell cascade-hypo-conc effect-inspiration Elemental focus in your VD links is removing the ability to ignite and get burning damage... the extra burning damage isn't the main focus of the build, but its still extra dps and also necessary to procing all the extra dps from sadist node on cluster jewels you're not even using. Flasks... you are running aul's ammy so you def have no currency issues... yet your flasks dont even have max quality. divine your cinderswallow to get a 3% life recovery roll, since you're a life build. you have zero DPS flasks in your flask setup... atziri's promise and wise oak are both excellent choices. You should have zero need for a mana flask with this build. You should have combustion linked in your trigger wand with WoC and bone offering Flammability should be linked to your barrage 4 link attack: barrage-inspiration-curse on hit-flammability. with lvl 20 flame dash and second wind, you can level up your arcane surge some... just make sure it remains at a level where it will still proc with a single flame dash (you can look up the amount of mana needed to proc arcane surge at each level, and make it as high as you can and still proc with one flame dash. Also, Inpulsa chest is great for clear, but this build has no problems with clear... that chest gives you zero extra help with single target which is where this build needs it the most. as far as I can see at a glance, you have no source of life leech from fire damage... either from the cluster jewel you're not using, or from an amulet, or life leech from chaos damage from atziri's flask. You also have no flask with staunching suffix... zero life leech + no way to remove bleeding is kind of a recipe for disaster... You're cinderswallow, once you divine it to 3% life recovery, is definitely going to improve tankiness during clearing, but vs single target it won't keep you alive at all. and finally, your skill tree is quite a bit different from the skill tree in this guide... you are basically doing a completely different build. just sayin' That, that is, is. That, that is not, is not. Is that it? It is. Última edição por JugJugJug#2801 em 25 de jul de 2020 13:22:18
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