[3.14] Volatile Dead Spellslinger Necromancer | League Starter | Beginner Friendly

Is there a budget variant for the endgame? Or generally items to place bosses like Sirius / Elder and other bosses? Why is the Inpulsas only 5 link? What about Concentrated Effect Support, shouldn't that be 6 Link?
xerospl escreveu:
Could you check my profile char: xerosaw and give me some tips what to do? Conquerors one shot me along with sirius and it takes a lot of time to kill them, t16 is also kinda dangerous to not die.

I know that some numbers might be higher on gear, but what would be the best way to get more DPS or Survivality there?

Your character is private, so I cannot view it. I am at 7eHP for this build, as well as 54% block chance. I find this build to be safe enough. The only option to be safer is to go CI in my opinion.

As for DPS, yeah it does go slower at t16 with not the greatest of gear so scaling the DPS with a good wand +# on shield with 21 VD should be a big help. Yes the build does get expensive but any build to farm t16 smooth with need investment. I have not encountered a lvl8 sirus yet, and if I make any large changes to my build I will make a video and update this guide a bit
Hollycz escreveu:
so since there arent really any videos online apart from CoC version can you briefly state whats better? I am looking for mainly something tanky to get through delirium easily and farm high lvl of rewards. also kill sirus 8 "easily".

can we make this CI?

I see a lot of people strugglin with dps and I got like 25ex to invest and i need it to be a lot better than my 100c imapler.

thanks for reply or it is ok if you just provide more reference videos

I was looking at someone's CI VD Spellslinger the other day. Here is the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mqf_mwEb7I. He has the PoB in the description as well. It is expensive but it does do a lot more damage than the budget version I made for this league!
CE2JRH escreveu:
If you get a curse on hit/flammability or curse on hit/elemental weakness ring, what would you link in the two open Barrage Slots?

Also, is that worth it over the lowered amount of enemy resist reduction? A level 8 Flammability is -32% fire resist; a 20/20 is -44% fire resist.

If you decide to go with curse on hit ring, a good option is to transfer your wand skill to Frenzy, GMP, Inspiration, and something like Onslaught. Also Power Siphon, Inspiration, and 2 other support gems can work as well for DPS increase.

If you insist on barrage (like me) then Barrage, Inspiration, Onslaught, and Culling Strike is what I would try out and see if it feels better!
SQUAZZ escreveu:
Is a 5 link Inpulsa's better than a 6 link rare chest for this build?

6 link, inpulsa is because it dropped for me and it worked well to explode the easy content!
KTOFL escreveu:
Is there a budget variant for the endgame? Or generally items to place bosses like Sirius / Elder and other bosses? Why is the Inpulsas only 5 link? What about Concentrated Effect Support, shouldn't that be 6 Link?

This was my league start, so I only had a 5 link. I would use a 6 link for this build. For the endgame I found a CI expensive version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mqf_mwEb7I Budget variant would be this build (without inpulsa)
ShamefulPenguin escreveu:
KTOFL escreveu:
Is there a budget variant for the endgame? Or generally items to place bosses like Sirius / Elder and other bosses? Why is the Inpulsas only 5 link? What about Concentrated Effect Support, shouldn't that be 6 Link?

This was my league start, so I only had a 5 link. I would use a 6 link for this build. For the endgame I found a CI expensive version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mqf_mwEb7I Budget variant would be this build (without inpulsa)

thanks Shame <3
I have just bought 6 Link Inpulsas and have noticed that I can no longer use 3x Spellslinger, too little mana. Do you have a Tipp for me? ^^
Hallo, ty for the Guide! Is impulsa worth to try to 6link it? And i have elemental weakness in barrage setup, should i switch for flammability?!
And i am curious, too what i should link to barrage of i get a curse on hit ring??

Ty for your guide and your effort that helps a lot when u are as stupid as i am :D

Greetings from germany and good loot to all of you!

P.s.: i am thankful for every advise cause i die a lot actually. Maybe someone has any tips for my gear or sth?! What to upgrade or look for maybe...
is there a key item or something we need to use to be able to run 3 spellslinger auras? or just more mana on gear? the Conqueror's Efficiency jewel will not do much probably

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